Chapter 15

“No, we’re not mum.” Her mum’s face fell. “But it’s…”

“No. Emily and I are…” Kennedy took a deep breath. “We want to get married at Beaufort Manor.”

Her mum’s face perked back up.

“You do?”

“Yes, Emily and I spoke about it on the way over and we have decided that we both want to walk down the aisle and there is only one way of doing that. The semi-circular path…”

The semi-circular path at the back of the manor ran from one door on the far right of the building, all the way to the far left side.

“We thought guests could sit in the centre of the circle. Emily and I would walk down the aisle – which will be the circular path – at the same time. She will leave through one door and me, the other. At the top centre of the path, opposite the house, Emily and I would meet and the vicar would be stood waiting to read us our vows,” By the time, Kennedy had finished explaining her mum was in tears.

“That is a great idea. Much lovelier than the church,” Angelina said and Pat agreed.

“Great! Now we just need a guests list, vicar, food, we don’t need cars anymore, decorations… Oh and the dresses, can’t forget them,” Pat excitedly rambled.

“What have I done?!” Kennedy mumbled lowly.

“You have made your mum and me very happy,” Her dad came over and hugged both her and Emily.

“Thanks, dad. She makes me happy too.” Kennedy pulled back and smiled lovingly at Emily.

“I know. I can see. I don’t think you’ve ever smiled so much or looked so happy,” He said honestly.

“So, how’d you tell them?” Ashley asked walking over to hug the pair, yet again.

“Sorry, I didn’t get to hug you properly yesterday,” She apologised to Emily.

“Your so skinny, I see why Kenny calls you Dolly though,” She said pulling back.

“Sometimes I’m unsure if she just wants me to add to her already large collection. She even dressed me, see!” Emily joked.

“Yes, I can imagine her buy you a special glass cabinet to sit on display,” Ashley agreed.

“No, my doll is not for display uses only,” Kennedy said with double meaning. The room of people laughed and Emily went bright red.

“To right she isn’t. Did you hear about her kicking Olivia’s a…” Angelina paused remembering her son was still there.

“Tyler, why don’t you go with gran to see your new cousin? If that’s alright with you?” She asked Ashley.

A minute later and the pair had gone and it was safe to continue.

Kennedy by this point had pulled Emily to a chair and seated her between her legs.

They all sat around the table drinking tea and coffee and Kennedy was made for the seventh time to tell them about the fight in the pub’s bathroom.

“Dolly has game!” Duane said with a huge grin.

“I would have loved to of seen that. That bitch drives me up the wall the way she thinks she is entitled to shit just because once upon a time her ancestors owned your estate and one of them was a mayor once,” Ashley ranted.

Phil sneered at the thought of the woman, “Yeah, if I weren’t such a gentleman I would have hit her myself before now.”

“Yes, but what about her brother?” Angelina questioned a little worried.

“You kidding me?” Duane looked at her as if she were stupid.

“That idiot has a penis with a mind of its own. He might be annoying, but the moment he sees Dolly he’d turn into the slimy lard monster he is!” Ashley finished what her husband wanted to say.

“He’s a sleaze,” Kennedy translated to Emily. “But don’t worry I’ll protect you.” Kennedy may not hit anyone much in the past, but that is only because she doesn’t like to cause trouble. But if someone were to hurt someone she loved, there would be no stopping her.


A couple of hours later and mum was back and talking about weddings. The men had all disappeared into another room and Tyler had gone with them.

“You really dressed her this morning?” Ashley remembered the statement earlier.

“And yesterday. If I didn’t she would wear the biggest baggiest thing I owned.” Pat raised an eyebrow.

“Kenny decided to pack whilst I was sleeping, dress me and put me in the car. Purposely leaving all but a couple of pairs of my jeans behind.”

“Ha! I thought I recognised that dress you are wearing,” Ashley said suddenly. “I went shopping with you to buy it only a month before you left.”

“That’s the one,” Kennedy replied smiling.

“She really is your doll,” Angelina said. “Shouldn’t you let her wear what she wants?”

Kennedy frowns, “No, because… because…” She tried to think of a reason. “Because her clothes are all too big and baggy. She likes me dressing her.” Emily shook her head playfully and Kennedy moved her head to nod it instead.

“See! She likes it.” The girls laugh, including Emily.

“And anyway, we need to go shopping to buy her a new wardrobe.” The girls eyes lit on the mention of shopping.

“Yes and we can look at wedding dresses at the same time,” Pat added excited.

“Alright. But we are choosing them, not you.”

“That’s fine.” Pat waved her hand dismissively, not really listening.

“I don’t want you to buy me things,” Emily tried to argue, but no one was really listening. Ashley heard her though and gave her a kind smile mouthing the words, “Just go with it.”

Ashley herself had been the same not wanting something for nothing. But soon learned how both stubborn and generous the family were.

Emily sighed and leaned back, letting her head rest on Kennedy’s shoulder. Kennedy looked down and smiled. ‘God, I love this girl. I can’t wait for her to be mine forever,’ She thought to herself.

“But what about seeing each others dresses?” Her mother said bringing her from thought.

“That’s okay. We’ll be all done up and stuff on the day, so it will look slightly different anyway,” Kennedy defends.

“But it’s bad…”

“Mum, you have got your way about Christmas. But I am putting my foot down with this.”

“Fine, let’s go,” Pat said standing up.

