Chapter 10

“She will be staying with us and accompanying us on the boat. I intend to make her my wife.”

Andrew senior eyes widen. “Does she know about this?” He sounded so serious Jo couldn’t help but laugh.

His face softened as he turned his head to look at her. “I am sorry, dear. My son is a little impatient and has little skill when it comes to women…” He paused. “But I guess in a way that is a good thing because he has never shown any interest in them before now.”

Junior glared at his father but his dad ignored it.

“Of course she knows. I am not that dumb with women. I asked her and she agreed.”

“As long as he feels the same when my dad arrives,” She added. Andrew senior got up from his seat and walked over to her. Junior did nothing already guessing what was coming. But Jo worried.

He leaned down and hugged her. “I couldn’t be happier. Not only are you a great woman and perfect for my boy. Not to mention, Matty’s daughter,” He chuckled to himself.

“I can just imagine his reaction.” He looked at his son. “You better be ready to explain yourself and possible defend.”

Jo nodded thoughtfully. “Yes. The thing he will ask is do I still have my innocence or am I pregnant.”

Andrew senior chuckled. “That sounds like my friend.” He was now sat back in his own seat.

“I can’t wait to meet him,” Junior thought out loud. “Dad has told me many stories,” He smiled remembering.

“Mine too. Maybe we can compare later,” She suggested.

“That would be good,” Junior said.

“I hope you are respectful to Jo,” The captain said to his son.

Junior looked at his father with a disappointed frown. “Of course I am.”

“Good, because when I came in your cabin last night and show you sleeping together I did wonder. But you were both fully dressed.”

“We have decided to wait until we are married. Yes, I probably… I mean I will be sleeping in the same bed as her again over the coming weeks, but you have no need to be concerned nothing other than hugging will occur,” Junior told his father.

“Don’t worry, Mr Captain, little Andy is a very good boy.”

The captain couldn’t help but smile.

“You raised a good man. When we woke up this morning and I had no trousers on he turned away straight away.” He raised his eyebrow and Jo quickly added. “Nothing happened. I just took them off when I was sleeping.”

“Good to hear. I don’t need your father beating me for letting his youngest getting pregnant out of wedlock,” Andrew senior said finishing up his food.

“Well, I have to get everything prepared to leave dock and make sure we have everything.” He stood up, walked over to Jo and hugged her once more.

“Take care on your trip to town. I really would be happy to have you as my daughter,” He told her and pulled back.

“We are leaving port when you both get back, so don’t forget anything and don’t be too late,” He told his son this time.

“And buy her a nice gift.” He smirked and left the room before she had a chance to argue with him.

Junior didn’t answer knowing that if he did Jo would just argue with him.

“Ready to go, Princess?” He asked once they had both finished eating breakfast.

She nodded her head, “Let me just pull my hat and shoes on,” She said remembering she was barefoot.

She rushed back into their cabin and returned a minute later. “Ready,” She said in a sing song voice.

He smiled and stood up.

“Do you know your measurements?”

She frowned, “Not really, why?”

He sighed, “That means the man will have to measure you to get the right size clothing. I was hoping he wouldn’t have too.” He wrapped his arms around her waist. “I don’t like the idea of another man so close to you,” He said nuzzling his nose into the crook of her neck.

She giggled, “If I am shown the clothing in can get something that looks right. It doesn’t have to be perfect.”

“It does, princess, like you and you will be measured,” He argued and kissed her neck innocently.

Before she had a chance to say anything back the door opened and in walked Maalik.

He stopped in the doorway the moment he saw Junior kissing Jo’s neck.

When Jo noticed the late twenties black kitchen hand stood watching them – the captain’s son and the young boy – she froze.

Junior felt this and pulled back with a frown, followed her eye line to see Maalik.

“Sorry, sir, I came to collect the dishes. I didn’t know you were… Hmm…” Junior was glaring at the man with a mixture of anger and worry.

“This is not what is looks like,” Jo cut the African man off.

“It is nothing to do with me if Sir Junior is more into the company of men rather than women, as long as the attention is wanted.” The man took a couple of steps forward. “He wasn’t forcing himself on you?”

