Chapter 6

The captain stood watching the ship dock from the helm. Making sure everyone was doing what they were meant to be.

Two other men were also in the helm – one on the wheel and the other checking readings and other tasks as they began to bring the ship to a slow stop.

“Good. Now drop anchor and throw out the lines to the dock,” Captain yelled once they were at a complete standstill in the correct place.

“Aye sir,” Several voices called back from outside on the deck.

The two men on the helm were too involved in their jobs to notice the pairs arrival. The captain, on the other hand, noticed after a few seconds.

“Nice to see you finally join us,” He said looking to the pair knowingly his eyes full of amusement despite his blank expression.

The two other men didn’t turnaround, already knowing it was Junior.

Junior walked closer with Jo following close beside him.

“When did you finally noticed I had gone?” He asked low enough for only his son and the girl to hear.

Before Junior had a chance to answer Jo cut in, “About ten minutes ago.”

He laughed, “I left more than an hour ago and you only notice then?”

“You wasn’t gone that long, were you?” Junior asked his father.

“I was. But we can talk about that later,” He turned his attention to a nervous looking Jo.

“You’ve come to help?” He asked her not entirely surprised.

“If I can, but I fear I probably will be more a hindrance than a help. But I would at least like to try and help. That is if that is alright with you, Mr Captain?” She said honestly.

Her voice gained them the attention of the other two men in the helm.

Both who looked to be in their thirties and were wearing confused expressions.

Captain saw this and waved them off, “Go back to work. I’ll explain later,” He told them dismissively.

“We have just docked in at Gdansk, Poland. I am unsure what job to give you at this time. But I would be more than alright…” He looked at his son and then back to Jo, “…If you wished to stay on board and help out. As I am sure would Junior.” Junior gave his father a nod to say yes.

“In that case…” Andrew senior paused to think, “I have to speak to the Polish docking master. You can accompany us for now until I figure out what else you can do,” He suggested.

She smiled and silently gave him a mock salute, making him chuckle.

“Captain, it’s done,” One of the men called.

“Good. Make sure the haul and everything is prepared,” He called out.

“Oh and this is Jo,” He told the two men in the helm.

“Jo is my good friends child. You will treat Jo…” Trying not to us a female or male term, “…as you do me and Junior.”

“Yes, sir,” They said together still looking at her as though trying to work something out.

She was thankful when the two Andy’s led her out of the helm.

“You said Jo a lot in there,” Junior said humorously.

“Yes. I was unsure whether you were still a boy or not?” Andrew senior asked with a smirk.

“I think it’s for the best for the time been,” Junior answered for her and the captain agreed.

A minute later they were outside, on deck.

The crew of the ship all looked at her curiously as she walked with the two men.

As he did before the captain made a quick introduction and they carried on their way.

He did not miss the lingering looks his son continuously gave his friend’s daughter.

Once on solid land two large bearded men came over to the captain. He walked and met them halfway, leaving his son and Jo stood waiting.

“Where is Pawel?” He asked the two men.

“Do you speak English?” The only replies he got were in Polish.

After a minute of seeing his father struggle, Junior and Jo walked over.

“What’s the problem?” He asked him.

“I don’t know. But Pawel isn’t here, so I have no idea what they are saying,” He replied frustrated.

“It’s just a language problem?” Jo asked double checking.

“Yes. But it will lead to a lot more problems if I can’t get them to understand me.”

Without another word to them she turned to the two polish dock men.

“Czesc. Gdzie jest Pawel? Powinien tu byc zeby rozmawiac z moim kapitanem,” (Hello. Where is Pawel? He is meant to be here to speak to my captain) She suddenly spoke in fluent Polish surprising all four men.

“Czesc,” (Hello) The larger man of the two looked at her curiously. “Pawel mial wypadek i musi pozostac w lozku. Obawiam sie, ze tym razem musisz wszystko zalatwic z nami.” (Pawel has been involved in an accident. He is confined to a bed. I am afraid you will have to put up with us this time) He said with a creepy smile. She went on to translate what each party had to say to each other, into English and Polish both. The whole time she felt a set of eyes burning into her back.

Junior and his father stood back as Jo spoke to the men with ease.

“She is quite impressive, isn’t she?” His father said to get his attention.

“Yes. She is,” Junior smiled still watching her.

“You like her a lot, don’t you?” The captain asked already knowing.

Junior looked at his father, “Is it that obvious?”

“It isn’t hard to tell. I’ve never seen you willingly spend five minutes in a room with any other woman, let alone hug one. Apart from your mother of course. Not forgetting the way you look at her and smile. If it were any other woman, you would have noticed the moment I stood up. Not more than an hour later. She is special and not just because of her father or the time she comes from. I like her. She is a good woman. Different? Yes. But that only makes her even more perfect for you,” He told his son.

“Dad…” Junior paused and looked back to Jo, who was still busy speaking to the two men.

“Yes, son?” Andrew senior followed his son’s eye line and smiled to see he was again watching her.

“Do you believe in love at first sight?” Junior was not looking away from Jo as he spoke.

The captain looked at his son wide-eyed, “You really feel that strongly? Are you sure it isn’t just lust?”

“Yes, I do and no, it isn’t. Do not misunderstand me, I would love to be with her intimately but that is not important. I like her for more than just her outward appearance,” Junior sighed. “I would wait as long as it took. I would be happy just having her by my side.”

