Chapter 8

Dexter made us some delicious pasta and we sat down opposite each other eating.

“Hale are you Ok?” he asked me looking concerned. I gave him my best fake smile “I’m alright.”

“Hale, I have known you since forever. I know when you are lying,” His hand twitched like he wanted to touch me, but he stopped himself and smiled sadly. “Tell me what is wrong?” he paused and worry crossed his face. “I know I have gone about this all the wrong from the beginning, but please if you are having second thoughts about our friendship, please don’t. It is one of the things I want most in the world. I don’t expect you to forgive me for before but…” I cut off his rant.
“Dexter it’s not that. Honestly,” I place my hand on his on top of the table. He is shocked but soon hides it behind a smile.

“Then what?” he rubbed his thumb on the back of my hand.

“I am worried about Beth being alone,” I go on to tell him about her parents being killed by a drunk driver and Beth seeing the school counsellor about some of her issues with her losing them. I even told him about her drinking and how she first met Nate. The lies he told her and everything.

I know it should’ve been weird speaking to him like this, but it wasn’t.

“I missed this,” he told me “It’s like old times,” he smiled a genuine smile at me.

“If you want we can drive and check on her and you can even bring her back with us… I mean if you want to come back.”

‘Tell him yes,’ my heart was saying. But my head seemed to have a split personality ‘Say no. The b*stard raped you,’ one side said. ‘Say yes,’ the other side was saying ‘He was an idiot and let himself be used by Nate. Yes, he raped us. But he is sorry. He loves us.’

Dexter was waiting for my answer with a worried expression hidden behind a mask of nonchalance, but I could still see it.

“Thank you Dexter. I would like that.” I smile at him. His shoulders fall and his eyes fall almost as if giving up.

By this point, we had finished our food.

We left the cabin only ten minutes later.

Dexter hadn’t said more than five words to me since I told him I wanted him to drive me.

Now here we were pulling up outside the building which my flat was in.

“Thank you Dexter,” I gave him a genuine smile “I won’t be too long,” I turned to leave but his voice drew me back.

“You’re coming back?” he asked almost in disbelief. I frowned “Yes. Don’t you want me too? I thought you were going to help me…”

“Yes I want you… to come back. I just thought…. I am helping,” he paused to recollected himself.

“Just take care and I’ll wait here. Call down if you need anything,” he said smiling again.

I left the car. I could feel his heated gaze in my back the whole way until I got inside.

Only a minute later I got home and unlocked the door before asking in.

It was late so I wasn’t sure if Beth would be awake.

That was until I walked further into my flat and heard moaning. Sex moaning and not only from Beth.

“That’s right you little slut you take master’s c0ck,” I heard that all too familiar voice.

‘She wouldn’t’ I told myself walking closer to the jarred door. “Yes master. Punish me hard,” my eyes widen. There was Beth on the bed on all fours with Nate behind her pulling her hair and slamming into her roughly.

My breathing stopped. I looked around my flat and picked up the first thing to hand. Then calmly remembering to breath walked into the bedroom.

“Both of you get the f*ck out of my flat before I slit your throats,” I said calmly holding a kitchen knife in my hand at my side.

The pair jumped apart in shock.

Beth’s face paled in realization “But… But you said you were staying out,” she stuttered jumping up and getting dressed.

“I am, but I wanted to come back to check if my so called friend was alright after her appointment today,” I said coldly with a death glare.

Nate laughed “The only appointments she has been having is with me.”

“Was anything true?” I exclaimed.

“Well, she did lose her family apart from that she has just been lying to you and watching you for me” he stood up from the bed surprisingly still with an erection. “Now she is good for nothing,” he pulled on his pants.

“You what? You said I only had to watch her make sure she wouldn’t report you and then we would be together,” Beth yelled showing her true colours.

Nate laughed “You’re funny. You were an even worst f*ck than her,” he said indicating to me. “I only kept you around for one reason and it wasn’t sex or love.”

“You lying B*stard,” she sobbed, I couldn’t help but smile. She got what she deserved.

“Now pack your things. You have ten minutes,” I tell her as I started to walk out of the room.

