Chapter 13

Stood in front of her was a woman with shoulder length mousy brown, pin straight hair, green eyes, tall – but only because of her five inch heals – and painfully slim. Above average looks, but has a long face, a bad nose job and looking at Emily with a sneer.

“Yes?” Emily asked politely despite hating this woman on sight.

“You have to leave,” She said flatly.

Emily raised her eyebrows, “I’m just about too.”

“No, I mean this pub, this town. Go back to whatever place you came from.”

“This is my fiancee’s sister pub and I am here with her. So why don’t you piss off?!” She said narrowing her eyes, but wondering what crawled up this woman’s ass.

“Kennedy is the last unmarried child of the Thompson’s and I am not letting you get him over me.”

“He is a she! And you are a ugly, horse faced bitch! What are you forty?” Emily snapped.

The woman narrowed her eyes, “I am twenty three!” Emily scoffed, as if to say ‘Yeah right.’

“And he is a fucking she-male freak! But it doesn’t make a difference. I will marry him either way! I am Olivia Beaufort! That house, his money is meant to be mine. And if the only way to get it is to get with some freak then so be it. You have to leave or I will make…” She said pushing Emily’s shoulder.

Before she had a chance to say anything else, Emily launched her fist into the woman’s face. Knocking a shocked looking Olivia on her back.

“You bitch! How dare…” She tried to push herself back up, but Emily knocked her back down and crouched down with her foot lightly pressing on the woman’s throat, careful not to cut off her oxygen.

“Now, shut up and listen to me and listen good, because I’m only going to say this once,” Emily said in a low and angry voice.

“You say anything bad or that I don’t like about my Kenny and I’ll make sure that the only way anyone will find you attractive is if you wear a paper bag on your head.”

Olivia looked terrified and was staring wide eyed.

“You will not speak to Kenny unless spoken too and if you do, you will be respectful and treat her like the beautiful woman she is. You will no longer come in this pub or anywhere else we are and if we arrive and you are there, you will leave,” Her voice a constant low angry tone.

“But…” Olivia tried to speak.

“Did I say you could speak? NO!” She pushed her on her foot slightly.

“I maybe shy, but it doesn’t mean I take shit from dogs!” She snapped sighed and removed her foot.

“Now bitch, tell me you understand and you will do as I tell you?”

“I… I u..understand. I will,” She said in a scared, strutting voice. Without looking in the mirror once she stood up and rushed out of the door.

Emily stood up properly and went back to the sink and mirrors to straighten herself up.

“That was so fucking hot.” A set of arms wrapped around her waist from behind.

“How?” Emily asked looking over her shoulder at Kennedy.

“I noticed the bitch had disappeared not long after you and knew that she was up to no good. So I followed her. The whore hasn’t left me alone since the moment my parents bought Beaufort Manor. It was her grandparents but they hated her part of the family and sold it to my parents so their son and family couldn’t get to it. But she, her brother and parents made no secret that they thought they owned it. They even tried to take me parents to court, but were laughed out of court,” She explained as she nuzzled Emily’s neck.

“So you heard what happened?” Emily asked slightly worried.

“Yes. Heard and saw.”

“Are you mad at me?”

Kennedy raised her eyebrows, spun Emily around to face her and sat her on the side in front of her.

“Why would I be mad?” She asked standing between Emily’s legs.

“Because I hit someone?” It sounded more like a question.

“I am not mad at all. If anything I love you more.” She pulled Emily’s body more against hers.

“You stood up and beat her for me. Speaking of beat, how did you do that? I didn’t know you could punch like that,” She asked looking at her in awe.

“I took self defence classes when I was sixteen. Steve was just creeping me out and I decided to be safe,” She explained.

Without saying anything Kennedy started to kiss Emily. The door openned a head poked in and the door closed again.

“It’s alright. They are dry humping by the sink,” A loud voice called and the door closed.

Kennedy pulled back groaning. “Idiot,” She mumbled about the person.