She must have felt him staring at her because she looked back to him and smiled, then went back to talking. Andrew senior noticed his son’s smile widen and his eyes sparkle. Whilst Jo’s cheek’s reddened.

“Dziekuje. Powiem mojemu kapitanowi, zeby byl gotowy w pol godziny.” (Thank you. I’ll tell my captain to be ready in thirty minutes) She said turning to leave, she saw Junior was still staring at her, smiling. She couldn’t help but smile in return.

She felt her face heat up and she turned back to see the two Polish men still stood there.

“Czy oni wiedza, ze jestes kobieta? Czy Ty jedynie ‘obslugujesz’ rodzine kapitana?” (Do they know you are a woman or is it only the Captain’s family you ‘perform’ for?) One asked implying she was a prostitute.

She narrowed her eyes. “Tak, oni wiedza, ze jestem kobieta i nie – nikogo nie musze ‘obslugiwac,'” (Yes, they know I am a woman and I do not need to perform for anyone) She snapped back.

“My tutaj zawsze mamy prace dla mlodych ladnych panienek jak Ty.” (We always have work here for a pretty young thing like yourself) The second man made no secret at the fact that he was checking her out. “Jesli bys chciala byc z prawidziwymi mezczyznami,” (If you wanted to be with real men)

She folded her arms across her chest but quickly unfolding them when she noticed the lingering looks the men were paying to her ample sized chest.

Footsteps from behind her caught her attention but not the men’s.

“Jedynym mezczyzna jakim jestem jestem zainteresowana jest moj maz,” (The only man I am interested in is my husband)

“Ale Ty nie nosisz obraczki.” (But you don’t wear a ring?)

“Poniewaz nie chce jej zgubic kiedy pomagam przy rybie. Przechowuje ja w naszej kajucie dla bezpieczenstwa. Czyz nie jest to zadaniem zony pomagac mezowi w czymkolwiek zapragnie? Moj maz, ktory tak sie sklada, ze jest synem kapitana, lubi miec mnie blisko siebie,” (Because when I help out with the fish I don’t not wish to lose it. I keep it in mine and my husband’s cabin for safe keeping. Isn’t it a wife’s job to help her husband with whatever he may desire? Mine, is my captain’s son, just so happens to like me close by) She said suggestively.

She turned her head to see both the captain and Junior now stood beside her. The captain was looking at the men with a blank expression, but Junior was openly glaring at them.

Joanne turned her eyes back to the Poles, “Jak sami widzicie moj maz jest bardzo zaborczy,” (As you see my husband is quite possessive) She gave them a sweet smile.

“Dziekujemy wam za wspolprace.” (We thank you for your business)

She was about to tell the captain they were ready when the Poles said a final word.

“Zamezna czy nie – jesli zmienisz zdanie mozemy Cie ustawic w ladnym malym domku i nie bedziesz musiala sie ubierac jak chlopak. Nie bedziesz musiala robic nic poza sprawianiem przyjemnosci paru mezczyznom. Jesli zmienisz zdanie, spytaj o mnie albo o Wiktora – wszyscy mnie znaja.” (Married or not, if you change your mind we can have you set up in a nice little house and you would not have to dress like a boy. You would need for nothing and all you would have to do is please a few men. If you change your mind just ask for me – Wiktor, everyone knows me)

He reached forward to touch her cheek but he stopped when he saw the death glares Junior was sending him.

“Bede o tym pamietac,” (I’ll keep that in mind) She said as if she meant think about it, but had no intention. But thankfully it was enough to see the men leave.

“Mamy nadzieje widziec Cie czesciej slicznotko,” (Hope to see more of you soon beautiful)

She rolled her eyes, but they didn’t see because they were already on their way. Turning back to face the captain she told him what they told her to say.

“They said to be ready in thirty minutes and that everything will be the same as when you deal with Pawel.” He nodded in understanding.

“What else did they say?” Junior asked her with an annoyed expression.

“He isn’t angry at you,” The captain told her quickly, before disappearing to have the boat ready in time. Leaving his son and Jo alone.

Junior’s expression softened on hearing that, “Sorry. I am not angry at you, I just didn’t like how they were staring at you.” They slowly began walking back to the ship.

“They knew I was a woman. Which I guess you already had guessed. They wanted me to go and work for them or perform as they put it.” Junior’s eyes narrow, he wanted to go find the men and beat them.

“I told them my husband wouldn’t like it. They said if I changed my mind they would set me up in a nice small house, with dresses and I would not have to lift a finger. Simply lie back and entertain a few men.” She watched his expression change from angry to confused.

“Husband?” He asked. They were safely back on the ship, but no one was around to hear them because they were all busy.

“But you’re not married?”

She smirked, “They didn’t know that. How else was I meant to get them to leave me alone? But it worked a treat especially when you came over glaring at them.”

His eyes widen in realization, “You told them I am your husband?” His voice shocked. He stopped and looked at her.

“Yes. Are you mad at me?” She asked him nervously, trying not to bite her lip but failing miserably.

“No, princess,” He said quickly, “I could never be mad at you.” He cupped her cheek and pulled her bottom lip from her teeth with his thumb. She placed a kiss on his thumb almost without thinking.

“I like the idea of being your husband and you, my wife,” He said honestly.


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