Chapter 6

“You what?” David exclaimed. “I know that they have always been blind to her doing anything wrong. But this is ridiculous.”

“I know. I tried to tell them…”

I went to leave the room to call my parents and leave David and Chris to speak alone. But Chris was reluctant to let me leave his side and follow me almost instantly. David just chuckled and continued making dinner.

After dialing my parent’s number, I sat down on Chris’s lap, letting him embrace me.

God, I have no idea how I lived without him for so long.

‘Hello Kimberly, is that you?’ My mother’s loud voice came from my phone.

‘Hello mum, yes, it’s me.’
‘Where the hell have you been, young lady? You should be here supporting your sister. Not running around the country. Do you know that your so-called boyfriend had her arrested for drugging him and rape, when it was the other way around? He even had drugs planted on her and paid the Doctors at the hospital to fake the drug results. The poor darling, she had only ever sleep with one man before, and to make things worse he, David, has gone missing.’

I couldn’t help but snigger, ‘That’s what she told you?’
‘This isn’t a laughing matter, it’s true. Now stop being selfish and get back here. You can tell the police the truth about what an abusive man he is and get her out.’

As soon as she said that, I sobered up, ‘If that were true, which it isn’t, why would you let me stay with him?’
‘You are stronger than your sister. Your poor sister has always been so sad, and shy.’
‘Chris has never raised one finger to me. Chelsey is a slut and the opposite of shy.’
‘Kimberley!’ My mother exclaimed.
‘What? It’s true, the only reason David wasn’t around is because he and Chelsey split up.’
‘That isn’t true. They are getting married.’
‘No, they aren’t. David hates her. She would have sex with other men, whilst still dating him. But he dumped her when she started demanding money for sex.’
‘That is all lies. Why are you lying? You have always been jealous of her.’
‘That’s it! I’m done with speaking to you.’
‘Don’t you take that tone with me, young lady! You are still my daughter. You will come home and support your family. You have had enough fun sleeping around, God-knows-where.’

I was beyond angry by this point. ‘Don’t worry, mum. I’m going to support my family,’ I told her sweetly. I felt Chris’s arms tighten and dampness on my neck.

Mum mumbled something about finally coming to my senses.

‘Yes, I have. I am going to stay at home with my soon-to-be husband and family. Goodbye,’ I hung you before she had a chance to reply.

“You’re not leaving me?” Chris asked his eyes brimming full of tears.
“Do you think I would take the word of my bitchy mum and sister and leave the love of my life and father of our children?” We looked into each others eyes.
“Only about six months and our family will be complete.”

A huge grin made its way to his face. He is so damn cute when he smiles.
God, I love him.

“Family,” He whispered and pulled me impossibly closer to him.
“I love the sound of that. My family, Kimmy and our children,” He rocked both me and him.

“And the very handsome Uncle David,” David said standing in the doorway.
“I can imagine it, me and the two little ‘uns. I’ll have all the pretty mamas chasing me.”

“You are not using my children to pick up hoes,” Chris glared at his best friend.
“And there was me thinking you might actually be a good boy and all the rumors of you being a manwhore might have been false. But no…” I began to say.
“Come on, angel. You know I’ll never find a girl as brilliant as my tiny best friend. The girl who gives the best hugs in the world,” He gave me that cheeky ‘you can’t be mad at me’ grin.

“Fine. But you still aren’t using my children. If you even think about it, then I’ll take back my offer of you being Godfather.”

“You hug my fiancée a lot?”

“My-my Christos, is that jealousy I hear in your voice?” David teased walking over to us.
Chris wore a blank expression.
“Don’t worry, you are both my best friends. I would never do anything to hurt either of you. But I did sleep in the same bed as her more than several times.”
Chris’s eyes narrowed, but then he looked to me broken.
“She was depressed, I held her as she cried. Nothing else,” He added quickly.

“Come on, guys. Dinners ready.”


“That was great,” Chris sighed as we lay on the couch after eating the large meals. “I never knew you could cook, mate?”
“Yah, David is a pretty good cook,” I remembered the month we spent alone with him cooking my every meal. “Maybe he should have been a chef.”
David grinned from where he lay at the opposite end of the couch, his legs tangled with mine and Chris’s.

“What can I say? I’m a man of many hidden talents.”

Chris stayed quiet as if he wanted to ask something else, but was unsure.
“What is it, Chris?”
“Urm, I was just wondering… I heard Kim say on the phone… Say about Chels asking for money for sex?”
David sobered up and his expression turned cold. “Yes, that’s true.”
“I’m sorry, man. I know you cared for her.”
“It’s alright. I knew she was never ‘the one,’ but she was… I guess I was a safe bet. With her, I didn’t have to worry about her wanting to settle down and if I did wanted to see anyone else or sleep around she would let me. She would… Had often done the same. I just never expected her to become a prostitute. Either way, at the time, before everything, I did care for her. Not love, but care. I would have never got back with her if I didn’t, but I am glad it is over.” He gave us a small smile.

“Anyone who would do that to their family and people they are meant to care about isn’t worth my time.”

“Have you never thought of settling down?” I asked him.
“If I find the right person,” He looked between me and Chris.
“I want a relationship like yours. I envy you both. You have the perfect relationship… Apart from the recent happening. But I honestly, I have always been slightly jealous.” We both stared at him shocked.

“I want the beautiful, kind wife, children and house. I am getting older, I don’t like the sleeping around as much as I did. It has grown boring. I want a family, but I don’t want to just settle. I want my soulmate, like you… That is another reason I am glad me and Chelsey are over. If I had told her any of this, she would have either freaked out or tried to get me to married her. But I never have wanted that or spoke about it. She just isn’t the one.”


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