Chapter 10

“Three babies…” Chris said for like the hundredth time. There was no hiding his joy.
He hadn’t stopped hugging me and touching my stomach since we left the doctor’s office.

“I wonder if they’ll be boys, girls or both…?” Sadly because the position they were in the doctor couldn’t tell but we made another appointment for twenty weeks for my gender scan. But I will have to see the midwife every couple of weeks because the multiple babies.

“I think it will be girls,” David said as he drove us back home.

“I’d like it to be both,” Chris said holding me and rubbing my bump. “The boys like their daddy, so they can look after their tiny sisters, who will be just like their mum.”

Over the last several years Chris has grown from just over six-foot to six and a half foot, while I was still pretty short at only five-foot-three.

Everyone is taller than me, David is just over six-foot, and even my whore of a sister is five-eight.

The only good thing about being short is the hugs I get from Chris.

“Aw, let’s not hope they get too big while she is carrying them, though,” David joked. “Don’t want her not able to walk.” He laughed at his own joke. I just stuck my tongue out at him to see in the rear-view mirror.

The doctor had advised me to start taking supplements – something I started the moment I learned I was expecting – and also to buy lotion for my skin. He told me over the next weeks my bump is going to start growing a lot faster and because I have three instead of one child, I will be a lot bigger than most. I am both excited and terrified at what was happening.

I had already started feeling some movements, not lots but more than most first time mums do at this time – so I have read.

“Don’t worry, Princess,” Chris kissed my cheek. “I’ll carry you anywhere you want…” He nuzzled my neck. “My family.” It still shocks me, even now, how much he loves me.
I am not saying I don’t feel the same, it’s just I never dreamed I could have been so lucky in love.

We spent the rest of the morning and half the afternoon at David’s parent’s house where we collected the last of my stuff, including my car and a change of clothes for David.


Later that afternoon…

Chris was bathed and clean shaven and looking hot as hell.
I was half tempted to keep him at home, but I didn’t want to pressure him into anything after what happened. I don’t know how he felt about sex. I would have to talk to him later.

But it was safe to say he still loved me and felt the same about me, he had been my sheep all day and David took great pleasure in teasing him about it.

But right now we were on our way to Dimitris house where we – me, Chris and David – are having dinner with Chris’s parents, sister, brother and his wife. Their house is more suited for family dinners.

And to be honest, I can’t help but feel nervous.

At some point during the drive, I must have fallen asleep because when we got to his parent’s house, he woke me up kissing me.

The kiss reminded me so much of our first one. “I love you so much,” He mumbled against my lips.
He had changed so much since we first got together, yet I was so similar in many ways.

Before I knew it, he had the backdoor open, and he was carrying me out of the car.
“Chris! I can walk still,” I tried not to laugh, but David didn’t bother hiding his amusement.

“The ground is damp, I will not let you walk and fall over.” Deja vu.

“Dad really loves his car, huh?” He gives me a grin obviously remembering the first time he brought me home too.
“He does that.” He kissed my nose. “Almost as much as I love you, I think,” He jokes.
We had barely stepped foot on the doorstep when the front door opened.

Jonah greeted us, chuckling at his son holding me and leaning in the place a kiss on the top of my head before he showed us inside. “Mary is in the kitchen finishing up.”

“You can put me down now,” I tried to convince my fiancé and fail. He acted as though he didn’t even hear me.
“Hey Hey, Little Kimmy. You’re back,” Gabriel – Chris’s older brother – said stepping out of the room I knew was the living room. “I never thought I’d see his stupid grin ever again.” He sped over, tried to hug me, but it was impossible in my current position.

“Hey, Chris. Not that I’m not happy to see you happy again. But can you put little Kimmy down so I can have a hug.”
“ME TOO!” I heard hurried footsteps and a voice I recognized as Martha – Chris’s little sister.
Followed by a laugh I knew was Tess’s – Gabriel’s wife.

“No!” He said flatly.
His brother opened his mouth to argue, but David spoke first.
“Don’t bother,” He stepped next to his friend. “He almost lynched me this morning for hugging her.”

“That was different!” Chris glared at him. “You were in our bed!”
“I was?” Now David was just winding him up. He always did enjoy making Chris mad, but never meant it seriously.

“That’s enough teasing him now, David.” Mary stepped out of the kitchen and walked over, giving the three of us a kiss on the cheek.
“Bring her into the dining room, dinner is ready.”


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