Chapter 7

“Please, angel,” Blaze cried onto Amy’s shoulder.

“I love you both too,” She was also crying. “But I can’t be with someone who just uses and treats me as if I only matter sometimes.”

“I swear to the Moon Gods, I will treat you better. None of this is fully Garrek’s fault, I forced him into the position. I’m sorry.” Blaze looked to Garrek. “I am sorry to you too. I have treated you like crap over these years. I have made you do a lot of things against your will too,” Tears still falling from his eyes.

“I forgive you, Blaze. I love you both. But I agree with Amy, we both need to stop forcing sexual things on each other if that is not what we want. Not only you but me too. You may of been the one to tell me to get in that position, but I was the one who lost control and forced myself inside her despite her cries.” Garrek looked like a kicked puppy.

“Please forgive us and don’t leave,” He begged her this time.

“We will do anything. We don’t even have to have sex anymore if you want that, just stay,” Blaze adds.

“What? And you’ll both will go back to fucking random whores and Mum again?” She hissed.

“NO!” Both men said at the same time.

“We only want you. There will never be anyone else,” Garrek said.

“We would wait an eternity for you to be ready again,” Blaze looked at her with so much love, it was clear to her that he and both loved her a lot.

“I can see you both love me. But I don’t think you care. You told me you only slept with all them women to protect me because you didn’t want to force mate me like Kray and Tye wanted. But then when I do finally accept you and willingly let you both and your wolves mark and mate me. You act afterward like the forcing thing is out the window because now you own me. I would think if I didn’t know better it was your wolves but we both know that isn’t true. This was pure and simply you both. Maybe it isn’t you after all who really wants to be with me. Yes, you love me, but maybe just as a sister. Maybe it is because of your wolves needs you think there has to be more and you are forcing yourself…” She trailed off her rant.

“That isn’t true. Yes, I may of not loved you in that way before I found out you were my mate. But Tye just helped me open my eyes to show me how perfect you are. Even if this wolf mate thing wouldn’t of happened, I know I would of fallen for not only you but Garrek anyway.

“You are both everything and more than I ever dreamed of, but like I said I just didn’t notice it until afterwards. And as for Garrek…” Blaze looked at Garrek and smiled and then back to Amy. “He has loved you since the day you were born and always as a lover never a brother. I would like to say we are both deserving of you, but I know I am not. But Garrek is. If it wasn’t for being a shiftier Garrek would probably still be saving himself for you.” She looked at Garrek surprised, he looked down, nodded and blushed.

“When I discovered you were both my mates Garrek accepted me, but told me he wanted to wait to until you were old enough to complete to mating and have you as his first. Yes, he and I both on occasions had to be dragged from your room when our wolves got to much, but still he want to wait. We agreed to only foreplay until you were old enough. At least he did until…” Blaze looked at Garrek with a look of regret and tears fell from his face as he began to explain.

“I raped and forcibly mated Garrek. Making him lose control and have sex with some random slut. After that it just became harder and we slept with more and more women, including Mum to control our lust for you. I couldn’t let what happened to Garrek happen to you too. Deserving or not though, I can’t lose you. I will not lose you. You are both my world and my soul. I don’t know what to do but I will do anything… We both will. Please just give us another chance?” Blaze begged and pleaded.

“Give me time to think. I promise I won’t leave and go back. But I can’t promise anything else. I just need time to think,” She told them both.

“That is all we can ask,” Garrek replied still as depressed as the other two.

Blaze nodded broken. He and Garrek both hugged her close kissing the top of her head, but she didn’t stop them though because they all needed it at that moment in time.

“I will drive, Blaze. You rest,” Garrek said pulling away and climbing in the drivers seat.

“Alright,” He mumbled tired still not letting her go and she sighed.

“Okay, Blaze, you can lay your head on my lap and sleep if you must, because I do still love you. But that doesn’t mean I am forgiving you,” She told him. But it gave both men hope and they both wore a small smile, even Garrek who was driving.

He would keep looking back in the mirror at his brother laid sleeping with his head in Amy’s lap and smile more. Especially when he caught her when she thought he wasn’t looking stroking Blaze’s hair and smiling running her fingers down his face and neck and rubbing over the mark her and her wolf had gave him.

He was happy to have them as his mates. Blaze may of done things the wrong way but he did love them both and Garrek knew it. Blaze just needed to learn to be more of a Submissive and less of a Dominant.

‘I have an idea to how at least you can get Blaze to prove to you have meant everything,’ He said to Amy through their link as he continued to drive making her jump.

She quickly moved her and looked in the rear view mirror at him driving. ‘And what is that?’ She sound curious.

‘You should make Blaze your Submissive.’ She gave him an unsure look.

‘How does that prove anything?’ She asked.

‘Blaze is a Dominate, he always has been. He refuses to submit to anyone even me,’ Garrek continued to explain.

