Chapter 9

“What are you doing in my bed, David?” Chris’s voice woke me up the next morning. “And hugging my fiancée?” I kept my eyes closed waiting to hear what they said without affecting the conversation by being awake.

“We were watching the TV together while you were sleep. I must have dozed off,” David replies before yawning and stretching beside me.

“You guys are awfully close…”

“Chris, man, don’t even go there,” David said now completely awake.

“Why not? You spent a whole month alone with her and I’m just meant to think you never did anything?”

Wow! As much I love Chris, I wanted to punch him right now.

“Yes! Because nothing happen!” David said angrily and slowly.

“We both love you, you damn idiot. You both are like my brother and sister. Yes, I fell asleep in her bed a lot of nights. But no nothing happened. She spent the whole time crying in my arms and telling me how much she missed you,” He said in a whispered shout, but then sighed.

“I do love her, but not in that way. She is amazing and I would truly do anything for her and you too. You are my brother, I thought you trusted me?! I would never do that to you, even if you did do anything to mess up. And truth be told, I think even if you had really cheated, she would have come back to you anyway, she loves you that much.” I felt him get off the bed.

“You should be thankful you have such a loyal, beautiful woman and children,” He sounded almost envious. It was a little heart-breaking.

“I would give anything for what you two have.” I heard footsteps and the door close.

“Oh, crap!” Chris mumbled angrily at himself.

“He never did anything, Chris. Really,” I told him finally opening my eyes and sitting up.

“You heard that?” He said embarrassed.

I nodded silently.

“I’m sorry. It’s just…”

“You were jealous?” He nodded.

“You don’t have to be. David would do anything for you. He was convinced that I had made a mistake and I was confused.” He looked surprised. “He was always on your side. He was just keeping us safe for you,” I rub my stomach and he smiles.

“I should tell him I’m sorry.” His eyes never moved from my stomach. He reached down, pulling my top up to expose my bump.

“You are so, so beautiful.” He stared at me in awe. “I can’t wait to see our little ones today,” He placed two kisses on my stomach before leaning up and kissing me.

“It’s getting on, Chris,” I looked at the clock to see we had less than two hours before the appointment. “We should start getting ready.”


I made Chris speak to David while I got a shower and dressed.

They must have sorted things out because Chris returned to the bathroom with a big smile.

“David is going to be my best man and help me arrange the wedding,” He told me as I sorted out my clothes for the day.

“And what about me? Don’t I get a choice in our wedding?” My annoyance clear.

“Of course, you do, Princess,” He walked over kissed me and rubbed my stomach.

“You can choose everything if that is what you wish. I want the day to be perfect. But I don’t want you to stress about caterers and things so we will arrange all that. You just have to decide on what you want,” He kissed me again before checking the time.

“David is already dressed and is making breakfast,” He has become quite the house husband over the last month. I kind of wish he could stay. I liked having him as my big brother.

“I’m going to jump in the shower quickly.” Another kiss. “You go and feed yourself and our babies.”

He turned and walked to the bathroom, but then stopped.

“Oh and Princess,” He grinned. “I love you so much. Thank you for coming back.” I could see a tear in his eye as the door closed.

“Don’t worry, Chris,” I whispered. “I am never leaving you again.”


“Kim,” The doctor was happy to see me. It was the same one I worked for before and surprisingly he wasn’t mad at me for just up and leaving.

It appeared Chris had contacted him and so he knew everything that had happened.

He had even offered my job back, but Chris had made it clear I would not be working.

I plan on convincing him later. I want to return to my part-time job, it stops the boredom setting in, plus it’s at the doctor’s office so if anything happens…

“Are you alright with both men being in here while I do this?”

Chris had invited David along and he had accepted happily. It was kind of sweet to see the two men so excited. Anyone would think the babies were really related to David.

“Yes. David is as good as family. So it’s all good.”

The doctor smiles nodding and I roll up my shirt to expose my stomach.

“This is going to be cold.” He poured some lube on my stomach. “Sorry.” Then moved the wand to my stomach, rolling the eye over my bump while looking and tapping on the screen.

“Heartbeats are good.” He looked at the screen but then his brows furrowed.

“Is something wrong?” Chris asked worried, he was holding my hand and David was stood at his side.

“No,” He shook his head and repeated with a smile, “No. They are a little smaller than babies at this stage, but that can happen with multiple births,” He explained turning the screen to us to show us our babies in 3D on the screen.

“Baby number one…” The most beautiful sight on the screen. A couple of tears left my eyes. “Baby one is a fraternal twin. Meaning he or she was made from a separate embryo,” He explained moving the wand to another part of my stomach. “And these are babies two and three.” My mouth fell open. “They are identical, meaning they are from one embryo.”

“We are having triplets?” Chris asked in shock. I looked to see his eyes full of tears and glued to the screen.

“Yes. I didn’t see baby three last time because he or she is so small and was probably hiding behind their sibling.”

“Are they all healthy?”


“Would you like a picture and a recording made for you?”

“Yes, please.”

He let us listen for a minute while arranged the things for us.

It was a little chaotic because there were multiple heartbeats all mixed together.

Chris leaned down his head to mean. “We are having three little babies.” His eyes now leaking tears but he had the biggest grin I have ever seen on his face.

“I love you so bloody much, Kim. I am the proudest man alive having a family with you.”


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