Chapter 12

“Keep your fucking hands off our sister!” One of the men growled at Junior and the other just glared.

“Mike, Luke, be nice to Jr and what the hell are you doing here?” Jo asked her twenty-three year old twin brothers.

Mike moved in front of Jo and hugged her as Luke still held her from behind. “Is that the way you greet your super brothers who came to rescue you?” Mike asked.

“You should be thanking us we bought you presents,” Luke said from behind her.

Jo pushed them away, “Stop hugging me,” She laughed. “You are such idiots.”

“Go to the cabin, Jo, and I’ll get the men back to work,” The captains voice got their attention. “They have been on a break long enough.”

“I’ll wait here until you come back with them,” She said looking at him with a smile. Then to Junior who wore a blank expression but his lips twitched into a smile when she faced him.

“We can’t have poor little Andy sinking the ship, can we?” She teased.

“Little?” Mike mumbled looking at the giant of a man.

The captain chuckle, “Thank you. I won’t be long,” He said leaving the four alone.

Jo went straight back to the wheel and Junior to his place near her at the other controls.

“So you getting on with the locals?” Mike asked and Luke asked at the same time. “Are we at sea?”

“Yes to both and just so you know most of them don’t know I’m a woman, so shhh.” She placed her finger on her lips.

The twins looked at each other and laughed. “Are they stupid? Come on. I know your not exactly dressed girly but still…” Luke waved his arms.

“They aren’t stupid. They just aren’t used to seeing girls dressed like this. It isn’t like two thousand and fourteen, women dress in dresses and are obvious. They think I’m a young boy about thirteen.” Her brothers both laughed.

“As did Jr and his dad for the first few hours,” She smiled at him.

Her brother’s expressions sobered. “Why was he touching you?”

“We’ll speak about that in a minute. Just know that I enjoy him hugging me. Be nice too him or I’ll let him tie a rope to both your legs and throw you in the sea.”

“Tie us?” Luke asked.

“You are still my brothers. Plus dad will be pissed if we killed you chavy twats,” She joked.

“Whatever, miss frigid,” Mike said back.

“Would you rather I laid it out to everyone, like you do?” She countered.

They thought for a moment.

“Good point. “

Just then the captain and two men entered the stern.

The men looked at the twins, but said nothing.

Jo and Junior moved out of the way and let the men take their places.

“Are you both coming too?” She asked captain and son.

“If you want us too?” The captain spoke for both of them.

She smiled and nodded, took Junior’s hand and began walking towards the door.

He grinned, she still wanted to be with him even with her brothers here. That had been one of his fears, that when her family did turn up Jo would no longer need or want him.

“Luke, Mike, follow me,” She ordered her brothers and they did as she asked watching their sister walking hand in hand with the giant man and the captain behind them.

“This is a cool ship,” Mike stated as they walked.

“That means good, interesting,” Jo translated.

“I was going to say we are at sea, it is cold,” The captain spoke.

“But thank you. It is the best ship in my fleet, that is why I captain it.”

They arrived in the captain’s cabin.

“Take a seat,” The captain told the men.

As was becoming the norm, Jo took the seat next to Junior. Still holding his hand under the table she turned to her brothers.

“Why are you here and not dad?”

“Not happy to see us? After all we did.”

“What did you do?” She asked the twins accusingly.

“After Adam got the camera and we watched it. Dad explained what happened and told us that he was originally from the past or here… I think. But anyway. We found out later about the boat and centre being closed for the next month. But by that time it was too late and it was already shut. So dad said he would try and speak to some people. We knew that might take a while so we suggested just going and doing it anyway. Dad and Adam being good boys refused and so we went out and did it anyway and surprise, here we are!” Mike explained.

“So you broke into the ship to come here?” She asked.

“Maybe…” Luke said dragging out the word.

“But we couldn’t let you stay God knows where alone. You maybe annoying, but we still love you and didn’t want anything bad to happen to you,” Mike told her.

“I don’t think you’re annoying,” Luke defended.

“I know, Luke. Thanks for coming, but you know dad is gonna kill you?”

“Yes,” One said.

“That’s why we didn’t tell them. We just left a note,” The other one added.

Jo rolled her eyes and shook her head. “And you are going to hide out here until dad and Adam come?” She asked knowingly.

“That is the plan,” The more cheeky twin, Luke said with a grin.

“If that is alright with the captain guy?” Mike, the more serious one asked.

“It is Mr Captain to you idiots,” Jo ordered making both Andrew’s laugh.

“Captain or Andy will be fine and as long as you are willing to work, you can stay,” The captain said making Jo laugh this time.

