Chapter 11

Junior returned to see Jo and his father talking happily.
On seeing him her eyes lit up making his chest swell with pride.
He had the ring box in his hand.
Although she knew he had the ring she did not expect what happened next.
Her eyes widen as she watched he kneel down in front of her.
“Joanne,” He took her hand in his. “I know we haven’t known each other long and most people may think I am insane. But I have loved you from the moment I first saw you. I know I have already asked you and I still have to speak to your father. But Joanne Harris…” He took a shaky deep breath. “…Will you please do me the honour of becoming my wife?” He held out the open box and awaited her answer.
She looked at him with a serious expression.
“What do you think?” His heart fell.
The captain watching the whole time. He looked between the pair curiously. Surprised at how caring Junior was with the girl.
Unsure what Jo’s answer meant.
Junior looked down heartbroken and was about to stand up.
“Yes. Of course I will. I already told you.” His head shoot up and he looked at her with hope.
She leaned in and brought her lips closer to his.
During this time, as he did before, the captain left the couple unnoticed. But happy and proud of his son.
“I love you, Andy,” She said softly, her lips bushing his, making both their lips tingle with anticipation.
Placing the ring box on the ground, he gently placed his hand on the back of her head and the other around her small waist.
“God, Jo. I love you too. More than I ever thought possible,” His voice deep and full of emotion, sending shivers down her spine.
He felt this and pulled looking at her concerned. “Are you cold, princess?”
She bit her lip and looked down blushing. “No,” She shook her head not looking him in the eyes.
“Then what, princess?” He asked innocently confused.
“Nothing,” She mumbled.
“Tell me, please?” He begged.
She reluctantly told him, “Your voice…” He looked confused. “It makes my body tingle when it’s so deep.”
He looked at her unsure and she looked up at him through her lashes.
His eyes widen. “You mean…?”
“Yes. It makes me…”
“Please don’t, Jo,” He cut her off. “It is hard for me not to take you already. Please, I want it to be perfect, not rushed,” He pleaded.
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. I am. For overreacting.” He kissed her forehead. “I just don’t want to rush you into it and end up making you hate me,” He confessed.
“I don’t know what I would do if you hated me.” He pulled her closer and moulded his lips with hers.
It was full of love, yet chaste. He wanted to be close but not lose control with her. He wanted to show her it wasn’t lust, that his love was pure.
They pulled back a moment later and he picked up the ring box from the floor.
“I know you can’t wear it on your finger yet without being found out, but I noticed when we are alone you often play with a necklace around your neck. I was hoping that you could wear it on that until you are free to do otherwise? I just like the idea that even if you can’t wear it, it is still close and in your person,” He asked.
She smiled and reached back behind her neck and undid the clasp. “I would like that,” She said taking off the necklace. He picked out the ring and headed to her.
Threading the ring onto the chain she put it back on and looked at her ring. “My father’s disappeared again.”
Jo looked up and around and giggled, “Never even noticed. I wonder when he left this time.”
He looked back at the ring that hung from her neck.
“You know what this means?”
“No, what?” She asked him.
He picked her up from her seat making her squeal. “Andy.”
“It means we have a few hours before we need to do anything.” He carried her through to their cabin and she looked at him unsure.
“Don’t worry, princess. It isn’t anything like that.” He placed her on the bottom bunk and leaned down and pulled off her shoes and then carefully her hat.
“Perfect.” He ran his hand over her hair.
“What are we doing in here then?” She asked watching him remove his shoes and his jumper to reveal a cotton shirt which reveal l much more detail of his muscular body.
She found it hard not to stare and suddenly felt hot despite the freezing temperatures outside.
“I just want to lay and hug you for a while… If that is alright with you?” He didn’t notice her staring before.
“I would like that,” She said and pulled off her own jumper to reveal her black shirt she wore beneath.
Jr seem to stare at her for a moment, before averting his eyes and blushing.
“What is it?” She asked never really think of the shirt as tight until on. After all women in her century wear a lot worst. But this was not her century and that was something she would have to get used too.
“I am sorry if I embarrassed you with my words, it is not my intention.” He still wasn’t looking at her, it was almost as if he was nervous.
“But you are a lot more w…womanly than I had previously thought,” He stuttered over the word womanly.
She frowned and looked down. “You mean I have big breasts?”
“Yes,” He answered nervously. It is true she was well-developed, but under the large jumper she wore it was hard if not impossible to tell.
She felt her eyes fill up.
Did this mean he didn’t want her anymore? After all he couldn’t even face her.
“You don’t like me now?” It was more of a statement than question.
Junior’s head quickly snapped around. “Of course I like you still. I love you!” He noticed a tear fall from her eye and sat down on the bed beside her. “Don’t cry, princess. I did not mean to hurt you.” He brushed her tears away with his fingers.
