Chapter 8

After returning and placing all of the blankets and her chamber pot in their cabin they went to see the captain.

“Nice to see the wanders have returned,” The captain smiled seeing his son and Jo walk over together.

“I don’t know what you said to them, but I like it.” He pointed to a large group of polish men hauling the loads off the ship.

“They don’t normally do that?” She asked confused.

“They do. But normally not as many and not without complaint… Not that I could understand them when they do but still. Thank you for whatever you did.” He patted her shoulder.

“I honestly have no idea what I did or if it was me.”

“It was you. I am sure. But anyway how do you know Polish? Do you know any other languages?” He asked her.

“I know a few words in French, German and Russian but not really enough to have a conversation. As for Polish… My Aunt Lottie, the one I told you used to watch us when dad was working. She taught me and my brothers. Her mother was Polish”

“You grandmother was Polish?” He asked.

“No. My Aunt and mum had different mother’s but the same father. My mum’s mother left my grandfather for another woman when my mum was still young. They divorced and never heard from her since. My grandfather is a lot happier in his second marriage though. The only reason he married my gran was because his parents pushed them both into it,” She explained.

“The world has definitely changed,” He mumbled, but said no more on the subject.

“She was selfish. My mum found a better mother in her step mother,” She added before finishing the subject herself.

He smiled at her, “What have you to been up to?”

“Little Andy was almost raped by your special female guest down below.”

The captains smile disappeared and he looked at his son. “What happened? Is she making a nuisance of herself?”

Junior went on to tell him what happened and between the pair they decided to either get another woman for the next trip or go without.

“Why don’t you just leave her behind? The men have hands if they need relief that bad.”

Both men laughed. “If only it was that easy,” The captain sighed.

“Anything you need help with?” She asked changing the subject.

“No. We are fine. Why don’t you go get Jo something to eat? She’s been here half of the day and we haven’t so much as offered her a bite.”

“Thank you, Mr Captain, but I am alright,” She said not liking eating for free.

“Ignore her. She speaks nonsense,” Junior said grabbing her arm and dragging her away.

Leaving a puzzled but amused captain and an even more confused crew members who saw the young second in command dragging a young boy behind him.

They made their way back inside and again to the lower deck.

“I speak nonsense?” She tried to sound mad, but couldn’t.

“Yes. You need to eat. I know you only say no because you don’t want to be a charity case. But you are not and you will eat. When did you eat last time anyway?” He said knowingly.

“This morning. But I have a few snacks in my bag I can eat. I don’t…” He cut her off by pressing his lips as she had done to him earlier.

Then he pulled away with a smirk. “Now let’s go to the galley and get you fed and no arguments,” He said in a no nonsense tone, taking her arm in his and they began to walk again.

“Mr Young, people will talk if you continue to link arms, hold hands and generally drag a young boy around. Not to mention the random kisses,” She said fighting back a grin.

“You kissed me too. As for escorting you around…” He shrugged his shoulders. “I am their boss if they say anything they will be thrown overboard with the harlot,” He sounded so honest she couldn’t help but laugh.

“This is it. Don’t be surprised if Derek… He is the cook. Don’t be surprised by anything he says. He is a good man, just a little… Hmm… Eccentric,” He said before entering a door on the same floor as the storage cupboard. She let go of his arm and he frowned, but they continued to walk deeper into the galley.

“What are you…” A loud brash voice echoed throughout the galley. But stopped when the person noticed it was Junior.

“Ah, Junior, and…” A hulking man in his forties walked over and stopped in front of them.

There was a second man in the room but she couldn’t see him – only heard him pottering about.

“A new little friend,” The man wore a creepy smile.

“This is Jo. Jo is a friend of the family and will be staying on board with us for the foreseeable future. Be nice,” Junior said the last part in a harder tone than the rest.

“We are always nice. Aren’t we, Maalik?” He called to the other man.

“Always,” Maalik replied his voice thick with an exotic accent.

“Forgive him. We were just putting away the fresh produce the Poles delivered when you came in.” He seemed very excited.

“We haven’t have any fresh veg in weeks. It’s great to have some back on the menu again.”

“We had potatoes and cabbage,” Junior countered.

The cook waved his hand dismissively, “We have them all the time because they keep so long. They don’t count in my book.”

“Now… What can I do for you, young Jo?” Derek asked while he turned to look at her.

“He is force feeding me,” She pointed to Junior.

“He is right too,” The cook looked her down. She was thankful all her feminine curves were hidden beneath her oversized jumper.

“If we came into a storm I fear you might blow away,” He said clicking his tongue.

She looked to her side to see Junior smirking and turned back to the cook.

“In that case maybe I might be lucky and be blown all the way home,” She said making him laugh.

“Come on. I have broth left over. You can have some. It is only salted meat, potatoes and cabbage. But it is still good,” He said dishing her a large bowl up and placing it on the side near her.