“Them work? That’s a joke. The only work they do is hunting for the next whore to put their nasty penis in next.”

“Hey! We can work!” Mike argued.

“We just choose not to normally,” Luke added.

“But this time we will work,” Mike speaking again.

“Because the alarm was going off on the other ship.” Mike glared at Luke.

“Can you keep your mouth shut?”

His twin smirked. “Yes, sir!”

“If that is the case then you can stay. I can’t wait to see Mattie again.”

The twins looked at the captain as though thinking and then it clicked. “Andy as in Andy who liked watching your neighbour’s wife getting changed through the window?”

“You did?” Junior asked his father who looked embarrassed.

“Yes. The same one. Why do you think I am not surprised about dad being from the past.”

They shrugged, “No idea.”

“And this is Andrew Junior,” She indicated to the man beside her, “His son.”

“Married Tilla?” Mike asked knowingly.

“Yes. Not long after your dad disappeared,” Andrew senior answered.

“What I want to know is why Junior was pawing you?” Luke asked in a more serious tone. All of her family were very protective of her.

“He wasn’t pawing me! He was being his sweet self and hugging me,” She snapped.

The captain wanted to say ‘Only sweet to you’ but knew was not the right time.

“Why though?”

“Because I love him, he loves me and we are getting married.”

“How can you love him you have only known him a short time?” Mike scoffed.

“I know you, sweetheart,” Luke said softly. “And I believe you when you say you love him, but…”

His brother cut him off. “He is only trying to get in your pants.”

“No, I have already offered it to him more than once and he is always a gentleman and tells me wants to wait until we are married.”

Mike was speechless, captain was shaking his head grinning already knowing what she was like and Luke was laughing. “You offered and he said no? Are you sure he’s not gay?”

“Gay? Happy?” Junior asked unsure.

“No, homosexual,” Jo corrected, making him glare at the twins.

“I am not homosexual. I just respect your sister and wish our first time to be perfect,” He told them honestly.

The twins seemed surprised by his outburst. “You are a virgin too?” Mike asked with a shocked expression.

“Not that it is anything to do with either of you, but yes and before you say anything it is not because he couldn’t get any!” Jo answered for him.

“You will be nice to Junior or else,” She warned. “He is a great guy and also very strong. I am sure he could hurt you two if I asked.”

“Fine. But we will be watching. If he hurts you…” Mike warned this time.

“Thank you, Mike… Luke. I love you guys and thank you for coming for me.” She got up and hugged them and they hugged her back.

“We would never leave you alone. You are our little sis. We got to protect you,” Luke told her.

“Aww,” She pinched his cheek. “So sweet.” She broke the hug and sat back down.

“But you know there isn’t any women on board right? Well, unless you don’t mind Syphilis or the clap that is…”

“Hang on, there is other women on board?” Mike asked.

“One, a hooker for the sailors to ‘relieve their stress.’ She is down below,” She told them.

“This is her last trip. When we get to England she will be replaced,” The captain stated.

“She came on to me. She said she didn’t mind breaking little boys in and she would of raped Junior and probably made his penis fall off from the diseases if I wasn’t there.” The men laughed.

“That is sick,” Luke said and Mike agreed. “What kind of woman wants to do that with young boys?”

“It’s bad because its true,” Junior spoke.

“It’s a good we saw Zoe and Chrissie earlier,” Luke thought out loud.

“Let me guess. A couple of women you met at a pub?”

“Correction a couple of much older married women we met at the pub,” Luke smirked.

“How old?”

“Fifty.” Jo looked at them disgusted and the other two looked shocked. Not only by the age but also that a married woman would cheat.

“But they looked good for it,” Mike said.

“And went like rabbits,” Luke added with a wiggling eyebrow.

“I do not want to know anymore about your twos sick little sex games,” Jo said disgusted.

They looked at each other and then back at her. Luke reaching down to the floor where both twins large backpacks were sat and reached inside, then pulled something out.

“We have presents for you,” Luke cooed.

She frowned, “Where’d you get the money? I thought your dole had been stopped for a month?”

“It has. Our new sugar mummies gave us some money.”

“Oh my God! You two are little Freaks!” Jo said shaking her head.

They both shrugged. “Come on. Some of it’s edible,” Luke sang knowing she couldn’t resist it when they bought her food gifts.

“Give,” She held out her arms.

“Say please.”

“Please,” She asked sweetly. “Now, give!”

“These are some of the bits. The rest is in the bags,” Luke said handing her one box and a plastic bag. It familiar pink box that said patisserie.

