Chapter 21

The sound of a whimpering child woke Joanne and Junior up the following morning.

“It’s alright, Cookie,” They woke up to see Luke of all people sat on his bed on the floor holding their infant sibling on his lap.

“What’s wrong?” Mike on the top bunk above them had asked before the couple had a chance.

“She was just a little confused. Waking up in a strange place and all…” He didn’t have to say anymore, they all understood.

“Wat’s ya nam’?” She managed to say between sniffles, still clinging to him but pulling back enough to see his face.

“I am Luke. I’m your handsome older twin brother,” He reminded her with a smile. “That is Mike. He’s the grumpy one.” The little girl giggled making his smile widen,

“You remember my name?” Joanne asked climbing out of the bed and sitting down beside her siblings.

“Annie n’ ‘uniya,” She struggled to say ‘Junior.’

“Close enough.”


After washing herself and Cookie with some warm water that Matthew had fixed for them, they sat down to breakfast in the mess hall because the captain’s table wasn’t large enough.

The men’s eyes widened when they saw not only the strange looking dog enter the hall but then the toddler.

Then looked to Joanne, “She’s my sister. This isn’t no immaculate conception moment!” She exclaimed knowing what they were thinking.

A little giggle came from next to her. She looked to see Cookie sat in her dad’s arms. They had managed to find some clothes for her to wear which wouldn’t leave the crew asking a question. Though when they returned to shore they would have to buy her more suitable clothes.

“What’s the child name?” One of the men asked from across the table that they were now sat at.

“Contessa, but everyone calls her Cookie.” They had found her birth certificate early when looking for clothes for her to wear. Contessa Harris.

Matthew was grateful that she had at least been given his surname.

“Beautiful name for a bonnie wee bairn,” Rory, the thirty-something-year-old Scottish sailor said digging into his food.

“She is,” Her father agreed. “She looks a lot like Annie at that age.”

“How old is she?” Ben, one of the youngest fishermen at only seventeen, asked. His father worked on the ship too.

“Am tow,” She announced between bites.

“Two?” Another man double checked.

They spoke about the young girl. They all seemed surprised at how well educated the girl seemed when she spoke, despite not being able to say some words properly.

They asked again how their new guests got aboard and not to mention all the fresh produce.

Andrew told them a ship had docked during the night, they were on it, along with the young girl, dog, and the fresh supplies. They seemed to believe it and didn’t ask any more about it.

But they did ask if they were returning to their home.

“No, he is returning home to Grimsby,” Derek replied for him.

“I know his parents and sister will be glad to see him.”

“You know-” Another sailor was cut off by a high pitched scream.

“Arrr! A bear!”

They all turned just to see the only other grown woman on board other than Joanne enter the hall.

“Don’t be so God damn stupid, woman!” Junior exclaimed annoyed just at the sight of the woman.

Yuki wasn’t even near her, the dog was sat on the floor by the table. But when the woman entered he stood up and began growling.

“Yuki,” Matthew said in a warning tone and the dog backed down but continued to glare at the woman. Joanne had to force herself not to laugh.

“Even the dog can tell she is no good,” Junior whispered in her ear making her smile.

“Velma, you know the rules,” The captain said in a cold tone.

“But a bear…” She said dumbly.

“Are you blind?” Joanne asked. “Oh, of course,” She said slapping her forehead. “The great pox has obviously started to affect her brain already.”

The woman glared at her. “You have the pox?” One of the sailors said with a pale look.

“No!” She opened her mouth to say more, but the captain cut her off.

“Go back to you cabin!” His order left no room for argument. With one last glare at Joanne she left.

She didn’t even notice the new members of the crew.

“From loved to loathed. Yay me,” The younger girl mumbled to herself earning her a chuckle from Junior and a “Yay,” From the little girl now on her father’s lap.

“Santa, ‘y ain’t ya at tha’ north pol’?” The little girl stared at the beaded captain with her large green doe-like eyes.

Matthew’s eyes widen and his sons fought back laughs.

Andrew had looked at the infant with a raised eyebrow before his booming laugh filled the room.

“The misses kicked me out.” She looked at them confused.

It was left to Matthew to explain to the young girl that he wasn’t Saint Nicholas.

Cookie had cried, but soon calmed down when she was told she could still call him ‘Santa’ anyway.

He just hoped his friend wouldn’t mind.


Ten days later, 10th February 1875.

Joanne had spent most of her spare time over the last week with both her sister and Maalik teaching them both the alphabet and how to write names.

Cookie wasn’t doing much but scribbles, but Maalik knew how to write his name now.

Matthew had been spending most of his time caring for his youngest daughter while the others worked their various jobs. He had spent a lot of time with his childhood friends catching up and still had time to care for his other children. Making extra sure that Junior was taking care of his little Annie. Maybe not his youngest anymore, but still his baby. Both his daughters were.

Junior continued to hang around her, never letting her far from his side and he had become great friends with all her brothers. They loved his black humour and his complete nonchalance to people he didn’t care about.