A short time later…

‘We are only about half an hour from the pack land,’ He told her.

‘Okay. I will wake him up and explain things,’ She smiled slightly.

“Blaze, it’s time to wake up,” She poked his head making Garrek laugh.

Blaze groaned but stayed asleep. “Wake up!” She poked him a bit harder.

“What?” He groaned.

“Wake up. We are almost at pack land and we need to speak first…” He didn’t move.

“That is if you want me to continue to be your mate?!” She said nonchalantly sharing a small smile with Garrek.

Blaze’s eyes shot open and he sat up like a shot. “You will accept me?” He asked hopeful.

“Only if you agree to a few things first.”

“Anything,” He answered quickly.

She hid a smile. “Gar and I have already spoken about it and he has agreed.” She looked from Garrek to Blaze.

“What do you want me to do?”

“I want you to be a Submissive to me and Gar. I will be Dominate too you both. You can be Dominate to anyone on the outside world, but you will have no choice but to submit to me and Gar, unless I tell you otherwise. Same as Gar will be submit to me but be Dominate to the outside world too,” She explained and smiled. “So what do you say?”

‘We will not submit,’ Tye growled in Blaze’s head.

‘Do you want too lose both Garrek, Kray, Amy and Ash? Because if we don’t accept their offer we will lose both of them,’ He growled back at Tye.

Tye whined, ‘They wouldn’t they are our mates.’

‘They will and you know it.’

Tye cried, ‘We can’t be without them.’

‘I know and that is why we will submit to them both,’ Blaze told him.

Tye said nothing for a while. ‘Only too our mates. No one else,’ He said finally.

‘No one else,’ Blaze agreed.

Amy was looking at him expectantly. “So?” She asked.

“That is all I have too do, submit to you both and you will accept me again?” He made sure.

“That’s right. So what do you say?”

“Anything to keep you both. I will submit, but I refuse to submit to any other than you both,” Blaze told her.

“Good.” Garrek pulled over and climbed into the back, kissed Amy and smirked at Blaze only kissing the top of his head before climbing into the drivers seat.

“What are you doing?” Blaze asked worried.

“Driving?” She said as if it was obvious.

“Have you even got a licence?” He asked.

“No, but I know how to drive… More or less,” She said the last part low enough for them not to hear and then started the car and slowly started going forwards before speeding up.

Garrek moved his hand to Blaze jaw and turned him to face him.

Blaze leaned forwards to kiss him but Garrek stopped him. Blaze frowned, ‘Had he changed his mind?’ He asked himself worried.

Garrek smirked. “The only place I want that mouth right now is here,” He said pulling out his manhood.

Blaze looked surprise.

“Suck it!” Garrek ordered.

Blaze bent took it in his hand and slowly tasted the end with his tongue.

“That’s right. Taste my cock.”

Blaze took the mushroom tip in his mouth, sucking it and rolling his tongue across it.

Blaze and Garrek didn’t notice Amy pulled the car over at the side of the road and begin watching until she spoke.

“That is pretty hot,” Amy said now turned around and kneeled in the drivers seat watching Blaze suck Garrek off.

“How long have you been watching?” Garrek asked breathlessly as Blaze took more into his mouth.

“A few minutes,” She shrugged. “I might have lied a little about being able to drive… But we can speak about that later. Carry on,” She ordered with a grin.

Neither said anything, just continued their show for Amy.

“Take hold of his head and face fuck him,” She ordered rubbing herself inside her pants. They couldn’t see it through the seat, but both men could smell her and were getting really turned on.

“Blaze, you will not touch yourself. You are banned until I say otherwise. Gar, you will not touch yours either,” She ordered with a smirk.

He groaned against Garrek’s member, causing him moan.

Garrek grabbed hold of Blaze’s head as Amy ordered and slowly pushed his head back and forth, deeper and deeper each time.

“Oh yeah, take it,” He groaned.

“Don’t shoot in his mouth. Stop before,” Amy told him.

He continued doing Blaze’s face.

“You are really good it that, Blaze,” He moaned.

“God, Amy, you smell so good. Please let me touch you?” He groaned loudly.

“Stop. I’m going to cum,” He yelled, Blaze pulled back looking at him with lust.

Amy moved and opened the car door and stepped out.

“Get out!” She ordered.

They both did as she said.

Thankfully, it was the middle of the night, pitch black apart from the light from the car and the moon.

And they were not on pack land yet, so no one would see anything.

She crawled on her hands and knees in the back seat of the car.

“Blaze, pants down. You are going to eat me and finger me. Whilst Garrek fucks your behind.” She moved onto her back and pulled up her skirt to reveal her naked core.

“Where did your panties go?” Blaze asked moving into position. He wanted to place himself inside her, but was just happy that she is willing to let him touch her.

“I dumped them earlier in the front of the car,” She smirked.