“A sub,” She squealed seeing the foot long sub sandwich melt with honey mustard and then quickly opened the pink box to reveal a selection of cakes.

“I love you. Thank you!” She grinned.

Both brother smiled proud of themselves. “As long as you are happy,” Mike said both loved spoiling their baby sister.

She was happy it had been a couple of hours since dinner, so her stomach no longer hurt.

Jo took one half of her sub and split it in half. “Try this.” She handed one piece to Junior and the other to the captain.

“Are you sure?” Andrew senior asked her.

“Yes. Now eat. It’s tasty.” She began munching her own larger piece.

She ate less than half before she couldn’t eat anymore.

“Do you want this?” She held it out to her brothers. “I ate too much earlier and I don’t want to waste it.”

Mike took it and thanked her before eating half and handing the rest to his brother. Jo and her brothers had always been brought up to share with each other and they still did. In her twin brothers case though, only with their family. Jo closed up the cake box for tomorrow.

“Thank you, Jo. That was really different, but good,” Adrew senior said.

“Yes, thank you, princess,” Junior kissed her forehead. “That was great savoury but sweet.”

“Where will the twins be sleeping?” She asked.

“You tired, princess?”

“A little.”

“There are is a spare cabin near the men?” The captain suggested.

“Where is Jo?” Mike asked.

“In the cabin just there,” Andrew senior pointed to the door of the room.

“We don’t want to be far from Jo,” Mike said, still not a hundred percent sure of Junior.

“There is one bunk in our cabin if one wants to use that and we could have a mattress moved from one of the spare rooms onto the floor?” Junior suggested this time and the boys agreed.

Junior stood up and left with the twins to get the mattress and some covers.

Jo took this time to thank Andrew senior again.

“I just want to thank you again for everything and letting my idiot brothers stay,” She said standing up.

“Nonsense. You are going to be my daughter, meaning they are my family too.” He stood up to and gave her a fatherly hug.

“You are a fantastic woman, Jo. I am glad my son has decided to settle down with you.” He loosened his arms and let her go.

“Thank you, captain.”

“Please call me Andy or Pa. After all I will be soon and I don’t want your father to be confused when he comes, you calling us both dad, so pa. I have always wanted a daughter.” He smiled down at her. He, like his son, was tall at six foot one.

“How about Papa Andy?” She suggested.

“I’d like that,” He chuckled.

Jo yawned. “Go get ready for bed. The others will be through soon,” The captain told her.

“Alright. Goodnight, Papa Andy.” She gave him one last hug.

“Goodnight, angel.” He kissed her forehead and smiled watching her disappear into her cabin.

He couldn’t wait for his wife to find out. She had always wanted a daughter too. But sadly after along time trying they only had two sons. Sons who they both adored.

In her cabin Jo stripped out of her clothes and changed into the long Johns which Junior had bought for her. She brushed her hair and used her wipes to clean herself best she could. She decided at that moment that she would ask Junior in the morning to bring her a warm basin of water to wash herself in. She hated not being able to bath properly, but she would cope as long as he brought her the water.

Once done she tided her things to the side and climbed into bed awaiting their return.

She must have started to doze off because the next thing she heard was laughing as her brothers and Junior entered the cabin.

They looked more like best friends, than the way they looked before.

Junior and Luke were holding the thin mattress between them and Mike the bedding.

“I’ll take the bunk tonight and you, tomorrow,” Mike said having decided between themselves to alternate who uses the bed.

They placed the mattress and their bags on the ground.

“Fine by me,” Luke answered taking the bedding and making the mattress ready to sleep.

“You share with Jo?” Mike asked Junior seeing Jo waiting under the blanket of the bottom bunk.

“Yes, but nothing happened,” He defended.

“You seem like a good guy. So I will trust you. But you best not hurt her,” Mike warned.

“I won’t. I love her. She is so perfect. I would rather hurt myself than her.”

“Less talking more sleep,” Jo mumbled.

Soon the twins had striped down to their tees and shorts and were in bed.

Jo had told Junior earlier when they were alone that he should sleep in his long john’s too and he would be more comfy.

Once ready he climbed into bed beside her and pulled her close. He was surprised at first at how little clothing she had on. But remember their earlier talk and relaxed, pulling her tightly against him.

“I love you so much, princess,” He whispered so only she could hear. “I missed holding you.” He stroked her flat stomach.

“I love you too, darling,” She whispered in a sleep filled voice.

“Good night, Jo.” He placed a long lingering kiss on the side of her mouth as she slept and before long he joined her in sleep land, dreaming of the day he would officially make her his wife.


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