Chapter 7

“I like the idea of being your husband and you my wife,” He said honestly.
She laughed, but stopped when she realised he was serious.
“I may have just met you, but I already know I want you forever by my side.”
Her eyes widened at his words. She opened her mouth to say something but he cut her off.
“Before you say it’s just lust, no, it isn’t. I love you. Even if you agreed to marry me now, I would wait as long as it took for you to be ready.”
Jo felt her breath stop in her throat and he took her hand in his. “I know we do not know what is going to happen and when your father undoubtedly comes to save you maybe you will want to return to your time. But I am hoping you and your father both will decide to stay. I don’t have a ring with me, but…”
He got down on one knee. “Joanne Harris…” He looked up at her. “Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
So silent you could hear the sound of their hearts beating against their rib cages.
Still quiet, he stood up and looked at her worried he had rushed her.
“You do not have to answer me straight away, princess. Take your time.” He placed a long lingering kiss on her forehead.
“Not meaning to sound unladylike… Not that you don’t think that already,” She began to ramble. He cupped her cheek. “You could never be anything but my princess. Now what is it?” He asked half expecting it to be a refusal to his proposal.
Her face creased in embarrassment. “I really need to pee.”
“You need the loo?” He verified.
She nodded with a blush.
“You know there is always the side of the ship?” He smirked remembering her previous words. “Andy!” She whined.
His smile grew, “I love the sound of my name on your lips,” He said bringing her closer to him. She hit his hands away. “Will you love the puddle I make as much?” She asked in a low sarcastic voice. “Oh yes. Sorry,” He said sheepishly.
“Follow me.” He took her hand not caring if anyone saw and began walking towards a door which Jo knew led to the lower deck.
“It’s alright for you,” She grumbled. “You can just pop him out and do your business.” He burst out laughing.
“Pop him out?” He looked at her as they walked. “I have never heard that term before.” His face red from laughing and hers from embarrassment. “You are very funny. I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard.” He stopped and hugged her to his chest. Took a deep breath and kissed the top of her head.
“We are now on the lower deck where we store our food and other things. The galley and mess hall is also on this floor.” He broke the hug but kept one arm around her and led her to a locked door.
He pulled out a key and unlocked the door before entering. Pulling her in with him, the door slamming closed behind them.
r let his arm drop and walked over to the far counter.
The room was filled with blankets, what looked like share clothing and some other bits Jo was unsure about.
“I know this probably isn’t what you are used too but…” He grabbed chamber pot. “But it’s what we use on board. This is new. We have a few spares in case,” He explained.
“I really need to go, Andy,” She said crossing her legs.
“Be my guest,” He smirked and held out the pot not expecting what come next. She quickly grabbed the thing not caring where she was. “Unless you are planning on watching me, out!” She ordered. “Yes, ma’am!” He turned and went to leave but paused.
“The porthole is over the sea on this side of the ship, empty the pot out of the window and into the sea when you are done. Call me when your finished, there are some other pieces we need from in here. I’ll be outside.” He rushed out of the room and closed the door behind him.
Jo was finished fast and as she was told she pour the contents out of the oval porthole over the sea.
It did not matter how disgusting Jo did or did not find it, the fact of the matter was she was stuck here at least until her father came and then maybe longer.
She would have to get used to things. Apart from the toilet matter Jo actually like the idea of living in this time. If her father did decide to stay as she suspected he might she would too. She was sure at least her older brother would come too.
Once done she left the pot in the corner and opened the door to call Junior only to find him indisposed.
Him nor the woman standing near him didn’t seem to notice the door open and Jo watching them.
“Waiting for me?” The overly friendly, what Jo guessed must be the working girl asked him.
Junior wore a hard expression. “No,” He said coldly. “If I ever wish for the great pox then I will call on you.”
Jo chuckled silently.
Great pox meaning syphilis.
“Why have you never visited me before?” The woman asked ignoring his comment.
“I could make you feel really good.” She stepped closer and before he had a chance to react she had moved her hand in one swift movement on the his crotch.
Jo’s heart fell and her humour disappeared. In that one second a dozen different thoughts ran through her head.
What if he doesn’t stop her?
Did he really love her?
Could he really love her after such a short time? Was there such a thing as love at first sight? Did she love him? Was he going to hurt her if she took a chance?
Her first question was quickly answered.
“Keep your disgusting hands to yourself or I’ll throw you overboard and not when we are docked!” He snapped, harshly pushing her away. The woman stumbled but caught herself on the wall behind her.
Jo breathed a sigh of relief, gaining the woman’s attention. Her eyes snapped to Jo and she smiled, “How about you? I don’t mind the young ‘uns.”
Junior’s saw Jo with a worried yet questioning look as if to say ‘please don’t get the wrong idea.’
