Chapter 8

Chris’s parents asked a million and one questions.
I told them everything that happened and how I came home to tell Chris about the babies, found him with my so-called sister and left. David finding me and caring for me for the last month.

I know they loved David before but I think I just made him even more perfect in their eyes.

Jonah called the media company who they had played that video of Chris’s plea on the television every few hours and told them I had been found. Chris did the same with the police, who apparently reported me missing too. They also wanted to talk to me about what I saw that day because Chelsey was trying to tell them it was consensual and I knew they had slept together a couple of times in the past.

Which I knew wasn’t true. Chris promised me it wasn’t and I believe him. I honestly don’t know how I turned out so normal when my parents and sister are so obviously messed up.

Chris told the police we would come into the station tomorrow after my scan and they agreed on this.

The media wanted to speak to us too, apparently they had a lot of interest in the matter.
Who knew?

But all too soon Chris started to fall asleep, still with me on his lap.

David told me he would head home, but I told him to sleep in the spare room.

After everything he had done for me I wanted him to be at the scan with me and Chris. I would tell them both tomorrow. Today I just told him that we both needed him to stay and that the three of us could go to his parents tomorrow after everything else.

Another reason to have him stay is because I know despite everything he says and how he acts, he’s actually lonely. He is a great guy. But like most men, he hides his feelings to a certain degree because he doesn’t want to seem weak.

Jonah and Mary reluctantly left too but said… No, told me they would be back tomorrow with Chris’s sister, brother and his wife. We are going to have a family dinner and show them the picture of the babies.

David walked them to the door and locked up, giving me a chance to wake up Chris and get him to bed.

“Chris, baby,” I gently rock his shoulder standing in front of him.
It wasn’t hard to wake him though, the moment I left his lap he started to stir.
“Come on, let’s go up to bed.” He opened his eyes slightly and gave me a relieved smile.
“Anything you want, my love,” He replied sleepily and stood up from his seat.

I walked him up the stairs without a problem but was shocked when I entered our bedroom.
“I had the other bed took to the dump,” He explained noticing my surprise at seeing the large four-poster bed which had taken the place of our old oak framed bed.

“I didn’t want the other bed after…” A couple of tears escaped his eyes, breaking my heart. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he happily returned my hug, resting his head on my shoulder.

“I remembered you always looked the four-poster ones in the old movies, so I wanted to surprise you.” He pulled back enough to see my face, but still kept hold of my waist.
“Is it alright? If it isn’t, I can get a new-“
“I love it. It’s perfect.” I cut him off and kiss his lips.

“Get changed and get into bed.”

Again he followed my instructions without argument and stripped down to his boxers. I know he should have a bath and a shave. But he looks so exhausted, it could wait until the morning.

I followed his lead and stripped to my knickers and pulled on a shirt.
“Is it alright if I watch the TV on low while you sleep?” I asked him already knowing the answer.

“Anything. Just lay with me, please?” He begged climbing into his side of the bed.
“I will. I am just going to grab a glass of juice.” He silently nodded and his eyes started to close.

It was still only early and I honestly wasn’t really that tired.

“Is he sleeping?” David asked as I enter the kitchen. I was still only in my shirt and knickers, but it was long enough to cover everything and David and I weren’t like that. We had a brother-sister relationship, nothing else.

To cut a long story short, David ended up sat in bed beside me and watching some show while Chris hugged my side and slept.
We spoke, joked and laughed and he continued to sleep the whole time.

“In all honestly, I really love you David, as a friend. You are my best friend, other than Chris. I am glad we spent that month together. It helped me see you in a new light. You are a great guy.”

He smiled proudly and kissed my forehead. “I love you too, Kim. You are like the little sister I always wanted. I will always take care of you and be there for you when you need me.”

I grinned and moved onto my side, resting my head on David’s chest and giving him a friendly hug. Not that he minded, he was always one to say if he didn’t want a person touching him. He hugged me back and Chris repositioned himself behind me and his hands found my bump. I glanced back and smiled to see him still sleeping. I awkwardly leaned back and pecked his cute pouty lips.

God, how did I ever get so lucky? Chris is not only one of the sweetest men I had ever met, but also the most handsome. I love him so much. I feel so guilty for how I treated him, not giving him a chance to explain.

I turned back to David and placed my head back on his chest. He chuckled but said nothing as we went back to watching the show.

The last thing I remember before falling to sleep is David stroking my hair and telling me jokingly that I had to name a baby after him. I laughed quietly. But the day’s events were catching up on me fast and I soon found my eyes closing and before I knew what was happening, I was asleep and dream of mine and Chris’s wedding.


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