“What?” Kennedy and everyone looked confused.

“We are going shopping now. If you are only staying for a few days…”

“Mum, Ashley has just had a baby. We can’t go.”

“I can come, we’ll just take Taylor with us,” Ashley said standing up.

“That’s fine, I’ll help you get the bits together,” Pat said standing up to and leaving the room with Ashley.

Kennedy looked to Angelina and Emily, “Guess we’re going, Doll.”

Angelina chuckled, “Don’t worry, Emily, it’ll be fun.”

They all stood up from their seats and Kennedy’s phone beeped, indicating a message.

She had been doing that a lot over the last hour, but never once told Emily, who the messages were from.

“Who’s the messages from?” Angelina asked what Emily wanted too.

“Wrong number,” She replied unconvincingly, “I keep telling them, but they keep texting back.”

Angelina didn’t believe her and neither did Emily, but neither said anything.

Emily tried to convince herself it was nothing and brushed it off.


Kennedy, Emily and Angelina went in one car and Pat, Ashley and Taylor in another.

Tyler stayed behind with the men.

“Are you alright, doll? You are very quiet?”

Emily snapped out of her daze and looked to Kennedy, “I’m alright, princess. Just thinking about stuff.”

“Not bad stuff, I hope? You never have to worry about anything alone, dolly, not now you have me as your wife.”

“I know, princess,” Emily kissed the hand of Kennedy’s she was holding. “I love you.”

“I love you too, doll.”

“Awww,” They had both forgotten about Angelina until they heard her speak. “You two are the cutest,” She cooed.

“I’ve never seen you smile so much, Kenny. It is great. So are you living with mum and dad after you are married? Are you going have babies? Can you have babies?”

Kennedy laughed, “We are going to transfer here at Christmas. We will live with mum and dad for a while, I’m not sure for long term or not,” She glanced to Emily then back to the road. “But mum is already trying to get us to stay with them.”

Angelina laughed, “Sounds about right.”

“As for the baby,” Kennedy smiled at the thought, “I asked mum, she said I can still make babies. We haven’t been using protection, so who knows.”

Emily hid her face embarrassed about talking about sex with her sister.


Angelina told the girls everything what was said in the car.

“Woo,” Pat squealed like a teenage girl as they walked into the shopping centre, “The house will be full of babies in no time,” She said excited.

“Mum, we haven’t decided if we’ll stay living with you or not,” Kennedy tried to say.

“Of course you will. I saw how happy you were in the bath together.”

Emily hid her face in Kennedy’s neck and both blushed. “Mum!”

“What? There is nothing to be ashamed of, you are both beautiful. You will make gorgeous babies.”

Ashley pushed Taylor in a pram and Angelina and her laughed, “Don’t, mum, you’re embarrassing poor Emily,” Angelina told her.

Another two minutes later and the group stopped in large, expensive looking bridal bouquet.

As they walked inside, Emily heard an assistance tell another woman looking for a dress, “No, I’m sorry. The cheapest dress we sell is 2000.”

Kennedy and the others heard but didn’t seem bothered.

Soon the women were pulling out different dresses out and commenting on the designs. Emily, on the other hand, just stood back and watched.

“What’s about this for you, Doll?” Kennedy held out a beautiful white dress with a long train.

Emily chewed her lip, “I…”
“Dolly,” Kennedy said in a warning tone gaining the attention of her family.
“What’s wrong?” She closed the distance between them.

“It’s too expensive,” Emily whispered. “I am paying for it, so it’s alright,” Pat told her.
“That’s the problem. She doesn’t want us spending lots on her,” Kennedy said smiling.
“Don’t worry, she’ll be like this all day,” She told her mum looping her arms around Emily’s waist.
“She hates people spending money on her.”

“Try this on,” Angelina takes the dress her sister was holding and hands it to Emily.
“And don’t argue or we will choose your dress and buy it anyway,” She ordered ushering her out of Kennedy’s grip and into a changing room.

“Kenny, you try this on and don’t come out until we tell you, but call us when you’re dressed,” Pat ordered handing her daughter a white mermaid dress.
“But I want to see my doll too.” Her mum gave her a warning look and Kennedy huffed.

They were all busy looking at other dresses they didn’t notice her slip into Emily’s changing room.

Emily felt someone enter the room as she undressed and grab her waist.
“How about we have a quickie? I’m sure they will not miss us for five minutes.”
She chuckled, “I’m not sure…” Before she had a chance to answer Kennedy already had her member pushing inside her.

“Kenny,” She groaned quietly.
“Shh, dolly. We don’t want them walking in do we?” Kennedy teased and began nibble Emily’s neck.
“I love you so much, Kennedy, you are so sexy.” This made her chest boom with pride.

“I feel the same way about you, baby doll. I am never leaving your side,” They spoke in a hush whispered as Kennedy pump inside her.

“I want you to cum with me, doll,” She said reaching around and rubbing Emily’s nub.
“Kenny..” Emily moaned drawing out the name.
“Shh, doll. Unless you want an audience?”

She chuckled when she heard no reply, “I thought so.” She pumped faster, “I love you moaning my name though, baby doll.”
Burying her face in Emily’s neck and Emily fighting back a moan, they both felt themselves cumming.

“That’s it, just there. Oh yes. My girl, my girl,” Kennedy groaned and pumped her seed deep inside Emily as she, herself found release.

“Emily? Do you need help?” They heard the door being opened.


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