The twins taught their older brother what they had learned and they all seemed to get on great with the rest of the crew. Especially Joanne and Cookie. Cookie because she was like everyone’s daughter, the shy little girl who they all wanted to protect. The only person she had not bonded with was Velma and that was because the captain had made it clear to her that if she comes anywhere close she will end up in the drink.

And Joanne, because as they put it ‘she was nothing like the women they met.’ Yes, she was sweet, kind, bossy at times. But she always helped out or offered help, though many of the men said no because women shouldn’t do heavy lifting or rough work.

Junior had carried her into the back more than a few times when it was stormy and she was trying the help with a haul. Her brothers and father were thankful.

Many of the men still had trouble believing she was almost twenty and not five years younger. But had stopped asking after she showed her papers – the fake ones. As for Cookie, Andrew said he knew someone who could sort papers for the wee one.

Andrew had completely fallen in love with the girl and didn’t even argue when she started calling him Gran’pa. Matthew hadn’t minded either, after all despite their years apart they were still best of friends.

Derek adored his niece too. She had taken to call him Unky Eric and her father, daddy.

One of her favourite things to do when the others weren’t looking was to try and ride Yuki like a horse.

The dog was a softy with the young girl and just laid while she poked and jumped on the hairy creature.

“That dog is not coming on another trip!” The captain exclaimed sitting down in his cabin that afternoon.

“Been at the nets again?” Matthew asked knowingly.

Andrew gave him at blank look.

“Don’t worry, the boys will fix them and we are almost at the dock.”

“He is staying at home when we return to sea,” His friend told him definitively.

The pair was sat resting up after a long hard few days. The trip had gone well – despite the trouble with the dog – they had caught their full haul in record time and were going to make it home days ahead of schedule. Their families would be surprised but happy to see them. Matthew’s especially.


Meanwhile, the twins were working the bridge with another member of the crew. Adam was fixing the net as he was taught earlier that week and his sisters and Junior were with Maalik in a spare room. His wife was a Dressmaker and he often helped her when she was busy.

Joanne had mentioned needing to buy her sister some clothes when she got to port. The African man had offered his services, saying it was the least he could do since she was teaching him to read.

She didn’t wanted to take advantage of the man, but he insisted.

With some of the material they had brought and some of the small girls old clothes. The man hadn’t questioned seeing the strange clothing. He just continued what he was doing.

He had been working on the dress the several days in his little free time when he wasn’t learning with Joanne.

But the dress was all but done.

“I need the little miss to try this on.”

The dress was red, white and black, bold red and black patterns were considered more masculine, the delicate lace at the neck and sleeves feminizes this girl’s dress tartan pattern, with delicate white lace at the neck and sleeves to feminize the tiny girl’s dress. She would have to wear her own shoes, but they were passable, as was her coat which she had been wearing a lot in the cold weather.

Both men left the room, giving Joanne a chance to change her sister.


“I lok lik’ pincess,” The small girl giggled running around as soon as the dress was on.

“I don’t think we’re going to get her out of that anytime soon,” Joanne said opening the cabin door.

“Thax, Mal. Am pincess.”

The cook hand chuckled. “It is alright, little miss.”

“Hey ‘uniya! Ain’t I pritty?” She ran over to Junior holding out her arms for him to pick her up.

He chuckled and picked her up, “You look very pretty, Cookie. Just as I am certain, your big sister will,” He looked at Joanne with a knowing smile.

She hadn’t been too happy about the dress. In the beginning she thought it would be great, but the more she thought about it, the more she disliked the idea.

“I never said my dress wasn’t pretty, I just…”

“You wish it was acceptable for women to wear trousers?” Junior guessed and she nodded her head.

“The dresses are just so… big…”

He chuckled again and the little girl bounced in his arms, playing with a strand of his hair.

The small girl had taken the whole crew, but no one was more surprised than Andrew at how close and caring his son was with the girl.

He had commented a couple of times to his childhood friend that his son was practicing for fatherhood. This – both times – earned Joanne a talking too, mainly her father making sure she was still a virgin.

The captain had sat back and laughed both times too. He loved having his friend back. He had made new friends over the years, but none like Mattie.

“I know, princess. Nothing will stop you from wearing them on board here and at home. But you must wear dresses in public. I heard of one woman who was locked up for wearing a pair of breeches in public. I do not want that for you, my love.” He leaned over and placed a lingering kiss on his fiancée’s cheek.

“Now, me!” The tiny red-haired girl pushed herself up and placed a sloppy kiss on his stubbly chin before literally jumping from his arms to her sister.

“Cookie!” She exclaimed making the little girl’s bottom lip quiver.

“Don’t cry, baby.” She hugged her small sister closer. “I just don’t want you to hurt yourself… You could have fallen.” She placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

“Am zorry, Annie,” Cookie sniffled resting her head on her older sister’s shoulder.

“It’s alright, baby. Let’s take this off so Mal can make the finishing touches.”


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