Chapter 22

By the time Joanne and her sister woke up the next morning they were already in the dock. Her brothers, along with her father, the captain and even Junior was helping prepare the ship, haul and everything that is needed doing to depart the ship.
She was somewhat annoyed but knew it was because someone had to look after Cookie, plus she couldn’t risk being seen in men’s clothing.
Thankfully, they had left some breakfast for the pair. And both of their dresses and clothing for their new life was laid out ready with a short note from Junior telling her where they were and how sorry he was she had to wake up without him.
Once they had eaten and washed up, Joanne dressed her younger sister and styled her hair half up, half down style which wouldn’t look out of place in this time. The small girl didn’t have a bonnet, but her coat had a hood and she could wear for the day until they had a chance to shop.
Thank goodness Lottie had always had old fashioned taste.
Joanne, on the other hand, had to send a passing sailor to collect her father for her. But instead Luke came back to the cabin room.
“Wow, don’t you look pretty,” He picked up Cookie, then took one look at Joanne and left the room with the small girl.
“Thanks, because I didn’t need any help,” She called sarcastically after her. Seemingly oblivious to her sarcasm he called back, “No problem, Annie,” Before disappearing from sight.
Several minutes of trying to figure out how to begin and she still had little clue.
She sat on the edge of the bed dressed in only her nightwear – long johns – with a frown on her face and staring at the pile of clothing.
A shift, corset, bloomers, petticoat, bustle, stockings, dress, coat, bonnet and gloves.
She thought back to any Victorian movies she had seen, but she still had no clue.
No one was around now, she was completely alone and she felt so frustrated that she might cry.
“I give up! I’ll have to stay on the damn ship!” She yelled at herself.
A few more minutes had passed in a similar fashion before she heard a sound.
Junior and the Harris boys, along with the other members of the crew were just about ready to collect their belongings and leave the ship. He had been reluctant to leave his soon-to-be bride in bed without him but knew it was for the best.
“Where have you been and where’s Annie?” Mike asked his twin as he appeared on the deck with their youngest sister in his arms. The little girl was giggling and nuzzling her big brother’s neck.
“Playing and she is… Getting dressed?” He replied almost like a question.
“And who is…” Junior’s voice trailed off when he noticed a woman exit the door close to them.
Glancing over her body, her ample bosom, he was confused at first to who the woman was. It couldn’t be Velma because his father had kicked her off the moment the ship docked with a good pay packet and orders not to return.
But then his eyes reached the woman’s face.
An angel, goddess reincarnated…
A princess, his princess, to be precise.
“Joanne,” He said in a breath. He couldn’t manage to drag his eyes away from her.
His body moved as if it had a mind of its own, until he finally came to a stop in front of her. He didn’t notice anyone else, there was only her. His beautiful bride, dressed in an emerald coloured gown with lighter green detailing. She wore a matching bonnet, dark coloured gloves, and a burgundy ladies coat.
Even with all the layers of clothing, the current period women’s clothing revealed her curves in a way he had never seen before.
She looked nothing like the child he thought she was when he first saw her. Now she was a woman, his woman.
“Jr…” She mumbled nervously.
He stood a couple of feet away from her, staring at her in complete and total awe.
His mouth opened and closed, gaping like a fish with no sounds coming out.
“Annie Pennie…” Her father walked over with a look of awe. “Is that you?”
“No, it’s Mary Poppins.”
“Mary who?” Derek asked walking up behind her.
“You look beautiful, Annie,” The captain walked over from where he was working.
Lots of hums and yeses in agreement.
“Who helped you dress?” The oldest of her brothers asked accusingly.
“She’s almost twenty, she can do it alone. Can’t she, Cookie Pie?” Luke cooed to the little girl still in his arms.
“Don’t worry about it. Uncle Derek helped me.”
Matthew and Junior’s eyes both narrowed in the cook’s direction.
“It is improper-” Her father began to say, but she cut him off.
“I asked someone to get you. But Luke came and we know how that ended up.”
“Hang on…” The cheeky twin looked up from his youngest sister. “You wanted me to help you?” He asked dumbly.
“Idiot!” Mike grunted.
“I tried, but these clothes…” She blew out a breath. But then gave them her own cheeky grin. “It was even Derek or Ben,” She teased remembering hearing the pair walking down the corridor together and stopping them.
Junior looked at the teenage boy who was helping clean up.
“Do not fret, I did not see anything,” Derek quickly reassured them. “I explained how to put every garment on, but was outside the room while she did it. I only returned to the room to tie her corset and help pull the dress on.”
They didn’t look convinced.
“You shouldn’t see her in a state of undress like that!” Junior was now at her side with his arm around her tiny waist, holding her protectively to his side.
“Junior… Son,” Andrew said, gaining his son’s attention.
“Derek is devoted to Ettie and he is a father of a girl Annie’s age. You know he would never do anything.” Joanne sometimes forgot how different things were here, especially about women’s bodies.
