Chapter 14

It is safe to say Kennedy parents adored Emily, especially after they found out about her hitting the stuck up madam.

“You really did that?” Richard asked Emily.

“Yes. I hate her. If she ever slags off or goes after my girl again…” Realizing who was speaking to, she quickly shut up.

Kennedy smiled proudly and pulled Emily’s chair close as possible “Isn’t my girl great? Didn’t I tell you she was beautiful inside and out?” She says pecking Emily’s cheek.

“Kenny, you have got chocolate on my cheek,” Emily complained.

“There, fixed,” Kennedy said licking her cheek.

Her parents watched them couple interact. Emily complaining and Kennedy just sitting smiling and staring at her fiancée with adoring look.

Emily noticed her expression and rolled her eyes, “You are lucky you’re so cute,” She mumbled and pecked her chocolaty lips.

“Let’s go finish the movie,” Kennedy suggested and without waiting for an answer she turned to her parents.

“Thank you for the dinner, mum. We are going to finish the movie now,” She said standing up, pulling Emily up with her.

“Thank you, Mr, Mrs Thompson. Dinner was lovely.”

“Call us Mum and Dad,” Patricia corrects her.

“Or Pat and Dick if you aren’t comfortable with the other,” Her husband adds.

She smiled, nodded and went to leave.

“We need to speak tomorrow,” Patricia called after them.

“What about?” Kennedy asked stopping.

“We need to plan the wedding and you both moving back here.” Her dad laughed.

“We are going to Angelina’s tomorrow and Duane’s too.”

“Perfect. Angelina and Ashley can help.”

Kennedy rolled her eyes and Emily giggled, before they both left the room.

After the movie and a quick shower the wash away the make up and grime, the pair headed to bed. Falling asleep in each other arms almost straight away.


Kennedy was again the first to wake up.

She perched on her head on her elbow and watched her fiancée sleep.

“How did I get so lucky to find an angel like you?” She whispered low enough not to wake her, brushing a few loose strands of hair out of Emily’s face.

“I don’t think I could live without you now I found you. I love you so much doll.” She let her lips gently brush Emily’s cheek. She stirred, but didn’t wake.

“You will be such a beautiful bride.” She looked down at Emily’s stomach. “Even more so if you had our little Pixie inside you.”

It was another thirty minutes before Emily finally woke.

“Morning, my beautiful fiancee,” Kennedy said with a wide smile the moment she opened her eyes.

“Morning my sexy wifey,” A sleepy sounding Emily said smiling.

Kennedy leaned down to kiss her, but Emily turned her head. “Don’t I have morning breath.”

But instead of listening to her, Kennedy grabbed her face and pressed their lips against each others.

“God, you are pretty when you sleep,” She mumbled against her mouth.

Emily pulled back, “Were you watching me sleep, Miss Thompson?”

“Maybe…” Kennedy said grinning.

“You, miss, are a little bit of a weirdo.”

“But a sexy one right?” She asked.

“Definitely,” Emily said looking her over. “Would I be doing this with if you weren’t?” She rolled on top of Kennedy and slowly kissed her way down her body.

“What are you doing, doll?” A breathless Kennedy asked.

“You are a princess,” She answered between kissed. “My princess and that is how I want to make you feel.”

Kennedy didn’t know whether to cry or scream in happiness. But the choice was made for her the moment Emily’s mouth reached her genitals.

She worked her with both her hand and mouth, taking almost half inside.

“Stop, doll.”

Emily quickly stopped, frowning, “Did I do it wrong?”

“It was perfect. But I want to cum inside you. If that’s alright?”

“Can you lick me first, so I don’t get sore?”

In one swift move Emily was laid on her back and Kennedy make straight down, putting her mouth over Emily’s slits.

“Ooooh, Kenny. Just there,” She moaned as the tongue worked her nub. Slowly her tongue worked it’s way down and then plunged into her core.

“Fuck me already. Please?”

Kennedy didn’t need to be told twice. With Emily’s legs still on her shoulders, Kennedy pushed herself up and inside her.

Emily literally screamed in shock. “Did I hurt you?” Kennedy asked shopping.

“No. It’s just so deep. It was a surprise.”

“You like it?” Kennedy asked moving her hips slowly.

“Yes. Yes. So gooood,” She drew out the last word.

“Tell me if I am going too fast or hard,” Kennedy said and then groaned as her full length entered Emily.

“Oh, oh, oh, oh God.”

“Faster, Ken. Faster.”