“But you don’t like my body,” Her voice full of sadness. “And you will change your mind about marrying me.” She never realized until then how much she had fallen for this man in such a short time. Crazy but true.
“I will never change my mind.” He cupped her face and brought it up to meet his gaze. “You are mine forever, princess. MINE. I will never let you go,” He said seriously.
“As for your body…” He looked down her body and then but up to her face. “It is perfect. I just was expecting smaller because the jumper hides your beautiful body.” His body moved closer. “And the reason I looked away is because… I was nervous. Unsure what to do.” He gave her a soft gentle kiss.
“So perfect,” He said against her lips. She moved her hand to the back of his head and started to play with his hair as they kissed. The kiss became deeper, less chaste and more needful. Still kissing she laid back on the bed and he followed her as if his lips were glued to hers. He moved until his body was over the top of hers, his chest almost touching hers. Jo moved her one free hand onto Junior’s shirt clad chest and begun tracing the lines of each muscle.
Junior groaned into the kiss, both getting more and more turned on as the seconds pass.
Feeling his hardened bulged pressing against her crotch, she moaned in his mouth and instantly wrapped her legs around his waist.
Moving both of her arms so they were now wrapped around him. She pulled him down closer to her causing him to gasp, she took that second to insert her tongue into his mouth.
Laying on top of her, he leaned on his elbows so he would not crush her and soon followed her lead and a tongue war ensued.
Junior didn’t even realize he was dry humping her until it all came to a head. “Oh, Jo,” He moaned as he found release.
They separated moments later breathless.
His face red from embarrassment. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.” He stood. “I just need to…. clean up. I’ll be right back,” He said disappearing from the cabin leaving Jo confused.
“What just happened?” She mumbled to herself and sat and thought for a minute before realizing.
She straightened out her clothing and hair and waiting his return.
Minutes later he returned face red from embarrassment.
“Don’t be embarrassed, darling.” His lips twitched into a smile at being called by the pet name.
She stood up and walked over to him. Stopping in front of him and wrapping her arms around his midriff.
“I am glad I could make you feel good without rushing into the real thing.”
“But it is humiliating and I didn’t mean to rub myself against you, I got carried away.”
“I like making you happy and I enjoyed the small piece of intimacy. So please don’t be ashamed. After all when we are married we will be doing a lot worst,” She said suggestively.
He chuckled, “What will I do with you?” He sighed and kissed the top of her head. “I can never be sad, angry or even embarrassed around you for long. Princess, you make me so happy. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you,” He admitted.
“Me either,” She pulled away and they both sat back on the bed.
“Have you ever done anything like that before?” He asked her.
“No. I kissed a couple of people but none of them like I kiss you and definitely nothing more.”
“Good,” He hugged her to his side. “Neither have I…” He paused as if he wanted to say something else.
“You know you can tell me anything right? I will never judge. You are my fiancé after all.”
He smiled, “I like that. Fiancé . You are my perfect fiancée,” He said testing the word.
“Yes, you are. Now spill.”
He sighed, “Do you know how a lot of men self pleasure when they can’t or don’t have sex?”
She furrow her eyebrows unsure where this was going. “Yes…” She drew out the word.
“Well…” He look down at their joint hands nervously. “… I have never even done that before,” He confessed.
He had honestly never self satisfied himself before so it was a totally new really.
Jo’s eyes widened. She was shocked. She thought it was one of those things what all boys did, kind of like puberty.
“You mean that was the first time you… Hmm… Found release?”
He nodded his head. “And I want to try at least not to again until we consummate our relationship.”
At that moment she could of died happy.
“I think my heart has just exploded in my chest.” He looked at her unsure. “That is a good thing,” She reassured him. “You are so damn perfect,” She pecked his lips.
“Now lay down and give me my hugs. You are my cuddly bear.”
He chuckle and did as she asked. Laying down and hugging her to his chest.
“You enjoyed your release though, right?” He heard her mumble.
“Yes. But mostly because I was thinking of you,” He admitted.
“Good,” He heard and hugged her tighter before both falling asleep in each others arms.
They were awoken again around two and a half hours later by the captain. “Wake up, you two. Foods up.”
“Woo,” A now wide awake Jo cheered and tried to sit up but Junior held her in place.
“No. We are happy here. Good bye,” He mumbled, his voice full of sleep.
Jo tried again to get up but still couldn’t.
“No. Stay with me,” He whined.
“But I’m hungry,” She said pouting.
The captain chuckled, “I’ll be waiting. If you aren’t out in five minutes I’ll be back,” He said sending Jo a smile before exiting the room.
“You smell so good, princess,” He said sounding more awake. His face was buried in the crook of her neck taking in her scent and kissing her neck.
“You smell good, but also a little like fish. But that doesn’t matter.” She tried to push him back.
“We need real food and I am not that,” She said stopping him from eating her neck.
