Chapter 7

“Chris, I thought I told you to call them to say I was back?” I whisper shouted as the loud banging continued at the front door.
Both of us, including David were still sat on the couch.
It had only been about an hour since dinner and now Chris parents were banging at the front door.

“I meant too…” He began to say.
“But he decided it was much better to follow you like a lost sheep,” David guessed correctly.

“Chris,” His mother’s voice came through the letterbox. “You need to let us in to know you are alright.”
“You have to take care, son” His father’s voice added sounding equally concerned.

“I’ll let them in,” David said reluctantly getting up and let the couple in.
“David?” Jonah, Chris’s father, asked surprised.
“Oh dear, it’s so great to see you. Where have you…” Mary, Chris’s mother hugged him, walked into the front room and stopped when she saw me and Chris.

They were both very attractive, it was easy to see where Chris and his siblings got their looks from. Mary and Johan were both forty-five and like me and Chris, high school sweethearts.

Instead of shouting at me as I expected, Mary came over and hugged us both.
They had always been kind and treated me better than my own parents, but after what I did to Chris, I was sure they would be angry at me.

“We are just glad you are alright,” He said as if reading my mind. “Chris explained why you left. It is understandable.”

“He told me… I wouldn’t have gone if I had known. I knew Chelsey was a cow, but I never imagined…” I said trailing off. Mary stopped hugging us, but stayed sat down on the edge. Jonah came over, leaned down and hugged me too.

“I know. I know she is your sister, but she has to pay…” He began saying standing back.
“I completely agree. Despite what my insane parents think, I think she should be jailed.” I made a move to stand up, Mary stood aside and Chris, AKA my sheep, shadowed my moves. Never for a second, even when I stood, being farther than an inch away and always either holding my waist or hand.

“I’ll go put a brew on, David did some shopping to fill up the empty cupboards,” I told them walking into the kitchen, filling the kettle up and putting it on to boil.

The others had all followed me in and were now sat at the table. Well, other than Chris, who was still hugging my waist. I noticed both his parents were staring at something, I looked down and followed their gaze to see Chris’s hand on my stomach and mine on top of his. My ring was perfectly on display.

“You are…”
“Engaged. We are getting married,” Chris completed his mother’s sentence.
His parents smiled widely, “Congratulations. We are so happy. We already think of you as our second daughter,” Jonah told me. Chris has two siblings, a younger sister, Martha seventeen. She is at college studying history, she wanted to be a teacher. And he has an older brother, Gabriel twenty-five. He works with Chris and their father. He was conceived on his parent’s honeymoon and is married to a twenty-seven-year-old doctor called Tess.

“But are you pregnant?” Mary asked looking at me with a hint of hope in her eyes.
I turned my head to look at Chris accusingly.

“You didn’t tell them?!” I tried to sound mad but failed to fight back my smile.
“I didn’t want them to worry more,” He replied nuzzling my neck.

“How far are you? When you are you due? When did you find out?” She asked excited and I turned back to see both her and Jonah smiling and David quietly sat smirking.

“I found out the day I saw…” They nodded their head in understanding.
“I am fifteen weeks.”
“She has a scan tomorrow,” Chris said excited. “I am going to be able to see my babies.”

“Babies?” Mary asked sounding unsure if she heard right.

“Yes. The doctor told me the day… Everything happened. I am on the pill so I didn’t think… But the doc did the test and listened to my stomach. There were two heartbeats, not including mine. He double checked with a scan.”

They sat silent for a moment just staring at my stomach.

Weren’t they happy?

They seemed to be a second ago.

“This is great. Our first grandbabies. We are going to be grandparents,” Mary exclaims, stands up and hugs Chris and me, again.
Jonah and David laugh.
“And I am going to be Godfather.” Jonah looked surprised but said nothing.

“We need to call your brother and sister and-“
“No, mum. Call them and tell them she is back. But please, let’s leave the family get together until tomorrow. That way I get to spend a bit of time with my future wife and you and everyone can come and see the ultrasound pictures,” Chris said cutting her off.

This seemed to make her strangely happily and she start rabbiting on about plans before disappearing from the room to make some calls.

“Sorry about my wife,” Jonah says with a smile.
“But we are very happy to have you back and to find everything out. You are already like a daughter to us and David, another son.”
David grins, “I knew you always loved me, Jonah.”

He laughed, “Don’t push your luck,” He jokes.
“So, where were you all this time?” He suddenly turned serious.

“I drove, David found me. He took care of me. Waiting on me hand and foot. He is a great friend. Then this morning we saw the news report. Chris never cries, it was heart-breaking, even though I though he had cheated I couldn’t continue to ignore him. I love him so much. I want to hurt my sister for what she did to him.

“Do you know she actually tried to get David to pay her for sex? God, I wish she was here I would hurt her so bad…” I ranted and Chris rubbed my stomach and kissed the side of my neck.

“Calm down, princess. It isn’t good for the babies. The courts will deal with her,” He reassures me.

“Christos is right, Kim. She will pay,” Jonah agrees and turns to David.
“You are a good lad. Thank you for taking care of Kim.”

“My pleasure.” David smiled. “She is one of my best friends. I really enjoyed it, despite her mostly being in bed depressed. Spending time with her made me realize what I’m missing. I want to find a real girlfriend, one with a future,” He admits.
“I honestly regret dating Chelsey. The only good thing that came out of it is us meeting Kim and Chris getting together with her.”

Jonah’s smile widens and he nods in agreement.
“I completely agree. Up until he met her I honestly thought he would end up in prison or something. But she settled him down. She was like a magic spell.” He turned to his son smirking and then looked to me. “Do you know that the day he met you, he came home from school and said ‘Dad, I found the girl I am going to marry,’?”

“Is that true?” I asked and Chris hide his face in my hair making his dad and David laugh.
I shuffled and turned in his lap until I was straddling him. I rest my forehead on his and looked into his eyes. “I love you, handsome chops.” His shy smile turned into a huge grin.

“You will be the bestest father and husband,” I wrap my arms around his neck and gently rocking us from side to side. “I am glad you are mine.”

“Only yours. I have only ever wanted you. You are my princess. My one love.” His arms tighten around my waist and he pulls our bodies impossibly closer. He stopped and looked down proudly at my small bump which was pushing against him. “Our babies…” He whispered with tears in his eyes and closed his eyes. “Thank you for giving me another chance, princess.”

“I should never have left you,” Is all I could say as he continued to embrace me.


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