Moving her hips faster, Kennedy leaned forwards and pressed her lips against her lovers.

Only pulling her face back when she felt Emily tense. Kennedy continued to move her hips faster and felt her own cum spill as she watched her lover orgasm beneath her.

“I love you, princess,” Emily said breathlessly as Kennedy moved from the top of her and to her side.

“I love you too, doll.”


Half an hour later and they had both showered and Kennedy was again choosing their outfits.

Emily ended up wearing a pair of black cropped leggings, long sleeve skater dress, the skirt was burgundy and the top black with a burgundy love heart and pair with some black pumps. Kennedy went for black leggings and grey dress with black belt paired with a pair of black ankle boots.

“Why can I never choose what I wear?” Emily complains as Kennedy ties her blonde hair back with a ribbon to match her dress.

“Because you would go for the baggiest, most unfaltering outfit you could.” She had gone for natural make up again.

“I look like a five year old,” Emily complained more looking in the mirror.

“You look like a beautiful angel,” Kennedy said dragging a reluctant Emily downstairs for breakfast.

“Morning darlings,” Both her parents said as they entered the kitchen.

“Aww, you both look cute this morning. Don’t they look cute, Dick?” Patricia said grinning.

“Like two beautiful dolls,” He smiled agreeing.

“See I told you,” Kennedy said pecking Emily’s cheek.

“You do, Princess. Not me.” Kennedy blushed at the new nickname.

“You look even cuter when you blush, Princess,” Emily whispered and kissed her neck, unaware that Kennedy’s parents were watching her every move.

An awkward breakfast and a mother who kept on cooing about how cute a couple they were and the couple were finally ready to go.

“Right, we are going to Angelina’s now.”

“Oh, I forgot to tell you I called Angie and Ashley earlier. She is meeting us at Ashley’s with Tyler. I told them both about your engagement and they were excited to help plan the wedding.”

Kennedy groaned, “Mum, Emily and I haven’t decided where we are getting married, let alone when!”

“We can discuss it there,” Patricia told her.

“Pat, leave them be. Let them discuss it themselves,” Richard told his wife.

“Mum, let’s just go to Ashley’s. Are you coming, dad?”

“Yes. Do you want to catch a lift with us or you driving yourself?”

“I’ll drive me and Emily. It will give us a chance to speak.”


“What did you want to talk about, Princess?” Emily asked as Kennedy drove them.

“That’s my new nickname?” She asked grinning.

“Of course. I am your doll and your are my beautiful princess.”

“How did I ever get so lucky?”

“You didn’t, Princess. I did.”

“No, Doll. It really was me and no arguments.” Kennedy felt so happy she could burst.

“Think what you want. I know what is true. Now tell me what it was?” Emily asked feeling just as happy.

“Well, I just wanted to ask about us getting married,” Kennedy began.

“Don’t worry. I still want you to be my wife,” She quickly added noticing Emily with a worried expression out of the corner of her eye.

“Good. Is it about your mum?” Emily asked, now smiling.

“Ha, exactly. Mum will want to speak about it and plan it no matter what my dad says. Ashley and Angie… Angelina won’t be much better. So before we get there I wanted to ask you if you have any preferences where or when?”

Emily tried to hide her sadness, but Kennedy knew her too well.

“We can wait if you want, Doll. I don’t want to rush you.”

“I want to marry you. The sooner the better. It’s just…” Emily trailed off.

“But you wanted your parents to be there,” Kennedy finished her sentence.

“Yes and no. I wanted my mum before, but not now. I love her, I always will because she is my mum. But I also hate her for lying to me about my dad, for trying to force me into a relationship with Steve and for the way she treated you. As much as I love my memory of my old mum, I hate the new evil one. I don’t ever want to see her again, not if this is the true her. I just wish I knew where my dad, my real dad was. But I have no idea. I don’t even know anyone from his side of the family. I know he was born and raised in Blackpool and that is where we lived until mum moved us to Grimsby. But I wouldn’t know where to start.”

“We will find him together, Doll. Don’t worry,” Her fiancee reassures her, reaching over and patting her leg.

“Thank you. But that might take years. I want to marry you as soon as I can. I would today if possible. I would be a dream come true to have my dad there too and even his partner if he was still around. But I don’t want to wait forever.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to wait?”

“I’m sure,” Emily said leaning over and kissing Kennedy’s cheek.

“As for the location, I would love to have you walk down the aisle of a church with me. Both of us dressed in white.”

Kennedy’s eyes sparkled as they came to a stop outside a two floor cottage. Her parents car was already parked outside.