“You are truly disgusting,” He sneered and walked over to Jo.
“You know where I’ll be,” The woman smirked disappearing into a neighbouring cabin a few doors up from the storage room.
Silently they re-entered the storage room, closing the door behind them.
“Jo, please it wasn’t what it looked like. I have never and would never be interested in her. I was waiting and she just grabbed… It. I didn’t…” He panicked. The ramble was cut short by Jo pressing her lips to his and giving him one long lingering peck.
She pulled back to see his stunned face.
“I know you never did anything. You are a good man. Even if you did threaten to throw her into the sea,” She grinned and turned back to face the room.
“Now, what else do we need?”
She felt arms circle her waist and pull her back against something warm.
“How do you do it?” He said as if trying to work out a puzzle. “Just when I think you can’t get any more perfect you do,” He kissed the side of her neck making her involuntary shiver. “I swear if you don’t agree to marry me I think I’ll cry,” He said with a hint of humour.
“I think I might say no just to see that,” She smirked.
“You are a mean woman. First you stood and watched me get harassed by a harlot, now you want to see me cry?”
“Of course. What is more manly than a man willing to cry?”
“Then if I asked you again on bended knee, with tears falling down my face you would accept me?” He asked unsure whether she was joking or not.
“Probably not. I would more likely just laugh at your attempt,” She smiled at thought.
He frowned and placed another kiss on her neck this one lingering. Again she shivered at the touch.
“You smell really good,” He said after a deep breath.
“You are smelling me?” She tried not to laugh.
“It is hard not to smell you. You smell beautiful. Even if we wasn’t on a fish smelling ship it would still be the same.”
“I guess I am a little cleaner than the rest of you… I stand out. I have perfectly clean skin. Whist you and your men, even the harlot are not so pristine,” She said in thought.
“That is just because you have just arrived…” He paused as if to think. He still had his arms around her waist, but now had his chin resting on her shoulder.
“Wouldn’t I be seen as lose or something if people were to see you hanging on to me like that?” She teased.
“No, because I intend to make you my wife. No matter what or how long it takes,” He said confidently.
She laughed, “But it hasn’t even been a day?”
“I know,” He sighed. “Just think how sad I will be in a week if you are still rejecting me.”
“I am not rejecting you… Just thinking,” She clarified.
“I am glad to here. Now back to what I was thinking about before… Do you know… Have a guess how long it will take for your father to find the camera?” He asked as though on a mission.
She thought for a minute, “He will probably be worried to hell. He will call the police. But still try to retrace my steps. He won’t be able to find it until tomorrow, because it is closed now. So tomorrow… and then…” She paused and frowned. “Fuck!” She swore.
“What is it, Princess?” He asked surprised by her swearing but more worried about why.
She stepped out of his arms and turned around.
“I just remember the museum where the Sherry Belle is now is only open half day tomorrow and then it is closed for a month for repairs. Dad will be able to find the camera, but by the time he has watched it and that would is happening it will be too late. My dad will not be able to get to the ship and here for a month. He is very clever and knows a few people so he might be able to convince them to let him on it before that, but I don’t hold out to much hope.” She had tears in her eyes.
“Do not be sad, Princess. I will take care of you until he arrives. So will my father,” He again pulled her into an embrace.
“You are just happy to have me alone for longer,” She joked, but her voice still sounded sad.
“Maybe a little. But I am looking forward to meeting your father. Mine has told me all about him. He sound like a great men. And now I have another reason to meet him too.” He said cryptically.
“And that is?” She asked with a raised brow.
“To ask him permission to marry his daughter.”
Jo was about to say he didn’t need to ask, that is not necessary in her day but stopped herself.
“He would like that,” She thought out loud. “But you still got to get mine first.”
“I will,” He let go of her and walked over to the piles of spare jumpers and blankets. Then grabbed something.
“I am guessing you have no clothing in your bag?” He asked her.
“Only a change of underwear… Dad always tells me and my brothers to just in case,” She explained.
He chuckled, “That is good. But you will need more than that. Especially on this ship at night. We have some spare jumpers, but they would probably flood you.” He held one up and looked at her. “This is the smallest.” She frowned, it was to big even if she rolled up the shelves.
“We will have to go to town before we leave port and buy you a few pieces,” He thought out loud.
“But I haven’t got any money… Well, not the kind you use.”
“Princess,” Junior smiled at her. “I know you have not. I was going to pay. After all it is a man’s job to buy a woman things when he is trying to woo her, is it not?”
She chucked, “That maybe so, but I, as you already know, am not a normal woman. I will let you lend my the money to buy some pieces, but I will work to pay you back.”
“We will see,” He said quietly, having no intention of letting her pay him back.
“Let us take these up to our cabin and we will see how things are going,” He said putting the jumper back and taking a couple of blankets.
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