Chapter 7

Standing in the cell, she was struggling to take her jumpsuit off when a pair of arms drew around her. “Are you alright, Angel? I was so worried. I’m going to kill that bastard when I meet him!” Not if, but when.

“I’m just tired from the painkillers they gave me.” She let her head flop back on his chest. He happily held her weight.

“He broke my arm,” She mumbled sleepily.

He was beyond angry. But seeing her struggling to stay awake he couldn’t help but soften. “Let’s get you undressed and you can sleep.”

With one arm holding her up, he helped her remove her jumpsuit, leaving her in a white t-shirt and a pair of boxers.

“Boxers?” He asked knowing she normally wore cute white cotton panties. He started to get turned on just thinking about it, but knew right now was not the time.

“I had a shower just now instead of the morning.”

“Aha, that explains the damp hair,” He said only just noticing it.

Placing the clothes on the side table, he picked her up and placed her on his bunk before climbing in behind him.

“You sleep, Angel. We’ll talk in the morning.” He pressed his lips to her temple and pulled her against him. She fell asleep almost instantly. But he laid there worrying.

It hadn’t even been five days, but he already cared for her deeply.

But normal couples only spend a couple of hours a day together if they are lucky. He gets to spend all day and night with her. He didn’t know what was going to happen between them, but even if they didn’t work out as a couple, he wanted to continue to be her friend.

But he hoped they worked out. He had never felt like this for any women he had been with before.

One thing he did know for certain is that he had to make sure either he was out by the time Alexia was released or Gus was out the way.

He would not let him hurt her again.


When Benga heard the officer’s keys in the lock the following morning, he jumped out of the bed and messed up the top bunk pretending he just got out of it.

“What is she doing in your bunk?” The officer asked after entering the cell.

“She couldn’t get up on the top bunk with her arm, so we swapped,” He lied, but the officer bought it. “Should I wake her up?”

“No. I’ve been told to collect her when everyone has finished in the showers. Collect what you need and I’ll lock the door back up.”

Normally when everyone got up they left the doors open, but as Alexia was still asleep and alone they locked the door.

Walking into the dining hall all eyes were on her.

“I’ve got you some food,” Benga called to her and patted the one and only free chair at the table next to him.

She sat in the seat he pulled out for her. He even went to help feed her, porridge and toast.

“I still have a hand, Sammy, I can feed myself,” She only half joked though none of the people at the table was laughing. “Alright. Why is everyone so solemn?” She asked barely.

“Are you serious?” Benga asked in disbelief.

“Please, I’m fine. At least I have witnesses to his insanity this time.”

“You are not fine. He broke your arm. The guys told me what happened, the sickening crack, you crying. The guy…” He began mumbling more to himself than anyone about murder and all the stuff he wanted to do.

Alexia was a little freaked out by everything but hid it well. She didn’t want anyone thinking she was weak.

“How are you feeling, Turtle? Does it hurt much?”

“Don’t call her that!” Benga snapped at his friend gaining the attention of a guard.

“I don’t want any trouble. Keep it down,” He warns them before moving back with the other guards on duty.

“I didn’t mean it in a bad way,” Sid defended.

“I know, Sid. Sammy has got his grumpy hat on today. I think it’s best to avoid speaking to him for now.”

Sid couldn’t help but smile. “That’s more like it. Oh and thank you for helping me and thank you, Gunnar,” She turned her head to the man she would describe as a silent black Herculean type man in his early forties. “Thank you for my so-called father. It’s just a shame he didn’t fall and hit his head on the corner of the table.”

“He deserved it. The slimy bastard.”

“Hang on…” Benga said with a dark look. Alexia thought her was angry at her for her grumpy hat comment, but he didn’t mention it.

“You hit her dad?”

The older man smirked, “I would have done more if I could get away with it.”

“You should have seen,” Sid said excitedly. “Her dad was spitting venom about her, saying she should have died with her mom and sister. Then Gunnar’s fist just appeared out of nowhere and knocked the guy on his ass. Then just walked off like nothing happened.” He re-laid the story, including telling him how the officers pretended they didn’t see anything.

“Thank you, man, both of you for taking care of my Angel,” Benga placed a hand on Alexia’s shoulder. He wanted to pick her up, place her on his lap and hold her, never letting her go. But he knew then the officers would know their relationship was far more than it should be and she would be removed from his cell. He would never risk that happening, she was his angel and his alone.


Being as she had damaged her arm only the evening before, Alexia was offered a day off from work duty. But instead she chooses to work, knowing that not only would the solitude drive her crazy but would also worry her new found friends and protector.

As she was unable to use one of her arms, she was placed on light duties in the library. Benga was told he would not have to be with her as there was always at least one member of staff there. But as expected he had argued and they had been forced to change the work plan in the library to include him.

That morning had not only relieved any doubts that Benga was well respected by both the inmates and staff alike, but it also became clear that most of their fellow prisoners saw him as some kind of leader.

“Sammy, I swear to God as much as I like you if you don’t let me do my own work soon I’m gonna hit you around the head with my cast,” She exclaimed growing tired of constant babying.

The officer in the hall paid special attention to them as if waiting for something to happen but made no move.

“Don’t be like that, Angel,” He replied low enough for only her to hear and follow her as she walked out of the officer’s view behind a bookcase.

“I care for you a lot. I just want to help you out.” After making sure no one was watching he placed a quick kiss on her lips before stepping back with a small smile.

“I have wanted to do that all morning,” He said in a breath. “God, I hate not being able to touch you, not being able to tell everyone – officers included – that you are my girl, no one else, just mine…” He pecked her lips again. “Forever,” It was barely audible and she wasn’t sure if she was supposed to hear it but she did.

“My beautiful Angel,” He whispered wrapping his arms around her, forgetting for a moment where they were. A throat cleared behind him. “That’s enough,” The stern officer’s voice made them pull apart.

“Sorry, sir… I-” Alexia cut herself off and faked a dizzy spell.

Benga instantly reached back out and caught her, unaware that is was an act, and he felt panicked.

“Shit!” The other man cursed. He went to take her from the large prisoner. But Benga made it clear he wasn’t letting anyone else touch her just by his expression alone.

The officer sighed but nodded before calling to the other officer that he was taking her, along with Benga’s help to the infirmary.

“Sammy,” Alexia whispered to his cellmate as he now cradled her as the officer was distracted.

“I am fine. I am acting. Don’t worry.” His eyes narrowed as if trying figure something out.

“You best be, little girl,” He said in a low, deep warning tone. “Because if you aren’t I’ll spank your ass raw when you’re better,” He warned and worrying, maybe even scaring her a little.

But that fear soon disappeared when his lips briefly touched her nose. “Thank you, Angel. I lo-” He stopped himself mid-word when he saw the officer turning back to them. He quickly masked his smile as if the last few seconds hadn’t happened.

“It’s sorted. Follow me, we’ll take her to the nurse.”


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