“Now Garrek…” She pulled something out of her bra and threw it past Blaze’s head and into Garrek’s hands. “Catch!”

He catches it and looked down at his hands. With a raised eyebrow and a smirk he asked, “Where did you get this from?”

“Magic,” She smirked back. “Now use it.”

Blaze looked at her with confusion, but then felt the familiar coldness hit his crack. His eyes widened in realization, follow by the one then two fingers.

“Play with me and yourself,” She ordered him.

He leaned down, began to tongue her nub and slowly push two fingers inside her.

At the same time somehow rubbing his own member and Garrek entered him.

Garrek groaned, “Fuck,” Pumping in and out.

Blaze had only been eating her a few minutes when, “Pull me below you,” She moaned.

He didn’t have to be told twice. He grabbed her hip and yanked her below him.

Immediately began rubbing himself against her with every thrust Garrek did. “Yes, just like that,” She purred. “But don’t enter me,” She paused and looked into his deeped black filled eyes. “Yet.” He let the corners of his mouth curl up into a smile.

“I kind of like bossy Amy,” He breathed against his mark on her neck.

Without asking Garrek reached underneath Blaze and began rubbing his finger around her entrance. All whilst still inside Blaze and Blaze rubbing himself against her. ‘Please let me touch you inside?’ Garrek begged through the link.

‘Okay, but you must pull your finger out just before you cum,’ She told him.

‘Yes yes yes. I promise!’ Without another word he entered her heat core.

“Perfect,” He moaned. He loved being inside both of them, he felt like one with them both.

His hip thrusting rhythm and finger both hard and deep.

A couple of minutes later…

“I’m going to cum,” He said pulling out his fingers and grabbing hold of Blaze’s hips.

‘Fuck me now,’ She linked to Blaze.

His head jumped up in surprise.

Quickly before she could change her mind he pushed himself inside her.

Both of them were so worked up that they orgasmed almost straight away, along with Garrek.

“That was hot as hell,” Blaze groaned into her neck.

“Get up, you’re both crushing me!” She whined below him.

“Sorry,” Blaze said sheepishly jumping back and out of the car. Thankfully, Garrek had already moved so didn’t get knocked over.

Amy sat up, “Thank God, it’s dark or I am sure we would of had an audience.”

“If anyone looks at either of you whilst we are like that I will kill them!” Blaze growled.

She shuffled her way out of the car and slapped Blaze’s side hard.

“Pull your pants up,” She told him with a grin.

“Not that I didn’t like that but why did you slap me?” He asked.

“Because you were both meant to be punished, but you are both too sexy and I got carried away and let you fuck me when I wasn’t meant too,” She stressed.

Blaze and Garrek both shared a look and smiled, “Well, that’s good, because it was really good,” Garrek said.

“Of course it was. I literally put myself inside and came. I don’t think I have ever been so turned on and worked up before,” Blaze said while looking Amy down.

She looked down to what he was looking at and smiled.

“Gar, backseat. Blaze, drive.”

Once on the road again, Blaze drove whilst watching his brother clean Amy in the back seat of his seed which had began to pour out.

“I think you would make a good cat,” She smirked. “You have a great tongue.”

“I don’t mind if it means eating you all the time,” Garrek said sounding muffled.

“Amy, I know we agree to let you be our Dom but if you try to drive the car again before learning, we will tie you to the bed and spank you raw,” Blaze smiled in the mirror.

“What? It’s only a scratch,” She said innocent holding back her laughter.

Garrek never said anything because he could tell she was lying.

“You what?” Blaze yelled slight.

“Jeez, Blaze. Only kidding,” She smirked.

His shoulders visually relaxed, “You are so lucky I love you,” He mumbled.

She could tell his wolf was crying too come out and dominate her, but Blaze we pushing him back.

“I only pulled over because I kept stalling the car,” She told them, Garrek still happily cleaning her.

Blaze said nothing.

“Garrek, you know I was clean five minutes ago?” She asked eyebrows raised in amusement.

“Yes. But I love eating you,” He slurped.

“Fine. On your back,” He looked hopefully, she rolled her eyes. “If you insist on doing it then you are going to do it right. I am going to sit on your face and you are going to tongue fuck me,” She told him.

Blaze found it hard not to watch them, but some how managed to watch and drive at the same time. Looking back and forth between the road and them.

“If you both continue to be good boys then maybe every now and then I will let you dominate me… But still no forced butt action! If I ever want it I will tell you.”

Both men instantly agreed, loving how she dominated them, but also like being the denominator.

“We are coming to the border. We will be stopped by the guards,” Blaze warned.

“Okay,” Amy sigh and got off of a happy Garrek’s face.

Blaze laughed at Garrek as sat up and licked his lips. “I think you could accidentally pee in his mouth and he would still smile,” Blaze joked.