“I would never force Jo!” Junior snapped. “If you must know Jo is not a boy, she is a perfect woman and my fiancée.” Maalik stared at her stunned.

“Andy!” Jo scolded him. “What happened to not telling people I was a woman?” He smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head. “Sorry, princess. I got angry.”

“If you are worried about me telling the others, then don’t. I understand why you want to keep it quiet and I promise not to say anything, sir… Ma’am,” Maalik reassured them.

“Oh and congratulations.”

“The name is Jo. Not ma’am, miss or anything else,” She said smiling at him, making him smile, he nodded his head.

“Now let’s be off, little Andy,” She said dragging him behind her.

“I told you not to call me that!” Junior whined.

“See you later, Mr Maalik,” She called as they the cabin.

Maalik shook his head amused, collecting the dishes. “Bye, Miss Jo.”

The pair left the ship hand in hand. Junior didn’t care about the looks they were getting.

Jo had the idea of telling anyone who asked that he was her older brother and very protective, not that she thought anyone would. Junior was no Junior in build. He was tall at about six foot two, his body thick with muscle and the face that would make any normal woman fall at his feet. Dark shaggy hair, green eyes and a five o’clock shade. It was no surprise everyone that met him were either afraid or jealous of him.

She, on the other hand, was small at only five foot three, was small framed but with a generous sized bust. It was a surprise she could hide them so well under the over sized jumper without binding them.

People told her she was beautiful but she didn’t believe them.

With long tawny brown wavy hair which she kept tied back and hidden under her hat, big hazel coloured eyes, long lashes and full lips, she was the envy of most women.

Anyone in her time would know in a second she was a woman despite her clothing, but in this time they were naïve and thought trousers were exclusive clothing to men.

“Do you know where we are going?” She asked once they stepped off the ship.

“Of course, princess. I have been to Poland at least a dozen of times and several of them my father has sent me to town for one reason or another… I think personally he was just hoping I might bump into the one on my journey but never did. At least until I met you.” He smiled at her, wanting to kiss her succulent lips but knowing now was not the time.

“Then lead the way, prince charming.”

They walked hand in hand to the town centre where the most of the shops were located.

Once there they went to several shops including a chemist where he bought her a few bits including a toothbrush and soap.

She already had a hair brush in her back pack, deodorant, Tampax (not that there was any in this time) and shampoo, which she was thankful she had bought from Superdrug just before going to do her research.

But being a man or at least pretending to be, she decided she probably wouldn’t be needing to smell like flowers. She would mostly smell of fish, as all the others did, but she still wanted to be at least clean.

Next they went to two different men’s clothing shops. Junior didn’t like the way the man looked at Jo in the first shop, so moved on to another. He was thankful the man in the second store was not only English speaking, but also very effeminate (a closet homosexual) meaning when he measured Jo (who somehow instantly knew he was a she, but said nothing) he wouldn’t touch her inappropriately.

Once he was done Junior went around collecting the correct items for her, including several jumpers, trousers, socks and even a few long John suits which she could wear under her clothing to help keep her warm or to bed, because he knew she didn’t like sleeping in clothing. But he wasn’t ready for her to be in less yet. A second hat and another pair of shoes, just in case.

She wasn’t happy with him buying her so much but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. She knew he only wanted to take care of her.

“Is that all, sir?” The effeminate man asked Junior. “We stock women’s clothing too if you are interested?” He asked knowingly.

“You know?”

“Only those too ignorant would not. She is much too beautiful to be a man or a boy.”

Junior narrowed his eyes feeling possessive of his future bride. “In fact we do need one woman outfit for when we arrive back in England,” He though out loud.

Jo wanted to argue but knew it was pointless.

It was another hour before they finally left the shop. Junior choose her a dress and had it wrapped up so no one when they got back on board would know what it was. He also got her, with the help of an assistant choose the correct undergarments and shoes, hat and so on.

By the time they left Junior was carrying arms well of items, refusing to let Jo to carry anything.

“I have one last stop before we go back on board,” He said leading her to a jewellers.

“What are we doing here?”

“Buying my princess a engagement ring of course,” He said as if it was obvious.