“Where the hell are you going?” He asked like he had a right.

“Not that it is your business, but I am packing my stuff and moving in with my boyfriend,” I told him nonchalantly.

His smirk dropped but then reappeared almost instantly.

“We both know that isn’t true and you are only saying that to try and get me back,” he said confidently walking towards me dressed in only pants.

I felt arms loop around me and a head on my shoulder. “Oh, it’s true,” I was thankful Dexter had appeared.

Nate looked on in disbelief “You aren’t dating him? He raped you.”

“Oh, but I thought you said it wasn’t rape?” it was my time to smirk.

“What can I say… Dexter showed me what it was like to be with a real man,” I leaned back and kissed his neck giving him a look he that said play along.

“That night opened my mind. I have to thank you Nate. If it weren’t for that, I probably would have been stuck in a boring sexless relationship with you,” I let Dexter kiss my neck.

“If that’s true then, you’ll know about his club,” Nate said smugly.

I kept the same expression “Yes it fact I know. He told me all about yours and his trips to the clubs,” Nate’s smile fell “We were actually planning on going in the next week sometime. I know I could wait to meet Kaden,” I smirked and looked at Dexter “I really can’t wait for them to tag team me… I’ve always wanted to try double penetration,” I said convincingly.

“That’s my good girl,” Dexter plays along gripping my hips “You like Daddies hard c0ck in your ass don’t you?” his voice husky.

“Yes daddy,” I said sweetly rubbing my but against him “I love it when you spank me whilst ramming me from behind.”

I couldn’t help but notice both boys pants tenting. I was scared but managed to hide it well.

“We’ll see,” Nate scoffed leaving my flat but not before eye raping me for almost a minute. Beth left a moment later but not before saying to Dexter “You have my number from when she called me earlier. Call me,” she gave him a lustful look ignoring me completely and then we were alone…

“What did I do?” I broke down crying.

I went to fall to my knees, but Dexter still held me and stopping me.

“I thought she was my friend. I treated her like a sister,” I sobbed into his chest. He carried me to my bedroom and placed me on the bed and I panicked. “I’m sorry,” I kept repeating “Please don’t hurt me,” this may sound stupid after only minutes earlier grinding against him. But being in the bedroom brought back my feeling of dread.

“I’m not going to hurt you,” I heard he coo in a delicate voice. “Never again,” he hugged me on the bed. Just letting my cry out my heart to him.

“You’re not working for him too are you?” I asked remember the last person I broke down too. I suddenly felt sick and rushed to the bathroom. I ended up with my head over the toilet spewing up my guts, whilst Dexter held my hair and rubbed my back.

“No angel. I hate him and will do anything and everything to prove that to you,” he told me as I retched.

After cleaning myself up, I returned to my bedroom. I started to get tired.

He seemed to notice. “Sleep angel. I will protect you,” he kissed my forehead.

I was still kind of scared, but I was too tired to fight. I let him lay beside me and hold me as I fell into a deep.

“You are so beautiful angel,” I heard him say. “My beautiful sleeping angel… My best friend,” I felt his fingers run through my hair as he thought I slept.

“I really am sorry. Not only for… Forcing you but for the last few years. I was jealous. I know that isn’t a good excuse, but it’s true. I will never let anyone hurt you again,” he stayed quiet for a moment.

“I love you angel. I will always be by your side, even if you only ever accept as a friend. You will always be my princess bride.”

I fell into a deep sleep, his words echoed in my head ‘You will always be my princess bride.’


A five year old me and Dexter play in the garden of my childhood house.

“Can we play again Dexy,” I use my nickname for him, the name no one else, but I could call him.

“Yes. We need to practice for when we are older,” he told me.

I went into my house and changed into my princess Belle fairytale dress. (from Beauty and the Beast)

Then came outside just in time to see Dexter dragging several of the neighbourhood kids to join on our game.

Not that he had too, but he took everyone their jobs anyway. You see this game happened almost daily and we always forced the others to join.

“Can I be the bride today?” a year younger girl asked.

“No,” Dexter snapped and walked to the far end of the garden where another boy was standing.