“Alright,” He sighed. “I don’t want my tiny princess to starve.” He sat up, bringing her up with him because he was still hugging her.
“But I want more hugs later,” He told her.
“You will. After all we do share a bed,” She said what they both already knew but it still made him happy.
“Yes, we do.” He kissed her forehead and moved to the edge of the bed and grabbed her jumper. “It’s cold out. Arm’s up,” He told her, then redressed her in it before grabbing his own and doing the same. He let her get up and both put their shoes and hats back on. He knew they probably would be back in this room for several hours.
“I need to go.”
“I put it in the captains private washroom, because only me and my father ever goes in there so you are safe,” He told her and walked with her out of their cabin.
Junior joined his father, but Jo went to use her chamber pot before joining them.
She ate the food quickly. Having been out all morning and half the afternoon she had been starving.
“Please tell me you didn’t forget to feed her again!” His father exclaimed giving his son a hard look. One thing he had learned in this short time of knowing her was that she didn’t like getting something for nothing and also that she didn’t like to trouble people.
Meaning she wouldn’t ask for food.
“We went to a small café and I bought her something. But she didn’t want much.”
“Because she doesn’t like you spending money on her,” His father told him. “I would have thought you would have worked that out already. “
“Is that why?” Junior asked disappointed he didn’t realize.
She said nothing, just continued to eat the last of her food.
“Jo, you need to tell me if you are hungry. I don’t mind spending money on you. I have more than enough. You will be my wife soon and it will be yours too. You are supposed to spend it. I want you too,” Junior told him.
“But you have worked hard for it. I can’t spend your money.” She held his hand and the table top.
“I know how rough it can be. You are a great man, Jr, and that’s why I love you but I do not want to spend all your money,” She kissed his cheek.
The captain smiled. “I am proud he choose you, because if he didn’t I would have belted him. You are perfect for him. But I agree with Junior. You need to let him know if you need anything and let him spend money on you. He has spent his whole working career saving his money for when he found his wife.” She looked surprised.
“Only spending what he had to on himself. But even when not saving he have got more than enough,” He tried to reassure her.
“Young’s fishing boats,” His fishing company’s name, “Is very profitable and both being management are more than well off. Even our crews are better paid than most. So please don’t worry.”
“Remember what you said earlier? I could tell you anything. That works both ways, princess. You need to tell me,” Junior pleaded with his love.
She sighed knowing they were right. “I promise I’ll tell you.” He smiled, but then she quickly added. “But I am still not going to spend your money.”
He grinned. “We’ll see.”
Seeing she had finished her food asked her if she wanted anymore.
“God no. I over ate as it is. I feel a little sick now,” She admitted.
Junior frowned. “Are you alright?” He worried.
“I am fine, Jr. Don’t worry,” She told him. “Just over ate. “
He continued to look worried but said nothing more on the subject.
“I was thinking as you are going to be with us for the rest of the trip maybe you might want to learn how the helm works this evening?” The captain suggested.
“Will I get a go on the wheel?” She asked hopeful. Then thought back to how she got here and remember the lever. She would just avoid touching that. She wanted to see her family, but she didn’t want to go back.
“Yes,” The captain chuckled. “Wheel and all.” They had all finished eating by now.
“Lets go now,” She jumped up and took Junior’s hand.
He smiled adoringly, “Alright, princess.”
Once at the helm they told the men they had the next few hours off and the two ship-men left the three alone, with the captain and his son teaching Jo.
She did as she was told and was thankful she didn’t actually have to touch the lever in question.
It was now around ten thirty at night and pitch black outside, the only light coming from the ships lamps and everything was running perfect.
“You are doing a really job, Princess,” Junior said looping his arms around her waist and placing a kiss on her neck.
“Junior, leave the poor girl alone, you are distracting her,” The captain told his son.
Junior was meant to be doing the other duties whilst Jo steered the boat and the captain went over the logs. But he wasn’t, instead Junior spent all his time distracting Jo with hugs, kisses and random pokes to her side.
“Fine,” He sulked off to his spot beside her and looked over everything to make sure they were alright before again moving closer, poking her side and hugging her again.
“Well done, darling. You lasted one minute,” Jo teased him.
The captain looked up from where he was and shook his head. “Maybe I should get you to work in a different part of the ship to Jo,” He joked.
“No!” His son said quickly. “She has to stay with me.”
Jo rolled her eyes but at the same time couldn’t help but smile.
“Go back to work. I don’t want to crash into an ice berg or something,” She asked him.
“There isn’t any ice bergs around here,” He argued.
“That’s what the Titanic thought,” She said.
“Just do it please?” A shudder ran through her body.
He frowned against her neck. “Do I have too?”
“Yes. You’ll only be next to me. Now go…” She stopped speaking when she felt Junior suddenly be pushed away and someone else grab her.
She turned to face the person only to find it was not one but two very familiar people she did not expect to see for a month yet.