Chapter 5

“And just so you know. I believe you when you say you don’t cry. You are without a doubt the most unique woman I have ever met. You are strong, intelligent, funny… The list goes on forever. But you are also the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and not just on the outside,” Junior said looking at the woman sat beside him.
She suddenly felt self-conscious, “Um…” She looked around nervously. She had people tell her before today that she was beautiful before but only chavs or similar types. Never a genuine person like him and the way he looked at her…
“I…I made you all soggy,” She stuttered trying to dry his jumper on her sleeve.
He grabbed her arm and stopped her. “It doesn’t matter. It will dry,” He said cupping her cheek so she would look at him.
“You really are not like anybody I have ever met before,” He was looking at her with a smile, his masculine hand still cupping her cheek.
“You are braver and more forthright than most men, let alone women. But the moment a man pays you a compliment you shy away…” He looked over her face.
“Surely in such times that you live in a man has not become so blind as not to see and pay a compliment to a beautiful woman when he finds her?”
Joanne stayed silent, her heart beat so hard and fast she thought it might beat out of her chest.
She mentally scolded herself. Here was this handsome, strapping man, showering her with compliments and all she could do is… Nothing.
His smile faltered slightly, “I understand if my feelings are not returned. I just want to let it be known that I have strong feelings towards you and enjoy your company very much. You may say no, but I wish to pursue a relationship… court you?” He awaited her answer with bated breath.
“I know we have no idea what is coming and we have just met, but surely it is worth a try…” He quickly added.
Her mouth opened and closed a few times, but no words came out. She stopped, took a deep breath and tried again.
“B… But why…” She stuttered slightly, “Why would you want me? I’m not exactly… You, yourself thought I was a boy. Doesn’t that tell you anything?”
“Yes but if you remember right I said you was a pretty little boy,” He joked.
“But in all seriousness even in boys clothes you are beautiful. Why do you dress like that if you don’t mind me asking?”
“They are comfortable. But also I don’t really enjoy wearing the tight clothes women do in my time. I don’t like how everyone stares at me.”
Andy Junior frowned slightly. “In that case, then I am happy you dress like that.” He didn’t like the idea of men staring at her.
He saw her looking at him as though she wanted to ask him something. “What is it, princess?” He asked her.
“Are you just asking me because you saw the stuff I showed you and told you about and think I will have sex with you like your working girl?”
His frown deepened and he shook his head, “I never thought that for a moment. I asked you because you are the only woman I have ever met which actually interests me and I enjoy being around. And I have never been with a working girl or any other girl,” His voice went quieter near the end.
She looked at him in disbelief, “But… Sailors and fishermen are well known for… You know…” She stared at him.
“That is true. But my parents both have always told me I should wait for the one I intend to marry. I also I never found a person I was really interested in enough for either.”
“You are a virgin?” Her voice surprised.
“As feminine as the term sounds – yes, I am. Whether you are or not has no meaning on the matter. I like you the same either way. I understand you come from a liberal time… I am not saying we should get married or even have relations… I mean that would be nice. To marry… But we should get to know each other more beforehand,” He rambled.
She chuckled, “You are sweet. And just so you know, I am untouched too. Both because I have never found the right man and also if anyone tried my dad would kill them,” She only half joked. “But I have kissed people.”
“Me too. Sadly my first kiss was taken… Unwillingly might I add, by Millie. She is quite persistent,” He frowned, but she could see the humour in his eyes.
“And I am happy to hear you are ‘untouched.’ But surprised. Not only by that but also that you are not married to anyone yet.”
“Not many men want to get married in my time. They would rather live in sin and have babies. The thing that has become the norm. But not me. I will only have babies and my virginity to the man I eventually marry. It is considered old fashioned in my time to do so. But I guess growing up with a father from the past has given me some old fashioned qualities. I don’t want to be like other modern woman and just settle for anything,” She smiled sadly. “Another reason I do not have a man, because I will not give myself fully to a relationship which is going nowhere.”
His smile returned, “That is another thing which makes you perfect.” She gave him a confused look. “You will not settle for anything or anyone but the one,” He explained.
He almost absentmindedly stroked her cheek, “Please give me a chance and I promise I will do my best to be your one?” His voice hopeful.
“You are very handsome.” His smiled widened. “I would be a fool if I didn’t let you try… So, yes, you can court me,” She found it funny saying court.
Remembering where she was she moved her head back causing Junior’s hand to move from her face.
“Where’s your dad gone?” She asked making him look around.
“He must have gone to help with the haul. I didn’t ever notice him leave…” He looked back to her and grinned, “But being around you, princess, it is not surprising.”
She smiled back, “Such a charmer” She teased.