His brother shrugged nonchalantly, “Wouldn’t bother me.”

Amy cringed, “Yuk. That is gross, Gar,” She laughed and hit his arm.

“But tasty,” He licked his lips again. Her eyes opened wider and mouth fell open in shock horror.

Blaze burst out laughing. “You are such a weirdo.” He began to slow the car down.

“You can’t say anything. You know that if she asked you to lay back and let her pee in your mouth you would let her,” Garrek said helping Amy put her panties back on that Blaze had passed them.

His words, “I do not want or think it is a good idea for you to be around a lot of unmated wolves with no panties on.”

She and Garrek both agreed and once they finished dressing she sat back down just in time to reach the border.

“You notice how he didn’t deny it?” Garrek whispered to Amy as the car came to a stop.

“You can drink as much as you want but I am not touching it, yours or mine,” She told them both.

“Maybe later,” Blaze joked and opened his window to speak to the approaching guard who was in Human form dressed in shorts showing off his well toned chest.

“Hey man. Alpha James told us you were on your way back early. Your parents have already arrived at the house about an hour ago…” The blonde haired guard looked around the car and lands on Amy and smirked. “Got lost, did we?” He asked looking back at Blaze.

“You could say that…”

The pack knew the two brothers were mates and they had another female mate. But no one knew that it was their sister or who it was.

“You going to introduce us?” The man asked looking at Amy.

Blaze looked to his sister. “Amy, this is Leon. The packs head fight and general pain in the ass.” He turned to Leon with a smirk. “Leon, you know Gar, my brother and the girl next to him is Amy, my sister…” Leon raised his eyebrow.

“But I thought she was your mate?” His confusion obvious on his face.

Garrek smirked and smiled her lips, “She is.” He looked at Leon who was wearing a shocked expression.

He nodded his head. “That is kind of hot,” He smirked.

“Leon is also one of the packs biggest perverts,” Blaze teased.

“That’s nice to say to one of your best friends,” He said in mock hurt.

His eyes glaze over and stays quiet for almost a minute.

“The boss wanted to know if you had arrived yet. I told him you were on your way,” He explained.

“Okay, man. We will get together later and catch up,” Blaze told him.

“Alright. Bring Amy with you, it’ll be nice to get to know her and I will introduce her too some of my sisters,” Leon shivered. “Sorry, just thinking… I am glad my sisters aren’t my mates, but if you were my sister…” He winked at her, earning him a growl from both men.

“Come on. You know I wouldn’t do anything. She is your mate, but if she wasn’t…” Another growl.

“Okay, I am going to let you go before I get myself killed,” He laughed.

“Nice to meet you, Amy. See you all later,” He said before walking away from the car.

Blaze rolled his window back up and began to drive again. “He seems… Urm nice,” She said.

“He is,” Garrek agreed.

“He is just a big flirt but he is a good guy. He would never do anything with a mated she wolf,” Blaze defended.

“I was thinking…” Amy said deep in thought. “I know you wasn’t part of Liam’s pack anymore but Mum and Dad were. Will he be able to track them or anything through their link thingy? Ash is worried.”

“One of the reasons why Dad wanted to be in a separate car is because when he got far enough he had to denounce Liam’s pack. It broke the link and stopped both Liam and his pack from contacting and tracking them through the link.

“With Mum it is easy, she would just say the words and get a little headache like when we did it to join James pack. But Dad…” Blaze paused and sighed. “Dad is the Beta and second in charge, so when he did it, it would cause great pain for him and Liam both. Dad would pass out and sleep the rest of the drive before feel himself again, but then he would be good again,” He explained.

“I didn’t know he would have pain,” Amy said teary eyed.

“Don’t cry, Amy. He did it because he loves you. The pain was only temporary. It will be gone by now,” Garrek cooed rubbing her back.

“Are you sure?” She asked.

“Positive,” He said.

“I hope so.”

“Give it a minute and you can ask him yourself. We are only a minute away from the house,” Blaze told them both.

“Ready to meet James again?” He asked. “He is looking forward to seeing you.”

“Where is Yun?” She asked remembering her dog.

Liam (A couple of hours earlier)

‘Tim!’ Liam yelled through the mind link after viewing the video.

He and his wolf were ready to kill.

‘How dare they take our mate?!’ His wolf Graven.

‘She was crying. She didn’t want them,’ Liam told him.

‘No. She knows they are not her mate,’ Graven defends.

“Yes, Alpha,” Tim said rushing into the room.

Liam was on the verge of shifting. His eyes black as night, his claws and teeth extended.


Tim was too scared to ask why and just sent out the order to the trackers and had some sent to the restaurant they were last seen heading too.


Tim looked shocked, “Why? What has happened?”

But Liam didn’t get a chance to answer because he was suddenly hit by the agonizing pain of his Beta denouncing his pack.


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