“You don’t have to do that.”

He frowned, “Don’t you want to marry me? Have you changed your mind?” He asked worried.

“No, it’s not that. I do want too. I just hate you wasting all you money on me. I don’t need a ring, only you.” He smiled proudly.

“It is no waste. I have more than enough money. You need not ever worry about that. You will always be provided for.” And quickly added before she could argue, “And if you really want you can help me out on the ship.” He couldn’t hold her hand or touch her because his hands were full.

Once they were got inside they were immediately greet by a overly friendly older woman.

“Witam przystojnego mlodego dzentelmena. Mam na imie Zofia. Mojego meza nie ma, ale ja rowniez moge pomoc” (Hello handsome young gentlemen. My name is Zofia. My husband is not here but I can help you) She greeted them in Polish.

“W czym moge pomoc?” (What can I help you with?)

“Czy mowisz po angielsku?” (Do you speak English?) Jo asked preferring Junior to speak to her.

“Nie, przykro mi – jedynie po polsku” (No, sorry. Only Polish)

“She only speaks Polish. What do you want me to say to her?” Jo asked Junior.

He placed his items on the counter and pointed to a small tray of rings. “I want look at them.”

“Czy mozemy zobaczyc ta tace z piersionkami?” (Can we look at that tray of ring?)

The woman smiled and did as Jo asked placing the tray in front of them.

“On szuka pierscionka dla swojej ukochanej?” (He is searching for a ring for his beloved?) She asked Jo.

“Tak. Wzial mnie ze soba poniewaz moje rece sa podobnej wielkosci i on nie chce wybrac zby duzego lub zbyt malego.” (Yes. He brought me with him because I have similar sized hands and he doesn’t want to get one that is too big or small) Jo let the lies flow from her mouth as Junior looked over the rings.

But the woman seemed to buy it. “To jest naprawde mile. Wiekszosc mezczyzn nie dbalaby o odpowiedni rozmiar. To oznacza, ze jemu naprawde na niej zalezy” (That is really lovely. Most men wouldn’t care about sizing. I can tell he must really care for her)

“Tak, tez tak sadze. W koncu wszystkie te rzeczy ktore ma ze soba kupil dla niej” (Yes. I believe he does. After all, all those items he was carrying he bought for her) She tells the woman.

The stout woman around fifty looked at the younger man in awe. “Pamietam kiedy moj maz poprosil o moja reke. Nigdy nie byl romantykiem, ale sie staral” (I remember when my husband asked for my hand… He was never a romantic man, but he tried bless him) She chuckled to herself at the memory.

“I have found one… If you like it that is?” Junior said getting their attention.

He point to a Ruby and Diamond, Gold Ring. Jo looked at him wide eyed. “You can’t it’s too expensive.”

“Nothing is to expensive for my princess.”

“But… Have you even enough money?” She tried to find reasons for him not to spend so much on her.

“Do you like it?” He asked ignoring her question.

“It is beautiful, but…”

“No buts!” He said finally.

“Try it on.”

She sighed. “Czy mozemy przymierzyc ten?” (Can we try this one please?) She pointed to the ring in question.

“O tak. Dobry wybor” (Oh yes. Good choice) Zofia said picking up the ring and handing it to Junior.

“Thank you,” He said and took Jo’s hand.

Her stomach fluttered as he placed the ring on her finger.

“Perfect,” He said proudly.

“We’ll take it,” He said pulling out his notes.

“Jego narzeczona bedzie zachwycona” (His bride will love it) Zofia said as the pair exited her shop after paying.

“Dziekuje Zofio. Do widzenia” (Thank you Zofia. Bye)

After that they left town and went back to the ship where the captain was waiting in his cabin for them to arrive back so they could leave port.

Seeing his son walking in smiling arms full with Jo beside him frowning he couldn’t help but laugh.

“I told him I didn’t need so much, but he is stubborn,” She told him as Jr placed the things into their cabin.

“He’ll never listen because he cares for you,” Andrew senior smiled as she sat opposite him.

“But he doesn’t need to buy me stuff to prove that.”

His smile widened. “You really are unique. I understand why he likes you so much.”


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