“Only when it comes to you,” He had gotten closer without realizing. “I am beyond happy you are here… With me,” His eyes flickered to her plump full lips and back up to her eyes.
She noticed and bit her bottom lip nervously. This didn’t go unnoticed by Junior, who found it harder and harder not to kiss her.
“Please stop that, princess,” He shifted his position slightly on his seat. “Or I will not be held responsible for my actions,” His voice almost desperate.
“Stop what?” She asked honestly confused as to what he was talking about. As soon as she finished speaking she went back to biting her lip. Making him groan.
“I’m sorry.” She was about to ask why, when his reason became obvious.
He grabbed the back of her head and pressed his lips to hers. Her eyes widened in shock. When she didn’t respond to the kiss after a few seconds, he pulled back. But was surprised when she, herself pulled him into another kiss. This one which both respond to.
Junior couldn’t help but think about how she was no longer biting her lip, he was kissing it. Causing him to deepen the kiss and pull her closer.
Neither being regular kissers were not used to the art of kissing and breathing.
Meaning after only a minute both had to pull away for air.
Joanne almost immediately placed her fingers on her still tingling lips.
“Are your lips tingling too?” Junior asked breathlessly noticing her reaction.
She nodded silently but then asked, “Did it feel different for you too? From your other kisses?”
He smiled, “If you mean in a good way? Then yes. It was the best feeling I have ever had,” He said honestly.
“For me too,” She said resting her head on his chest as of it was the norm.
Not that he minded. In fact, he couldn’t be happier.
They sat in silence in the same position for the next several minutes. Junior stroking her hair and holding her. Joanne drawing patterns on his hand and just enjoying being with him as he was with her.
She and he both felt as though they had known each other several weeks, not hours.
The boat horn blew and Junior sighed, “That means we are coming into port. I should go help them,” He sounded reluctant.
Joanne sat up and looked at him.
“Will you be alright here?” He asked her.
She frowned, “Can’t I go with you? I promise I will not get in the way,” She said the last part in a singsong voice.
“You want to?” He sounded surprised. “It isn’t the kind of thing women like to do,” He told her.
She gave him an ‘are you serious?’ expression. “After all you have learned about me, you still think me normal?” She raised her eyebrow. “I may not be strong or any good at real sea fishing, but I do love it, mess, smell and all. Strange as it may sound.”
He chuckled and brushed his fingers across her cheek, “I should have guessed. You are my princess after all. That makes you princess of all the sea and fishes.”
“I guess I am not the only strange one, thank God,” She joked grinning.
“Not strange, we are unique. You can come with me but…”
“I should put my hat back on so they think I am a boy,” She finished his sentence.
He smiled sadly, “Just for now, princess,” He kissed her forehead. “They are good men, but even good men shouldn’t be hundred percent trusted… My father and I excluded…”
“Of course,” She replied.
“It is for your own safety. Me and my father will be around you most of the time. All if I have my way. But it is best to be safe than sorry.”
“It’s alright. I expected this anyway. I have grown up with four males. I should be alright in pretending. But I draw the line at going to the toilet over the side,” She joked remembering.
He laughed out loud, “You know about that?” She nodded. “Don’t worry, princess, I will make sure you never have to do that.”
“Good,” She said pushing the last of her hair under her hat, “Because I am sure my boy charade would be up the moment my trousers passed my knees.”
He looked her up and down. His mind suddenly thinking of how she would look naked.
Joanne shook her head reading his mind.
“Little Andy?” She said using his nickname to get his attention.
“Please don’t call me that, princess.”
“Is it alright for me to place my bag back in that room?” She asked ignoring his pleads.
“It will be safe in here. No one comes in here but my dad and me. But you can put it in there if you want. You don’t have to ask. It is your cabin too.”
“It’s ours?” She asked.
“Unless you wish to sleep in the workers cabins?” He joked. “But personally I rather like the sound of our cabin.”
She didn’t answer at first and hurried into the bunk room she had slept in and placed her bag inside before coming back out to Junior.
“I think I would rather sleep with you… OK, that came out sounding a lot more sexual than intended,” She blushed as she spoke.
He stood up beside her and took her hand in his, “Don’t worry, princess. I will not take advantage of you. We can go as slow as you want. I just want to know you better.” He kissed the back of her hand.
“Let’s go… And remember junior or Andy or anything just not little Andy,” He said before they exited to the cabin to the main corridor.
“How about Jr?” Seeing his confusion she explained, “It’s short for Junior, but sounds manlier. Don’t you think?”
“I like that. You can call me that,” He said.
Joanne heard men’s voices and let go of Junior’s hand. Making him frown, but he understood and gave her a small smile and whispered for her to stay close. Before finally stepping out of the door into the helm.