I walked down the centre of a mixture of children and stuffed toy guests a few moments later. With the same little girl from before holding the back of my dress like a train and another slightly older boy linking arms with me.

Five-year-old Dexter’s eyes sparkled with happiness as she reached the end.

Almost dragging her from boy’s grip, I chuckled. A throat cleared and the other older boy who was with Dexter began to speak.

“Do you Dexter Robin Williams take Hayley Yuna Miles to be your wife?”

Dexter grinned at me “I do,”

” Same question to you?” the boy asked me.

Dexter growled “Do it properly!”

I heard laughter from behind us back but ignored it. The boy groaned “Do you Hayley Yuna Miles take you Dexter Robin Williams to be your husband?”

“I do,” I wore the same grin as Dexter.

“You may now give the rings” the boy told us. Dexter pulled out two small plastic rings he had collected from his cereal and gave one to me and both out them on.

“You are now married,” the boy announced.

“You may kiss the Princess bride.”

Dexter places a sweet innocent single kiss on my lips before pulling back hand in hand.

He grinned back at me and me at him.

“I love you Princess bride,” he whispered.

“I love you too Prince,” I whispered back.

We went to walk back down the aisle when we saw both our parents watching with big grins on their faces.

“See I told you they played it,” my father told his and both chuckled.

We ignored them and continued on our way back into the house. Now was the time to play house and the same children who were playing wedding followed knowing they had to join in our new game and be our babies.

End of dream

I woke the following morning with Dexter fast asleep at my side. He was fast asleep cling to me as if I met disappear.

I could help but stare at him and wonder how or why the boy who until the age of eight would play wedding and family with me would rape me. He seemed nothing like that man who cornered me in that room and chained me up. He seemed more like his old kind, caring self. Was it really because of beer and things Nate told him or was it something else?

“Why did you stop?” I found myself thinking out loud.

His eyes twitch and open. He blinks a few times as if still half asleep, looks at me and smiles.

“Morning Hales. Did you say something?” his sleepy voice asks.

“Why did you stop?” confusion crosses his face “When we Eight… We were about to play… Our game again…” he and I smiled at the memory “but suddenly you didn’t want to anymore or ever again for that matter. You said it was stupid and not for grown boys, but it can’t of been that..” I frown “You couldn’t have changed your mind in only a few minutes after being so happy to do it before?”

He was no longer smiling, he was looking at me with regret.

“I know it’s a stupid thing to ask… I just always wondered why?” I quickly add.

“It’s not stupid. I was. I lied,” I noticed his Adam’s apple bobbing.

“I loved our game,” he looked at me with a sad smile “I really thought it would be a good practice. I always wanted you to be my bride,” he looked down to the bed, clenched his fist and tensed his jaw, “But that day Nate decided to join us. He told me it was stupid, you were stupid and I shouldn’t play it anymore,” he sighed “I was naive and listened to him. Even though, I knew it wasn’t true.”

“It seems like he was always in the background manipulating things,” I mumbled, but he still heard.

“Now I think about he has been,” he narrowed his eyes as he stared at the wall in thought.

“I have a favor to ask?” I say changing the subject. I didn’t want to speak about Nate right now.

He turned back to face me “Anything.”

He stroked the back of my hand.

“I want to move in your cabin, only temporary until I find a new place. I just don’t want to stay here anymore. Not after Beth and everything,” I explain.

His eyes widen “You want to move in with me?”

“I thought you lived at the frat house with Nate and some guys?” I asked confused.

“No, I moved out after what happened. I finally realised what a user and B*stard he is. I live at the cabin now.”

I was kind of surprised by that “I thought you loved that frat house and the other guys?” I asked.

“I did. But I hate Nate and I love you. There was no choice. If I had stayed there, he would have continued to use me and my feelings to get to you and you mean too much to me for that,” he spoke honestly.

I wasn’t sure now…

As if reading my mind he spoke “Don’t worry the cabin has more than one bedroom. You would have your own for as long as you wanted. And as for finding somewhere else you wouldn’t need to. You don’t have to decide straight away. Just moved in a try for a month,” he told me with a hopeful look.


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