“That sounds perfect. But will you be taking my name or I yours?”

“Would you take my name?” Emily asked surprising Kennedy slightly.

“It’s just…” Emily struggled to find the right words.

“It’s the only thing I have left of my real dad, because my mum accidentally lost all of the photos and home videos with him in,” She emphasized on the word accidentally.

“If it makes it any better I will take the husband’s roll and your dad can walk you down the aisle and give you, my Princess to me?” By this point Kennedy was almost crying. “But, don’t you want to go down the aisle?” She asked holding back her tears.

“Princess,” Emily unbuckled her seatbelt, leaned over and cupped Kennedy’s face. “I want nothing more than to see you walk down the aisle towards me, all dress in white. Call it unconventional, but I really do.” She leaned in even closer and whisper almost against Kennedy’s lips, “I want to see my bride.”

“And I want to see you too,” Kennedy stopped and thought for a second.

“I have the best idea,” She exclaimed with a huge grin.

After telling Emily the idea, she agreed two it was perfect.

“But will they let us?” Emily asked uncertain.

“Without a doubt, my Doll.” Kennedy pulled Emily across the car onto her lap, making her gasp.

“Kiss me, Doll.” Without giving her a chance to answer Kennedy pressed her mouth to Emily’s.

Before Kennedy could get carried away the sound of a car horn got her attention and made them pull apart.

Getting out of the car beside their’s was Angelina, a small boy and a man.

“Mummy, why was Auntie Kenny’s tongue in that girl’s mouth?” The small boy asked Angelina loudly.

The man beside them laughed, “Yes, mummy, why is that?” His eyes full of amusement.

Carefully, both women got out of the car. It was a little awkward because Emily was on Kennedy’s lap sidewards.

“Tyler,” Angelina said to the small boy. “Phil,” The man. “This is Emily. Kenny’s girlfriend.” The man didn’t seem surprised and was still smiling, Tyler looked unsure.

“Emily, this is my husband, Phil, and son, Tyler. He is two.”

“Almost three,” Tyler cut in.

“I thought you looked too big to be only two,” Emily said stopping in front of the small brown haired boy.

The boy smiled proudly, “My mummy says I look like I’m four,” He said puffing out his chest.

“Oh, I agree. You are way too big to be only two.”

“You are pretty,” He said taking her hand. “Is it true you are Aunt Kenny’s girlfriend?” He asked.

“Thank you. Yes,” Emily smiled and nodded.

“Does that mean you are my Aunt too?”

“Yes. Emily and Kenny are going to get married. So she is your Auntie too,” Angelina told her son before Emily had a chance to answer.

“Then you can come with me to see my new cousin.” Angelina watched in amusement as her son dragged Emily towards to house.

Kennedy walked closely behind and quickly catching up and taking Tyler’s other hand.

“Oh, Hello Auntie,” He exclaimed letting go of Emily’s hand and hugging her.

“So, now you notice me?” She joked.

“Sorry, Auntie. I missed you. Are you back to stay again?” He asked hopeful.

She looked up at Emily and then back down to the boy. “Not yet, Ty, but soon maybe. What do you think, Emily?”

He frowned stepping back.

“We need to finish off this quarter of the term, but maybe at Christmas we could transfer?”

Kennedy and Tyler both grinned, “You will live with granny and grandpa at Christmas and after?” The little boy asked for confirmation.

“If Kennedy wants too?” Emily questioned.

“Yes, but only if you are sure?” Kennedy said looking at Emily longingly.

“Child present,” Phil chimed smirking earning a smack in the arm from his wife.

“Leave them alone. They weren’t doing anything,” She defended.

“But Kenny was about too,” He teased.

“I am glad you are coming back at Christmas,” Tyler said returning his hands to the girls. “That means I get extra gifts.”

The adults laughed and Kennedy knocked on the door despite knowing she could just walk in. Which she didn’t like doing.

“That’s my boy,” His dad said, messing his son’s hair.

“Dad!” He whined and Kennedy reached over and tidied it again.

Moments later the door opened.

“Kenny, I told you so many times, just come in,” Duane said stepping back to let them all inside.

“I hear you are getting married at Christmas?” Ashley asked once everyone was inside the dining room and they had said hello.

“Christmas?” Kennedy questioned, looking at her mum accusingly.

“Yes, in St Mary’s Parish Church,” She answered confidently.

“No, we’re not mum.” Her mum’s face fell. “But it’s…”

“No. Emily and I are…”


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