Chapter 7

The phone only rang once before Beth picked up.

‘Hale? Is that you?’ her voice on the other end of the line sounded panicked.
‘Yes it’s me. I’m sorry I made you worry. But I just wanted to let you know I was alright,’ I told my friend.

‘Are you sure? Where have you been all this time?’
‘Um, It’s kind of a complicated and long story. I promise I will tell you when I get home,’ I tell her, not wanting to explain over the phone.

‘Alright, but when will that be? Do you need me to come and pick you up?’ she asked.
‘I’m not sure. I will call you back later and let you know. But I think I should be alright to get home by myself,’ I say looking at Dexter, who is watching me intently.

I gave him a small smile which he returned.

‘Whose number is this anyway?’ Beth asked.
‘I’ll tell you later,’

‘Um, alright. But promise me you are alright and you will call?’ she said sounding more like a mother than a best friend.
I couldn’t help but laugh, earning a funny look from Dexter.
‘I promise I am fine and I will call you in a few hours at most and let you know when I will come home mother,’ I said the last part sarcastically.
We both said our goodbyes and I promised again to call, before hanging up the phone.

I looked back to Dexter and passed the phone back to him.
“You two seem close?” he more stated than asked.
“Yes, we are. She is a good girl. Just had a few problems over the years and that idiot of an ex of mine took advantage of her loneliness,” my voice sounding angrier in the end.

Dexter gave me a look of sorrow “I am sorry about that and everything. I really am. I know what you said earlier, but I will never stop hating myself for what I did to you,” his voice sounding broken.
“I am just glad you had her by your side to help you through it,” he told me, his voice sounding honest.

“I am not going to lie; I am still going to need some more time to get over it. But I am happy to have you as a friend again. I have missed speaking and hanging out over the years,” I confess with another small smile.

“I am too. I am sorry about the stupid way I acted after I found out the two pair of you were dating.”

“Let’s just forget about all that for now,” I say taking a seat on the sofa opposite the chair Dexter was sat in.
He smiled and nodded.

‘God I had almost forgot about how beautiful he looked when he smiled,’ I meteorically shook the thoughts out of my head and then turned my attention back to the present.

“Alright,” he stood up and sat next to me on the sofa.
I stiffened slightly and hoped he wouldn’t notice, but he did.

“I’m sorry, do you want me to move back?” he said with a sad frown.

“No,” I catch his wrist as he goes to stand up.
He looks down at my hand on his wrist and then back to me.
“Just sit please,” I tell him.

I have no idea what is going on in my head, call me crazy but I like while at the same time am a little scared about sitting next to him.

“If you are sure?” he says with an unsure expression in an almost questioning tone.
I nod and he sits back down.

“So do you have any ideas about what to do about Nate?” I ask trying to break the strange silence which had taken over the room since the last few minutes when he sat.
He looked at me and seeming happy by the fact that I was actually speaking to him.

“I have had an idea, but I’m not sure if it is a good idea…” he trails off an almost expressionless look.

“What is it?” I asked him curiously.

“After everything I’m not sure it’s a…” I cut him off.
“Just tell me and I’ll let you know,” I tell him in no uncertain terms.

He didn’t say anything for a minute as he just sat looking at me.
“Alright, but remember it’s only an idea,” he tells me again.

I nod and wait for him to continue.

Dexter’s pov (Surprise)

After everything that I have done to her she still is willing to give me a chance at friendship.
I do not deny the fact that I would love more, but I don’t expect anything.
I am just happy that I have a chance to make it up to her, after what I did.

‘Why?’ I often find myself asking myself all the time since it happened.
Why did I ever trust or get taken in by that stupid dick Nate?

I should have just been a friend to her over the years, instead of acting like a jealous kid.
If I did maybe, she would have seen through him herself and we might have had a real chance.

But it’s too late for that now.

I just have to be happy with what I have.
It is so much more than I deserve.
But she has always been too kind and forgiving, even as little children if I ever broken or did anything wrong she would forgive me without a second thought.

Now here I am sat next to her on the sofa in my cabin, which my parents bought for me as a college present.
I know I have great parents.

Now I have to tell her yet another secret that not only Nate was keeping from her but also I was too.

I know and would understand if she didn’t want to do it, but it was only an idea.

Hayley’s pov (Again)

He sat there deep in thought before finally speaking again and telling me his idea.

“First of all I have to tell you a few things for my idea to make sense. A few things that I know Nate had never shared with you,” he said making me more curious.
I nod, he continues.

“It all started about four years ago when we were eighteen. You were away with your parents for the summer and we stayed at home.
You remember Kaden my older cousin right?” he paused a second to ask me, I nodded and again he continued.

“Well, me and Nate were bored so we decided to head to the city and visit Kaden. Mostly being because he had called me the night before and told me about how he had just opened a new club and wanted show me it.”