Then looked to Emily and chuckled, “How is it you can beat a girl down for dissing me, but when someone sees us kissing you blush?”

“Because no one saw that. Well, not many and I was angry.” Her hands narrowed as she remembered. “The bitch tried to steal you and then called you a freak. Fucking bitch, I should have…” She was cut off by a kiss.

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you swear before, doll. But don’t let the bitch bother you. I wasn’t interested in her before and I can assure you I am not now. Why would I, when I have this?” She asked running her hand over Emily’s body.

“You’re the only one I want. The only one I want carrying my children, making love to me and as my wife. I want to be your wife.” She kissed her neck and then back up to her mouth.

Sighed and rested her forehead against Emily’s.

“We should go back before Angelina or someone comes in to get us.” She pecked her lips once more before lifting her off the side and standing her beside her.

Walking out of the ladies the whole pub seemed to be looking at her.

Angelina ran over and hugged Emily.

“Oh, thank God your okay. I thought for sure she would have hurt you,” She rambled and pulled back to look over her and Kennedy.

“Her face hurt her hand a little,” Kennedy said smirking.

“Oh my God. I need to hear everything.” She looked back at the bar and groaned.

“Don’t forget any details. I expect to hear everything tomorrow,” She said and scurried off to the bar.

Ignoring all the eyes on them they returned to the table where Clive, Randy and all the rest of the gang were waiting.

On the table a drink was waiting for both of them and again she sat down with Emily on her lap.

“She doesn’t look hurt,” Clive’s youngest son Blaine – Twenty three – said.

“That’s because she isn’t,” Kennedy said.

“You got there in time to stop the horse?” Randy asked.

Emily giggled slightly at the name making him smile.

“No. When I got there she was being her normal self, telling Dolly that the house and money and everything should be her’s and how she was going to marry the ‘She-male freak,’ so Dolly had to piss off.”

Most of the table looked angry.

“She started to threaten Dolly and I was about to let my presence known when Dolly cut her off with a punch to the face and knock the bitch on her back.” Kennedy grinned at the surprised faces. “She tried to get up and so Dolly pushed her back down and put her foot on her throat. She was like, ‘Kenny is a girl not a boy and she is mine and you will respect her bitch. You aren’t allowed to be where we are.’ She tried to speak again and my Dolly pressed her foot down harder and was like, ‘Did I say you could speak you ugly, horse faced bitch?!’ Then she removed her foot and was like, ‘You understand?’ and the bitch quickly agreed and ran away. It was so hot. I didn’t know my Dolly was such a superhero,” She bragged proudly.

“They do say the quiet ones are the most surprising ones,” Clive commented.

“I went to school with Olivia horse facep. She was a bitch then and has only gotten worst,” Blaine said. “She deserves nothing more than a smack to the face.”

“Yes, she looked terrified when she left the loos. It was great,” Randy said chuckling slightly.

“Who taught you to fight? Have you got an older brother?” Randy asked innocently.

Emily tensed slightly in Kennedy’s arms, but no one except Clive seemed to notice.

“She took some classes. She has an older step brother, but she doesn’t have anything to do with any of her family,” Kennedy answers, not going into any details.

After that the subject of family was dropped and the brother and other continued to talk to the couple about how next time they need to watch. Once they had finished that drink Kennedy and Emily decided to head home, both a little tired from the drive.

“I like you. You are like the kick ass little sister I never wanted,” Randy half jokes giving the couple a hug.

“Oh thank you,” Kennedy says sarcastically.

“You too pretty girl,” He grins.

“You are lucky I like you, you prat.”

They all said their goodbye to the gang and Angelina and then left the pub and went to the bike.

Kennedy had only drank one pint and a cola, so she was still legal to drive.

“You alright, baby doll?”

“Yep. Just want to got back and relax,” Emily said hugging into Kennedy’s arms.

“Can we watch a movie or something?” She asked.

