Chapter 5

I freeze on the spot instantly.

I should have known he would be behind this. I mean who else would.

I should have known he wouldn’t just leave me be for a month without bothering me.

Not after the dorm incident.

“I missed you love,” he said to me breaking me from my thoughts.

“You have no idea how hard it was not to be able to touch you or hug you or even just speak to you these last weeks.”

‘What the hell?’ I thought. Anyone would think he was my boyfriend the way he is speaking to me, not my rapist.

All of a sudden something can over me,

Just like a switch being flicked.

I turned around and said through gritted teeth “What the fuck? We aren’t dating or something! You raped me! Multiple times and you just think you can take me away and act like nothing happened?!” I said while shooting him my best death glare.

He sighed; I saw a lot of mixed emotions in his eyes.

The foremost being regret.

“I wish… I do that I never did that to you… I didn’t want to do anything to end our friendship, Its just… ” I interrupted him before he could finish.

Friendship that made me laugh.

“Friendship? Seriously you haven’t been my friend in years. You had ignored every attempt of mine to speak to you since before high school ended. Why? I don’t know, maybe you are bipolar or something,” I almost shout at him.

He starts to walk closer back I back away closer to the door.

Turning to try the handle but it was locked.

“It’s locked. Everything is. I couldn’t risk you running again. I just have to tell you explain…” he said almost pleadingly.

I have to get out of here is all I can think.

Why is he doing this?

Maybe he is sick on the head.

Then as if I was possessed another voice in my head says ‘maybe you should hear him out.’

Oh god, I’m losing my mind.

I turn back to Dexter, who is standing closer still.

Almost like he is waiting for me to say… Anything.

‘I guess there is only one way out of here,’ I think to myself before sighing.

I put on my bravest face but while still death glaring slightly and say “OK explain!”

He looks at me as if looking for something before replying “OK, follow me tho. It’s cold in here. It’ll be more comfortable in the living room,” he said while pointing to the room he just came out.

I was pretty cold. But all the stuff that’s happening had kind of made me a bit numb to it.

I agreed, if only to try and get this over and done with quicker.

But there was no way I was first going first.

I didn’t trust him at all to be standing behind me after everything.

“You go first; I’ll follow,” I tell him.

He looks unsure.

I sigh “It’s not as if I can go anywhere else, is it? I’m trapped.”

He thinks for a second before heading into the room cautiously while taking glances behind him back at me every couple of seconds to make sure I was following.

It continued like this for about two minutes. The slowest walk ever only a dozen feet.

He pointed to an empty sofa for me to sit.

But I decided to sit on a chair.

I didn’t want to risk him sitting next to me.

The room was wooden like the rest of the house, with a pretty red three piece suite in front of a roaring fireplace.

As I thought, Dexter sat on the sofa on the side nearest to the chair I was sat on.

He looked a bit upset that I sat here but what else did he expect me to do.

We sat in silence for several minutes while I looked at my lap, and Dexter’s gaze burned into me.

“So?” I finally say breaking the silence in the room.

“I’m sorry Hale, ” he said again.

“I know, you already said that. Now explain!” I said getting angrier.

“I don’t know where to start.. ” he said as if asking me.

He still has the look of sorrow in his eyes which almost made my feel for him.

“Start from why you did it! Why you… Raped me?” I tell him.

He still has the same look in his face but looks down as he begins to speak.

“I know this will not make it any better but Nate used my feelings for you against me.”

I looked at confused “Whats that meant to mean?” I ask him.

He looks to me and back away before continuing “Well you know why I came back to town when I was sixteen?” he asks.

I shake my head no, feeling more confused by what this has to do with the matter at hand.

He looks at me, but this time I look away.

“Since we were children I have been in love with you” he confessed to me.

Sending me into a frozen coma state while he continued.

“When my parents told me we had to move it broke my heart. I was depressed the whole time I was away and didn’t really make any friend, and that’s one of the reasons why my parents let me come back… Home… For you,” he smiled at me for a second before it turned into a frown.

“But when I got back it was already too late, you and him were already dating,” he looked down again. I just looked at him for a second and then to the fire.

I felt kind of bad for him, even after everything he had done.

“After that I just couldn’t cope speaking to you. It hurt too much.

But then a couple of months ago I discovered Nate and Beth been cheating behind your back. I shouted at him and punched him. But then he told me about loads of things about you being crazy and not letting him dump you and loads of other stuff..” I interrupted him again to shout “That’s crap!”

He sighed looking at me for a second before continuing “I know that now… After that, he came up with a plan to finally get you to leave him alone for good. And against my better judgement I went along with it. He told me that he knew I had a ‘thing’ for you and said at the party he was planning I should have sex with you. But on the day of the party we started drinking early in the morning and was totally wasted by midmorning.

He then confessed to me that he knew you wouldn’t cheat on him, so I would have to force you.

I didn’t agree at first. But after a lot of begging me. I agreed. I’m sorry. And then… It… Happened … And I woke up, and you were gone. I ran downstairs to look for you, but it was too late.

I headed outside just as you and Beth left. And I heard what he said about using Beth and lying about you and everything just clicked. I was such a fool to trust him. I should of never of left you when we were young. I should have continued to speak to you to be your friend, and maybe this all wouldn’t have happened. Maybe you would of dumped Nate yourself. Maybe you would have been with me. Been mine…”

He said with tears in his eyes.

I don’t know what this man is doing to me. I feel like I should forgive him, but I can’t. Not yet.

“Truth be told if you haven’t of gone away, it would have been you and not Nate.

Nate was there when you left; he fixed my broken heart” I said looking to a regretful looking Dexter.

He stands up and walks closer to me.

I back up in my chair, but he surprises me and stops in front of me and gets on his hands and knees.

“I beg you,” he pleaded me with so much sadness in his voice that I felt my eyes fill up.

He continued “I beg you, please forgive me? I’ll do anything; I just want to be with you so much. I have always and will forever love you wholeheartedly. I regret forcing you…. I will do anything to get your forgiveness.”

I was taken back by his speech.

Before he left I was also in love with him, but he broke my heart leaving like that and Nate was there to pick up the pieces.

I don’t know how I feel now.

I know I should hate him for everything, but I can bring myself to.

He seems so genuinely sorry.

That’s when I had an idea.

I stopped a smirk from making its way on my face.

I looked at the man who was still in front of me and said “I want to make Nate pay for what he did,” Dexter looks at me and nods.

“If you want me to forgive you. You will help,” I told him.

He looked at me wiping a tear what had fallen from one of his eyes and asked

“Really?” I nod.

He smiles to me and says “Anything for you my love.”


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