“Eat up,” He ordered handing her a spoon.

She walked closer and looked at the bowl.

“Thank you,” She muttered and began to eat.

“I don’t remember the last time anyone thanked me,” Derek said in thought. “You could learn something from this one, Junior,” He patted his back.

“If you don’t stop watching me I will hit you with this spoon,” She said not even looking back.

Junior quickly moved his eyes, looking in the direction of Maalik instead, who was still putting produce away.

“I think we all could learn something from the little one,” Derek chuckled.

“If anyone else had said that he would have taken the spoon and hit us.”

“I still might if you don’t be quiet,” Junior said in warning.

“Yes, sir!” Derek chuckled still and went over to help his friend put the things away.

“This is actually really good,” She said between spoonfuls.

“You’re welcome,” Derek chimed and then said quietly to his friend. “Nice to be appreciated.”

She heard the quiet foot steps approaching her from behind.

“Are you stalking me?” She said low enough that the only person behind her would hear, but again not looking back, already knowing it was Junior.

A moment later he was standing beside her.

“You didn’t even last one minute not staring at me,” She chuckled, still speaking in a hushed voice.

“That is because you are too beautiful not to look at, Princess,” He said in the same low tone.

“By the end of the week I am sure you would have had enough of me.”

“I can promise you now that will never happen,” He whispered in her ear.

“Can I have a drink?” She asked him politely.

He nodded and grabbed her a cup of water.

“We have Ale and Rum too, but I thought you would probably prefer water.”

She mentally awed him. He was really kind to her. She knew she could ask him to carry her and he would.

“Thank you, Jr,” She said taking the drinking and downing it. “I’m finished.”

He looked at the bowl and frowned seeing there was little under half left.

“There is a ton left still. Eat more!” He ordered.

“Do I look like a hippo?” She exclaimed gaining the others attention. “I have already eaten more than I could. You eat it!” She pushed the bowl to him.

“Jo…” He said pushing her the bowl back.

“Andrew…” She pushed it again to him.

“I really can’t. My stomach hurts from eating so much as it is.”

“Fine. But only because I don’t want to make you sick,” He muttered lowly and ate the last of her food.

“See. You were hungry too. Now you are round and happy let’s go!” She said animatedly. She turned to the cook and the kitchen hand who were watching her and Junior. “Thank you for the delicious food, Mr Derek and Mr Maalik. See you later, chappies.” She gave them a smile and disappeared out of the door closely followed by Junior.

“Do you call everyone Mr?” He asked her.

“Not really. I just am feeling fancy being here. So everyone is called Mr… Except you. You are just Jr.”

He smiled. “Only you would feel fancy being on a fishing boat.” He took her arm in his and they made their way back upstairs and he led them to their cabin.

“We are not going to help your father? Shouldn’t you be working?” She asked on entering their cabin.

“Everything is done. We mostly rest until we go back out to sea. That will be late tomorrow. I will take you shopping in the morning,” He said sitting on her bunk next to her.

“Andy… Do you want to have sex with me?” She said offering it on a plate.

His eyes widened in shock, “I do. But not now, princess. I told you I want to wait until we are married and you are ready for real. I love you, Jo. As hard as that is to believe, it is true. Even I am surprised at how strongly I feel for you in such a short amount of time. But I am going to prove it to you.” He kissed her cheek.

“Prove to you it isn’t a purely sexual thing. I am not going to lie, I would love to be intimate with you. You are so perfect. But I really do want to wait too.”

Jo smiled, “I am glad you said no. You are the perfect one.” She laid back on the bed.

“Will you hug me?” She asked lying on her bunk.

He smiled. “Only if you are sure, princess?” “Yes, please,” She replied in a tired voice.

They both kicked off their shoes, Jo removed her hat and Junior moved behind her. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him. “I like you a lot, Jr,” She mumbled before falling asleep.

“I am glad, princess, because I really do love you,” He told her even though he knew she couldn’t hear him.

Only minutes later he joined her in dream land. Dreaming dreams of what was to come.


The captain returned to his cabin an hour later. Tired and ready for bed himself.

Before going to sleep he decided to check on Jo and Junior to make sure they were alright.

Knocking softly, he opened the door when there was no reply.

He stopped and stood in the doorway when he noticed the pair both fully dressed and fast asleep. Junior was hugging Jo tightly.

The captain smiled. He knew his son really did care for her. He was happy his son had finally found his one as he did with Tilla. He picked up a blanket which he saw folded up on the end of the bed and gently covered the pair up.

Not only had he potentially got a new daughter in law but also soon would hopefully be seeing the man who had been like a brother, his childhood best friend, Matthew.

He left a minute later and soon put himself to bed. Dreaming of the last time he saw his friend.


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