Chapter 5

I heard the front door opening minutes later, indicating David’s return.

“Am I safe to enter?” He asked quietly after another minute I guess putting the stuff in the kitchen. Poking his head around the corner, he broke into a huge smile seeing Chris and I now together.

“You guys sorting things out, I guess?” He asked, speaking the whole time in a hushed voice.

I nod, “I was an idiot, and I should have listened to him.” He looked unsure, “I wouldn’t say idiot, but I think hearing him out was a good idea.” He didn’t ask what he told me, but I told him anyway.

“Chelsey was arrested,” His eyes widened and showed obvious confusion. “She spiked his drink with Ketamine,” I told him everything. Chris stayed sleeping silently in my arms.

“Your sister is more fucked up than I thought,” He exclaimed but still Chris slept. God, the poor mite must be tired. I stroked his hair absent-mindedly.

David looked both shocked and angry at my sister’s actions.

“I will never forgive her,” I told him. “She purposely went out to hurt us both.”

“You shouldn’t forgive her. The stupid bitch could have killed him with a drug like that. As bad as it sounds though…” He paused before continuing. “I am glad I’m not with her anymore.”

I gave him a small smile, “So am I. You are a gorgeous guy, inside and out. You could get the nicest, beautiful woman. You just need to show that side to women more. Not the hot, jerk player you pretend to be.”

He chuckled, “Maybe I’ll do that. But the nicest, most beautiful woman is already taken,” He was looking directly at me.

I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow from behind me at him.

“Chris is mine!”

He laughed getting the joke, but then pouted. “But he prefers me. I have been his best friend still I playschool. He so wants me, I mean look at me,” He replied confidently looking down at his body.

“I think I should take back some of them compliments I gave you before your head is too fat to fit through the door.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know you love me really,” He said back waving his hand dismissively.

“Yes, you are like the annoying brother I never wanted… Maybe I can adopt you and you can replace Chelsey. I hate her. You’re pretty cool though.”

“Aww, I love you too, little sissy wissy,” He cooed as if speaking to a child.

I rolled my eyes, “Come here, you fool and help me escape his death grip. These babies must be an elephant because it feels like it us crushing my bladder.”

“Alright. But only because you are having my little nieces,” He said getting hand walking over.

“You think they are girls?”

“Yes, I heard somewhere that girls are pains even as babies.”

“Oh, haha,” I said sarcastically, as he reached under my arms and eased me from Chris’s grip. Chris frowned, but I placed a cushion in his arms and he seemed to be content for now. That is so damn cute. I missed his cuteness.

I disappeared to the bathroom and returned a minute later.

“Thank you, David. I don’t know what I would have done without you.” I leaned down to where he was now sitting and hugged him.

“It’s alright, Kim, really. Like I said, you are one of my best friends.” He hugged me back.

“We are a family, family got to stick together.”

I smiled at his comment. “Yes we are and that is why I want you to be mine and Chris’s babies Godfather.”

His eyes widened, “Are you serious?” I nodded and a second later he had picked me up and was spinning around with me in his arms.

“Of course I will,” He exclaimed happily. “Come on, baby Mama, let’s go make papa some dinner,” He grinned and carried me by my waist into the kitchen, leaving Chris dead to the world.


I was surprised at how much food David had brought. No surprise he was gone so long. But then again, he never was one to do things in half. He was a total sweetheart, no wonder him and Chris were best friends and Chelsey kept going back to him. She was stupid though. If she hadn’t been such a whore, she probably could have had what Chris and I have.

Right now, we were stood in the kitchen. We had just put on a full meal to cook, vegetables, lots of potatoes and all. Chris looked so skinny compared to before and so, me and David decided to feed him up.

Now David stood with his hand on my little bump, rabbiting on about how I should name the babies after him because he took care of me for the last month.

“KIM?” Chris’s panic filled voice echoed through the house. A moment later he rushed into the kitchen. His expression as though he was about to cry, but when he saw me, he relaxed. He ran the short distance and picked me up, pulling me to his chest.

“I’m here, Chris,” I hug him back and rub his back.
“I thought you had gone again,” He whispered burying his face in my neck.
“I wasn’t leaving, never again. We were just making you dinner,” I tell him kissing the top of his head.

He was clinging to me tightly, rocking me back and forth.
Another few seconds and I felt a second set of arms around me.
Chris looked up and saw his friend. “I was feeling left out,” David said innocently.

“Attention seeker,” I tease.
“I didn’t notice you before. Thank you for looking after Kim for me.”

“It’s no problem. I enjoyed having her around. Apart from all the crying, she was fun to be around. Oh my God. I just realized, you were like a little baby and I was your dad. Wow, I’m gonna be a great Godfather. You’ll beg me to come around to fix up the little ‘un all the time,” David boasted.

Chris raised an eyebrow, “Your Godfather? Since when?”
“Since my lovely best friend here…” David put his hands on my shoulders. “…Asked me to be earlier.”

“You did? Are you sure? He can’t even keep goldfish alive,” Chris said making me laugh. “Hey, that was one time. But I kept your future wifey alive, didn’t I? If it weren’t for me, she would have just laid in bed and cried over you.”

Chris’s grip tightened on me and he kissed the side of my neck.
“Thank you, David. I really don’t know what I would have done if anything happened to her or the babies.”

“Speaking of babies, I should call my parents to let them know I’m back and you should do the same before dinner is done. Then later you can tell me how you managed to get on the TV.”

“You saw that?” He sounded embarrassed.
“Yes. David showed it to me. That is why we came. I couldn’t bear to see you like that. No matter what you did or as I found out, didn’t do. I love you. I was just worried you and Chelsey had been doing it for a while and whilst I was away…” I trailed off and continued to hug him.

“I would never. You are my one and only.” He kissed lips and rested his forehead against mine. “Alright, I will make the calls. But before you call your parents…” He looked worried. “What?”
“Chelsey told them I planted the drugs on her and was the one to force her. The police know it is bull, but your parents believe her.”



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