“Sounds like a perfect idea. Mum and dad have just gone shopping, so they’ll have lots of junk in for us to munch on and we can hug up on the sofa and watch something on Netflix,” Kennedy said and handed her the helmet and took her own.

She placed her bits under the seat again and when they were both on the bike, she drove them home.


“Girls are you home?” Patricia echos throughout the back room which they used most to watch movie.

“No, mum. The bunnies have broke out their hutches and decide to lay back and watch Queen Of The Damned,” Kennedy said sarcastically.

“Good, they home. I didn’t hear you come in,” She said ignoring her daughter’s comment.

Kennedy and Emily were laid together on a large couch watching a movie, but they had just paused it.

“We’ve been in for about an hour.”

“Do you want dinner? I made lots just in case.” Patricia walked over and stood looking at the couple and grinned.

“What is it?” Kennedy asked moving on to her elbow, she was behind Emily with her other arm was around her fiancee’s waist.

“Chicken casserole and veg.”

Kennedy’s eyes sparkled, “Lots of onions and potatoes?”

“Yes and chocolate fudge cake, double cream and strawberries for dessert.”

The moment she said that Kennedy stood up, climbed over Emily and picking her up at the same time.

“Ken!” She exclaimed.

Patricia laughed, “Go to the dinning room, dad is waiting. I’ll turn the stuff off.”

She didn’t have to be told twice. Kennedy left the room still carrying Emily.

“Kenny, I can walk.”

“Not fast enough. Mum’s food is waiting.”

Emily stayed tense in her arms.

“I’m not going to drop you,” Kennedy laughed feeling this.

“We’ll see.”

A booming laugh echoed through the dinning room as they pair entered soon followed by Patricia.

“Apparently, I walk too slow,” Emily tells Richard trying to hide her embarrassment.

“Kenny has always loved her food. I am still surprised she isn’t a fatty,” He commented slowly stopping laughing.

“And if I do it doesn’t matter, there will just more of me to love you,” Kennedy said sitting Emily in a seat at the table and she took one next to her.

“Aww, such a sweet couple,” Patricia cooed. The food was already sent out on the tables and plates laid out.

“Kenny,” Mum gasped and rushed around the other side of the table and took her hand.

“Dick, have you seen this?” She said and then took Emily’s hand and squealed.

“My baby girl is getting married,” She spoke, not giving her husband a chance to answer.

“I am proud of you, Kenny,” Richard said giving daughter a side hug as she still sat.

“What happened? Emily gave you a ring too?” Her mum asked her a dozen questions.

“Mum, let’s eat and speak.”

Once they had dished up the food and mum had been made to wait long enough, Kennedy told her mum about the spare of the moment proposal. But not before finishing the main meal first.

“And then she got down on her knee and asked me to marry her too. She gave me her gran’s ring.” Kennedy started to get teary eyed.
“You are my girl. All beautiful woman should have their partners propose and give them a ring. You are going to be a bride too,” Emily said after two pints more than a hour ago she was still feeling slightly braver than normal.

The future in-laws watched in awe, knowing that none of it was an act.

“But it is all you have…” Kennedy tried to argue.

“No, it isn’t. I have you. That is all I need. Whether we live here or stay in a tiny house in Grimsby with both of us working for a living, I would still love you and you would still have me.” Emily kissed the back of her hand which was clasped in hers. “If my gran would have meet you, she would have been happy I had given you it. To the person I love more than anything.”

“Oh my God. It’s so sweet!” Patricia exclaimed.

“Way to ruin the moment, mum.”
Richard just laughed.
“I like you, Emily. You seem like a great woman from what I have seen and heard so far.”

“Oh, I forgot to tell you the best part. Emily punched Olivia Beaufort in the face for calling me a she-male freak. And I quote, ‘Kennedy is the last unmarried child of the Thompson’s and I am not letting you get him over me.’ Emily punched her and knocked her on her back. Then made sure Olivia knew I was only hers,” She bragged proudly to her wide eyed parents.


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