Chapter 4

It has now been just over a month since the party and I am now back at college.
It’s been going better than expected.
I didn’t see no hide nor hair of Nate or Dexter, thankfully.
Which is surprising, because it isn’t a very big campus.
I managed to catch up with my classes.

Me and Beth are still best friends and are still sharing my flat

Today was now Thursday and my final class were almost over.

Beth had to see a school counselor about some of her issues with her losing her family,
She had to see him a couple of times a month, but has missed the last one due to all the problems.
So she had no choice but to go today, and I had to head home by myself.
Today would be the first time I would be alone since the dorm incident and
I’m not going to lie; I am pretty worried about it.

“See you later Hale. You sure you’ll be OK?” she asks me.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine?” I said as I waved her away.

I started to walk down the empty corridor towards the exit that led to the car park.

I haven’t told Beth this, but I have been having the strongest feeling of being watched almost since the start of my return.

I got to my car without any incident, much to my happiness.

I got out my keys and unlocked the car and got in closing the door and locking it again behind me.
I have been obsessed with locking the doors behind me the last month.

I threw my bag in the passenger seat.
“Thank god,” I muttered to myself as I rested my head and arms on the steering wheel.

Just as I sat up I felt something go over my mouth and then everything went black.


Five hours later…

I woke up sometimes on a king size bed in a large unfamiliar room.
I stood up and looked around to try and figure out where I was.

There were a large window and one door.
I made my way to the window and looked out.

All I could see was darkness and what looked like trees.

I looked at my watch to see it was now past ten.
What had happened to me to lose more than five hours?

I tried to open the window, but it was locked tight leaving me only one choice.

I slowly walked over to the door on my tip toes so not to be heard.
I placed my hand on the door handle and slowly turned it, opening the door as quietly as possible.

‘Most rooms were mainly wood, so maybe I am in a cabin,’ I thought to myself.

I sneaked out of the room but stopped when I stepped on a loose floorboard.

“Hi honey, nice to hear your awake,” I heard a deep voice say.


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