I remember hearing something about his cousin owning a club, but knew nothing beyond that.

“I told him about having nothing to do over the holiday’s and to cut a long story short, I managed to convince him to let me bring Nate with me when I visited.
Not long after arriving at his house, he told me that he had to go to the club and sign some papers and what not.
But also kept telling us to be prepared and not be shocked. I can tell you now, we both almost had a heart attack when we walked in.”

I furrowed my eyebrows trying to work it out, but nodded along as he spoke anyway.

“I never in a million year would have guessed that Kaden was into that stuff,” he looks far away as he speaks.

“What was it?” I ask.

He snaps out of his dream world and looks to me “It was a BDSM club,” my mouth opens wide.
“You mean like Dom’s and subs and that kind of stuff?” I ask not really up on the lingo.
“Yes, that exactly. The club was full of loads of people most in small, tight or revealing clothes.”
I just sit and listen, unsure what to say.

“Anyway after that me and Nate both got into the lifestyle and became Dom’s.
A couple of years later Kaden told me one time when I was visiting him, that he was looking to buy another club and asked me if I would like to be his partner.
I agreed and now we own four clubs like that together around the country.
I have continued at college though to get a degree in business and help Kaden with building it up.”

“So if Nate is or was or whatever a Dom, that means he has been cheating on me for years?” I question, feeling hurt at the sudden realization that he had not only not wanted me over the last few mouth, but also over the last few years.

“Yes, I’m sorry. He has had dozens maybe even hundreds of Sub’s over the years and still has,” he tells me.
“Why didn’t he ever tell me about it or ask me or anything for that matter?” I was taken back that I had never noticed anything over the years.

“I am so blind,” I exclaim not giving him a chance to answer.
“No, you are not. He was just sneaky. If he went anywhere, he would always tell you he had a late lesson or some other stupid reason. But you were not stupid to believe him because he is in college and you would expect him to have to do extra lessons and study. But most of the time was lies.
I am sorry for never telling you.
Kaden and I both asked him once why he never brought you with him and he told us …” he pauses and looks at me with a sorry expression.
“I just want to say first these are only things he said. I never knew if or believe if they were true or not.”

“It’s ok. Just tell me,” I tell him.

“He said you were worst than useless in bed and up tight and never in a million years would be into that stuff. When Kaden asked why you were dating Nate just answered by saying you were a safe option for a wife, but not for a lover. You would never cheat on him and you were predictable, safe.” he trails off.

“What a dickhead,” I yell in anger.
“But what has any of this got to do with your idea?” I asked annoyed at Nate and also at my confusion.

He swallows “That is where the part what I don’t think you’ll like comes in…” he says.

“And that is?” I ask growing more impatient.

“Well, I thought if you were to arrive with me at one of the clubs which Nate goes to most nights and you pretended to be my Sub then that would be a good first step to really make him jealous and piss him off. After that, I am not sure, but I was taking that would be a good first step, making him want you again and we can go for there,” he explains.

I sit and think about what I have heard “But will you have too…” I trail off hoping he knows what I mean.
He shakes his head “No we will not have to do anything you don’t want. If we did it though I would have to kiss and maybe a little touching, but I promise I would stop whenever you said so,” he says still looking at me, waiting for my reaction.

“Um, Give me a while to think about it and I’ll tell you,” I tell Dexter.

His eyes widen “You mean you are actually thinking about it?” he sounded shocked.

I look at him with a smirk “Don’t believe everything that idiot Nate says. Only because he couldn’t make me cum or orgasm in the sack, it doesn’t mean I’m boring.
It just means he was crap and I should have found someone better long ago,” this makes Dexter laugh loudly.

“Oh, that is great. I would love to hear you tell Nate that and watch his expression. He seems to think he is some kind of god in the bedroom. I’m sure Kaden would love to hear it too, he hates the guy and always have,” he laughs and admits.

“Why is that?”

“I don’t really know. Ever since he first met him, he has hated him. Telling me he was a waste of space and a user and I shouldn’t have anything to do with him. I think he will be happy now to find out I have finally seen the dick for what he is. If you do choose to do that thing Kaden I am positive would be, please to help us both in any way possible.”

I nod “Can I have some food? I am hungry and need some time to think,” he nods and stands up.
Turning once more to speak to me, he tells me “Just remember it is only an idea. I can think of something else if need be. I don’t want to do anything to hurt or lose your friendship again. If for some reason you do choose to do it or any other things I think of, just remember I will always be there to protect you and make sure nothing hurts or happens to you,” and with that he left the room.

I have a million and one thought running through my head at once.
The main one being ‘How could such a seemly nice guy be my rapist?’


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2 years ago

Nate drugged Dexter? if i recall and later Nate becomes OBSESSED with you Hales.

i love this story thank you for writing this.

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