“Fine!” Her fiancé grumbled. “But from now on only a women will help her and when we are married, I will.” Her brothers looked ready to argue, but one look at their father and seeing he was happy at his soon-to-be son-in-law’s protectiveness and they bit their tongues.
“Thank you, Derek, for helping out my princess. But next time get me.”
“Junior! Be nice,” Joanne scolded her partner who was still glaring at the older man.
The older man just chuckled used to the younger man’s directness.
“It is alright.”
A few minutes of laughter, compliments and Junior glaring at all the other men in his crew and them all – except him and the girls – went to finish up.
“By the way,” Junior turned his body to Joanne’s. “You…” He breathed out and looked her over, catching her eyes. “I..I..I can’t… Angel… Princess… Queen,” He rambled making her look at him with a puzzled expression.
He took a deep breath and started again. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” He leaned in, drew her in closer and kissed her jaw just below her ear.
“I love you so much, Princess,” He breathed out and took a deep inhale on her scent.
But giggling made him stop before he went too far. He looked between him and Joanne and realized where the sound was coming from. “My my, little Cookie, when did you get here?” He released his fiancée’s waist and leaned down. The tiny two-foot girl released her older sister’s skirt and reached out her arms. “I wuv ya, ‘Uniya.”
He chuckled and picked her up. “I love you too, little Cookie.”
“What about me?” Joanne drew her arms around the pair best she could from the side of Junior.
“Don’t you wuv me?” She pouted at the little toddler making her giggle.
“I wuv Annie, a’ost.”
The ship was finally empty, meaning the crew could finally depart the ship and go home.
“I still can’t believe it. I saw pictures, but still…” Joanne was in awe at the masses of boats clogging up the dock that in her time was almost empty.
“How did you even get in here?” She asked the captain seeing the gridlocked waterways.
Cookie was just as in awe but was now sat in his father’s arms.
Joanne was surprised to learn they had packed all their belongings up and placed in a transport carriage already.
“It isn’t visible from here, but there’s a path.” Junior led her off the ship with everyone else.
Not surprisingly she was too in awe of her surroundings to notice the lustful gazes of what seemed like hundreds of fishermen and hands working on the docks.
Not caring about it not being proper Junior moved an arm around her back and pulled her closer and glared at the looking men. Their reaction to her wasn’t surprising, though. The only women who hung around the docks were prostitutes looking to ply their trade or the fishwives.
“This way, Princess,” Junior said leaning in the direction of an awaiting coach.
“Oh, alright…” He drew her out of her daze. She turned her head as if searching for someone until stopping on Maalik.
“Remember two days,” She reminded him of her promise to could and help him and his family learn to read and write. “After one.”
He looked like he wanted to say no but said nothing. He had already tried to explain she did not need to feel obligated to go to his home. But she had adamantly insisted, telling him ‘Your family deserve an education too.’
It was true that black children can legally attend schooling, but most do not because of racialism and bullying.
“ME TU!” Cookie squealed gaining a few looks. But her father just chuckled, rocking her slightly, “Shh, little monkey.”
“Yes, Little Miss. It would be a pleasure,” The young cook hand replied with a small smile.
The infant girl loved him as an uncle.
Another several minutes and they were all on their way home.
Derek, Andrew, his parents and Matthew all lived in the same area.
The two men lived next door to each other and the parents just down the road.
Derek, the captain, Mattie, and Cookie were in one stagecoach while the rest of his children and Junior were in a second coach as they only sat six people, not including the driver.
All the Harris children – young and grown – were in awe as they drove through the streets. Cookie seemed to think they were in Princess land, this made the older men laugh.
Even the twenty-something guys were in awe.
“This is much better than Poland,” She remembered her first outing. Earning a curious look from the guys. “How so?” Adam asked her.
“It’s much more… I don’t know… I just feel at home here.” Her brothers looked outside thoughtfully and nodded their heads in agreement.
Junior breathed a sigh of relief. “I am so glad to hear that,” He lifted her hand to his lips and kiss the back. “I was a little worried you would not like it. It is very much different to your time.” He reached up and brushed his fingers across her slightly made-up, Rosie-coloured cheek.
“Oh my God! Please, leave her alone and stop fawning for ten minutes,” Mike exclaimed over-dramatically.
“I agree. It’s nauseating seeing our best friend pawing our little sister,” Adam agreed. The guys had become close in their time working together.
“Yes, but I don’t mind,” Luke admitted earning a glare from his brothers.
“What? It’s better than how Sam always tried to touch her.”
They all reluctantly agreed.
Adam and their father were surprised, but happy how much the twins had grown up.
Joanne still felt a little bad about standing him up. But left notes behind so no one would miss them.
The neigh of horses drew them from their discussion and the coach slowed down outside a large Georgian house. Glancing out the small window it became clear the whole street was filled with the large, expensive looking houses.
“We’re home,” Junior said happily, making all heads of the four siblings snap to him.
“How can a fisherman afford to live in an area like this?”